Miri Zon

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Revision as of 16:50, 21 November 2012 by (talk) (New page: Category:Star Wars SAGA Category:The Periphery Runs Category: NSC * '''Miri Zon''' Medium Zeltron Scoundrel 5 Force Points: 7 Init: +10; Perception: +10 Languages: Basic...)
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  • Miri Zon
Medium Zeltron Scoundrel 5
Force Points: 7
Init: +10; Perception: +10
Languages: Basic, Binary (understand only), Huttese 
Defenses: Ref 21 (armor +4, flat-footed 18), Fort 12, Will 12
Hp: 31; Threshold 12
Speed: 6 squares
Melee: unarmed +2
Ranged: Modified Blaster Pistol +9 (4d6: +1d6 sneak)
Base Atk: +4; Grp: +4
Atk Options: 
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 18
Talents: Sneak Attack, Art of Concealment, Hidden Weapons
Feats: Empathy, Pheromones, Armor Proficiency (light). Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons), Point Blank Shot,
Rapid Shot, Quick Draw, Close Combat Escape, Desperate Gambit
Skills: Deception +11, Initiative +10, Knowledge (Life Sciences) +11, Perception +10, Persuasion +12 (+5 to change attitude),
Stealth +11,
Possessions: (9.250 credits): Customized Combat Jumpsuit (2.500 credits), Concealed Holster (50 credits),
Modified Blaster Pistol (1.500 credits), Visual Wrist Comm (1.100 credits), Bioscanner (3.500 credits), Medkit (600 credits)