Mme Victoria?s Tailoring

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Item				Cost		Weight
Artisan’s outfit		1 gp		4 lb.
Cleric’s vestments		5 gp		6 lb.
Cold weather outfit		8 gp		7 lb.
Courtier’s outfit		30 gp		6 lb.
Doctor's outfit		150 gp		6 lb.
Entertainer’s outfit		3 gp		4 lb.
Explorer’s outfit		10 gp		8 lb.
Fur outfit			12 gp		5 lb.
Hot weather outfit		8 gp		4 lb.
Monk’s outfit			5 gp		2 lb.
Noble’s outfit			75 gp		10 lb.
Peasant’s outfit		1 sp		2 lb.
Pickpocket's outfit		5 gp		3 lb.
Royal outfit			200 gp		15 lb.
Scholar’s outfit		5 gp		6 lb.
Taer-away clothing		+5 gp		*
Traveler’s outfit		1 gp		5 lb.

Cloaks and Coats

Item				Cost		Weight
Armored Apron			30 gp		20 lb.
Cloak, waterproof		7 gp		3 lb.
Cloak, weighted			4 gp		4 lb.
Greatcoat			20 gp		5 lb.
Greatcoat, armored		75 gp		10 lb.
Greatcoat, camouflaged		50 gp (+30)	5 lb.
Greatcoat, rain slicked		30 gp (+10)	5 lb.
Greatcoat, reinforced		35 gp		7 lb.
Greatcoat, secret pocket	40 gp (+20)	5 lb.
Parka, bog trog			50-200 gp	2 lb.
Poncho, gobber			100 gp		1 lb.
Vest				1 sp		0,5 lb.
Vest, mechaniks			50 gp		4,5 lb.


Item				Cost		Weight
Cleats				5 gp		2 lb.
Boots				1 gp		1 lb.
Boots, mechaniks		3 gp		2 lb.
Moccasins			0,5 gp		0,5 lb.
Snowshoes			5 gp		4 lb.


Item				Cost		Weight
Bonnet				1 gp		0,5 lb.
Hat, cap			0,5 gp		0,5 lb.
Hat, bowler			2 gp        	0,5 lb.
Hat, bicorn			5 sp - 2 gp	0,5 - 1 lb.
Hat, tricorn			5 sp - 2 gp	0,5 - 1 lb.
Hat, Khadoran fur		1-5 gp		1 lb.
Hat, stovepipe			1 gp		1 lb.
Hat, wide-rimmed		1 gp		0,5 lb.
Hat, studdson			5 gp		1 lb.
Wig				5 gp - 500 gp	0,5 - 4 lb.


Item				Cost		Weight
Backpack (empty)		2 gp		2 lb.
Bandolier, ammunition		5 sp		1 lb.
Chaps				4 gp		6 lb.
Goggles				4 gp		1 lb.
Holster				4 gp		0,5 lb.
Holster, wrist-loader		30 gp		1 lb.
Pouch, ammunition		2 gp		0,5 lb.
Pouch, belt			1 gp		0,5 lb.1
Scarf				1 sp - 5 gp 	0,5 lb.
Scarf, pocketed			8 gp		0,5 lb.
Scarf, reinforced		10 gp		1 lb.
Silk Stockings			1 gp		0,1 lb.
Slip dagger harness		15 gp		-

All characters begin play with one outfit, valued at 10 gp or less. Additional outfits can be purchased normally.

  • Clothing, Artisan's Outfit

This outfit includes a shirt with buttons, a skirt or pants with a drawstring, shoes, and perhaps a cap or hat. It may also include a belt or a leather or cloth apron for carrying tools.

  • Clothing, Cleric's Vestments

These clothes are for performing priestly functions, not for adventuring. Cleric's vestments typically include a cassock, stole, and surplice.

  • Clothing, Cold-Weather Outfit

This outfit includes a wool coat, linen shirt, wool cap, heavy cloak, thick pants or skirt, and boots. This outfit grants a +5 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saving throws against exposure to cold weather.

  • Clothing, Courtier's Outfit

This outfit includes fancy, tailored clothes in whatever fashion happens to be the current style in the courts of the nobles. Anyone trying to influence nobles or courtiers while wearing street dress will have a hard time of it (–2 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks to influence such individuals). If you wear this outfit without jewelry (costing an additional 50 gp), you look like an out-of-place commoner.

  • Clothing, Doctor's Outfit

Any creature wearing this outfit gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves made to resist contact diseases.

  • Clothing, Entertainer's Outfit

This set of flashy—perhaps even gaudy—clothes is for entertaining. While the outfit looks whimsical, its practical design lets you tumble, dance, walk a tightrope, or just run (if the audience turns ugly).

  • Clothing, Explorer's Outfit

This set of clothes is for someone who never knows what to expect. It includes sturdy boots, leather breeches or a skirt, a belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), gloves, and a cloak. Rather than a leather skirt, a leather overtunic may be worn over a cloth skirt. The clothes have plenty of pockets (especially the cloak). The outfit also includes any extra accessories you might need, such as a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat.

  • Clothing, Footwear, Cleats

Useful on any terrain where traction may be a concern, cleats are shoes with spikes or hooks attached to the soles. Cleats reduce the penalty for walking over slick surfaces by 50%; for example, walking across ice normally costs 2 squares for every square of movement, but with cleats it costs only 1.5 squares for every square. Cleats cause damage to any type of finished flooring.

  • Clothing, Footwear, Snowshoes

These high-tension nets of rope or sinew in wooden frames which are lashed to the feet spread your weight across the snow, making you much less likely to break through the crust and rendering walking much easier. Snowshoes reduce the penalty for walking through heavy snow by 50%; for example, if moving through snow normally costs you 2 squares of movement per square traveled, snowshoes reduce this cost to 1.5 squares per square traveled.

  • Clothing, Furs

The most basic of cold-weather gear, animal furs serve to keep their wearers warm. Wearing enough fur to cover the body provides a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist cold weather. This does not stack with any bonuses gained from the Survival skill.

  • Clothing, Hats

Hats of various styles appear in all cultures. Ranging from the turban to the headscarf to the tricorn to the furred cap, a hat can be a simple covering for the head or a sign of rank and status. Particular hats are sometimes mandatory for social or religious sects. Pirates often wear bandanas or tricorn hats, while captains prefer bicornes and may wear them either “fore-and-aft” (with the points in front of and behind them) or “athwart” (sideways).

  • Clothing, Hot Weather Outfit

Covering your body from head to foot in light, airy cloth keeps you cooler than baring your skin to the sun. This outfit typically consists of a loose linen robe and either a turban or loose head covering and veil. The outfit provides a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist warm or hot weather. This does not stack with any bonuses gained from the Survival skill.

  • Clothing, Mask

The gala events of decadent Taldor are where one may see the most outlandish and stylish of masks, but simpler masks may be found wherever local customs permit. They range from small bits of fabric that cover only a portion of the face to elaborate constructions that cover the entire face or head.

  • Clothing, Monk's Outfit

This simple outfit includes sandals, loose breeches, and a loose shirt, and is bound together with sashes. The outfit is designed to give you maximum mobility, and it's made of high-quality fabric. You can conceal small weapons in pockets hidden in the folds, and the sashes are strong enough to serve as short ropes.

  • Clothing, Noble's Outfit

These clothes are designed specifically to be expensive and gaudy. Precious metals and gems are worked into the clothing. A would-be noble also needs a signet ring and jewelry (worth at least 100 gp) to accessorize this outfit.

  • Clothing, Peasant's Outfit

This set of clothes consists of a loose shirt and baggy breeches, or a loose shirt and skirt or overdress. Cloth wrappings are used for shoes.

  • Clothing, Pickpocket's Outfit

Outfitted with concealed pockets, this clothing gives you a +2 bonus on hiding small objects on your person.

  • Clothing, Royal Outfit

This is just the clothing, not the royal scepter, crown, ring, and other accoutrements. Royal clothes are ostentatious, with gems, gold, silk, and fur in abundance.

  • Clothing, Scarf

Well known as entertainers with a flair for the dramatic, Varisians often employ seductive garb and entrancing props in their performances. Scarves of colorful cloth or transparent silk, often embroidered with elaborate scenes, are favorite accessories.

  • Clothing, Scarf, Pocketed

An elaborate design disguises several small pockets on one side of this scarf. This scarf grants you a +4 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to hide objects on your body. This bonus does not stack with the bonus wearing heavy clothing provides but does stack with bonuses for attempting to hide small objects.

  • Clothing, Scarf, Reinforced

One side of this 8-foot-long scarf is reinforced with chain links and metal plates. While not enough to provide a benefit to Armor Class, these versatile scarves can be used like a length of chain to climb short distances or bind an enemy. A reinforced scarf has hardness 10 and 4 hit points. It can be burst with a DC 24 Strength check.

  • Clothing, Scholar's Outfit

Perfect for a scholar, this outfit includes a robe, a belt, a cap, soft shoes, and possibly a cloak.

  • Clothing, Tear-Away Clothing

Sneaks and thieves throughout Golarion know the value of a good disguise. The ability to remove that disguise in a hurry, thus revealing the next layer of disguise, is nearly as valuable. Tear-away clothing is generally loose fitting and long to allow another layer of clothing to be worn underneath. The seams and catches on this clothing are designed to break easily, making it a simple matter (a standard action) to remove these items and walk away with none the wiser.

  • Clothing, Traveler's Outfit

This set of clothes consists of boots, a wool skirt or breeches, a sturdy belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), and an ample cloak with a hood.

  • Clothing, Vest

Much like hats, vests appear in almost all cultures. Though the basic design remains the same, they vary wildly in cut, color, and function.