Category talk:D20 MLP
From Anu Anu RPG
Revision as of 00:26, 14 November 2012 by (talk)
Hi Huke. Hier sind die Brainstorming Sachen von dem anderen Typen und die Bilder von den Ponyfinder-Mockups:
- Kindness – Healer
- HP – d6
- Skills – 1st Level – 2 + (Int. Mod.) x4
- Every Level After – 2 + (Int. Mod.)
- Harmony Points = 3 + Wis. Mod + Lvl.
- Weapons – Basic Hoof Guards, No Armor
- Heal – 1d6/2 Lvl. 1 Harmony Point. Gained at 1st Lvl.
- Advanced Healing – Healing goes from d6 to d8.
- Area Healing – An effect added to a healing spell. Costs 1 Harmony Point to add this affect. 10 Ft. Radius.
- Ranged Heal – Can heal 1 ally within 30 ft. instead of laying on hooves. 1 Harmony Point to add this effect..
- Regeneration – 1 Harmony Point. Restores HP every Round equal to Caster’s Wis. Mod.
- Soothing Words – Calms Fear effects and anger, making others more amenable.
- Loyalty – Fighter/Physical
- HP – d10
- Weapons – Can use all Weapons and Armor.
- Skills – 1st Level – 2 + (Int. Mod.) x4
- Every Level After – 2 + (Int. Mod.)
- Harmony Points = 2 + Con. Mod
- I Don’t Want to Fight – The quickest fight is the one never started. Loyalties can end aggression with a stern look or word. 1 Harmony Point.
- Take a Hit – Can shield an ally who is adjacent to you. Make a Reflex Save for ½ Dmg.
- Hard Hitter - +2 Melee Dmg.
- Shake It Off – Damage Reduction 1/-.
- Shake It Off II – Damage Reduction 2/-. Prerequisite – Shake It Off
- Bolster – Temporarily increases HP by 2/Level. 1 Harmony Point.
- Strength Under Duress – When in a tense situation, you increase your Strength by +3. 1 Harmony Point.
- Penalties – Can’t leave friends behind in combat.
- Friendship – Mage
- HP – d4
- Skills –
- Weapons – None
- Harmony Points = 5 + Int. Mod + Lvl.
- Telekinesis At Will - Basic Telekinesis becomes easily useable with no loss of Harmony.
- Gather Power – Every Ally standing with you in battle grants +1 Harmony Point.
- Overextend Power – When in danger and defending allies, HP can be converted to Harmony Points at 2 for 1.
- Kinetic Battle – You can attack without penalty with objects you can lift with telekinesis.
- Magical Mimic – Can mimic the powers of another class. 2 Harmony Points.
- Laughter - Buffer (bonuses to allies, penalties to enemies, stuff like that)
- HP – d6
- Skills – 1st Level- 4 + (Int. Mod.) x4
- Every Level After – 4 + (Int. Mod)
- Weapons -
- Harmony Points = 3 + Cha. Mod + Lvl.
- Don’t Give Up! – Allows a Pony to keep fighting or continue physical exertion when exhausted.
- You Can Do It! – Adds a +5 Bonus to Skill Checks
- You’re Stronger Than That! – Add +2 Str. to an ally for (Cha. Mod.) Rounds
- Look Out! - +2 AC to an ally for (Cha. Mod) Rounds.
- Generosity – Artisans, Enchanters
- HP – d4
- Skills – 1st Level - 8 + (Int. Mod) x4
- Every Level After – 8 + (Int. Mod.)
- Harmony Points = 3 + Wis. Mod + Lvl
- Weapons & Armor – Basic, No Armor
- Honesty - Ranged (they have a fairly equal amount of physical, range attack, and knowledge skills, maybe they can find traps too to help fill the rogue role)
- HP – d8
- Skills –
- Weapons -
- Harmony Points – 2 + ? + Level
- Front Strike – The opposite of a Back Stab. Proof that you can be direct and still surprising.
- Trap Sense – You know when a Trap is nearby but not where exactly.
- Accurate - +2 to Melee and Thrown Weapon strikes.
- Penalties – Finds it impossible to tell lies or half truths. Omission is fine but makes you uneasy.
- Hey Leute, Anni hier. Hab mal angefangen Fluff für die Characterklassen zu schreiben (ein erster Versuch waren die Athletes). Musste mir auch ein bissechen was ausdenken (grade bei mögl. berufen), wo ich mir nich sicher war ob ihr euch das auch so gedacht habt. Wenn euch was nicht passt einfach bescheid sagen ;) Ich hör im notfall auch damit auf ;P