Rancher's Market

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Revision as of 18:15, 27 May 2012 by (talk) (New page: Category:Iron Kingdoms ==Animals and Related Gear== ===Farm Animals=== Item Cost Weight Chicken 1 gp * Cow 10 gp * Dog, guard 25 gp * Donkey or mule 8 gp * Ox 30 gp *...)
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Animals and Related Gear

Farm Animals

Item			Cost	Weight
Chicken		1 gp	*
Cow			10 gp	*
Dog, guard		25 gp	*
Donkey or mule		8 gp	*
Ox			30 gp	*
Pig			5 gp	*

Riding Animals

Item			Cost	Weight
Coursor (Racing Horse)	x2	*
Horse, exceptional	+150 gp	*	(increase one Attribute by 2, or gain one Steed Feat)
Horse, heavy		200 gp	*	(Midlunder, Khard)
Horse, light		75 gp	*	(Caspian, Idrian Bronco, Khossite, Tordoran)
Filly or Mare		x0,5	*
Palfrey (Trick Horse)	x2	*
Pony			30 gp	*
Warhorse		x3	*
Warpony, Rhulic 	100 gp	*


Item			Cost	Weight
Military		20 gp	30 lb.
Military, Exotic	60 gp	40 lb.
Pack			5 gp	15 lb.
Pack, Exotic		15 gp	20 lb.
Riding			10 gp	25 lb.
Riding, Exotic		30 gp	30 lb.


Item			Cost	Weight
Medium creature		x2	x1
Horse			x3	x1
Large creature		x4	x2


Item			Cost	Weight
Bit and bridle		2 gp	1 lb.
Saddlebags		4 gp	8 lb.

Goods & Services

Item			Cost	Weight
Feed (per day)		5 cp	10 lb.
Stabling (per day)	5 sp	—

Horse Templates

Regional Templates

  • Caspian
  • Idrian Bronco
  • Khard
  • Kossite
  • Midlunder
  • Tordoran

Other Templates

  • Coursor
  • Filly
  • Mare
  • Palfrey
  • Warhorse

Steed Feats

Fearless [Battle] Benefit: This steed is not spooked by loud noises, fire, the smell of blood or other battle hazards. It suffers no penalties to its actions on the battlefield for unusual circumstances of this nature. Additionally, it is immune to Fear effects.

Fight in Harness [Battle] Benefit: Despite the dangers of fighting while harnessed to a chariot, wagon, or cart, sometimes a steed must defend itself on the battlefield or from natural predators under such circumstances. With this Feat, the steed takes no negative penalties for fighting in a harness. Normal: An animal attempting to fight in a harness without this Feat suffers a -4 penalty to all attack rolls, loses its Dexterity Bonus, and must make a Reflex Save each round it attempts to fight. Failure causes its to take Id6 points of damage in addition to any harm done it by its attacker.

Lead Change [Dressage] Prerequisites: Dexterity 14+, Sure-Footed Benefit: The flying lead change is an intricate movement performed while the horse is in full motion. When done every stride it looks like the horse is skipping, leaping from one place to another on shifting ground and seeking purchase. This Feat is used to avoid treacherous terrain, adjusting the horses’ stride as it runs in order to seek solid ground amid dangerous obstacles. Steeds using this Feat ignore any penalties for rough or dangerous terrain.

Great Leap [General] Benefit: The horse has a +4 Bonus to all Jump checks, and che ability to Take 10 whenever jumping mundane obstacles.

Half Pass [Dressage] Prerequisites: Dexterity 15 + Benefit: The half pass is a dressage movement and is very acrobatic in nature. With this Feat, the steed is capable of a sudden shift sideways while continuing forward in an open trot or canter. This sudden shift is unpredictable and can allow the animal to avoid blows. The steed and its rider receive a +4 Dodge Bonus to Armor class caused by Attacks of Opportunity. Circumstances which make the steed lose its Dexterity Bonus to Armor Class (if any) also cost it this Dodge Bonus.

Heavy Burden [General] Benefit: This animal is used to the burdens of life and has been trained to bear them with as little trouble as possible. A steed with this Feat understands how to economize its movements and use its stamina most effectively, even on long trips or when overburdened. The steed can carry half again its normal burden without penalty.

Improved Charge [Battle] Benefit: The horse does not suffer a penalty to its Armor Class for charging. It and its rider may both attack from the same charge.

Increased Stamina [General] Benefit: When the horse takes this Feat, it can ride up to two hours longer per day without suffering any negative effects. This Feat can be taken twice. Its effects are cumulative.

Massive Blow [Battle] Prerequisites: Improved Charge Benefit: By hurling its entire body upon its attacker, the mount is able to knock its opponent off guard, pushing the target back with incredible force as per a Bull Rush. This attack does not require a charge but does count as a Full Attack Action. When the steed performs a Massive Blow, it does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity from the defender, and it may push the target back IO feet rather than 5 .

Pirouette [Dressage] Prerequisites: Half Pass Benefit: The dangerous and difficult pirouette is a complete 360-degree turn in a steed’s canter, altering the course of its direction without losing any of its speed or impact. If the steed possesses this Feat, its charge does not have to be in a straight line, so long as it covers the requisite distance.

Rear Kick [Battle] Benefit: If the steed is stationary, it can kick with its hind feet, making a single attack at +I to hit. This kick deals 2d8 + the Strength Bonus of the animal in damage. The target of a successful rear Kick must make a Fort Save at DC 15 + the Strength Bonus of the steed or be knocked back 5 feet.

  • SRD Feats Available to Steeds

This list indicates which Feats from the standard game steeds may choose an their classification.

    • Alertness [General]
    • Dodge [General]
    • Endurance [General]
    • Great Fortitude [General]
    • Improved Initiative [General]
    • Iron Will [General]
    • Lightning Reflexes [General]
    • Mobility [General]
    • Run [General]
    • Toughness [General]