Mazes & Mares Handout

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Mazes & Mares Handout


Woody Lumber / Earthpony / Ranger / Loyality

Attributes & Skills
Ability Scores SkillsValue
Animal Handling5
  • Surehoofed: Your speed is not reduced by difficult terrain.
  • Expert Tracker: You take no penalty on Survival checks made to follow tracks while moving your normal speed. (Without this talent, you take a -5 penalty on Survival checks made to follow tracks while moving your normal speed.)
  • Harm's Way: Once per round, you may spend a swift action to shield a single ally in 5 foot range from attacks, taking the damage and suffering the ill effects in your ally's stead. Until the start of your next turn, any attack made against the protected ally affects you instead. You may elect not to shield your protected ally against a given attack, provided the decision is made before the attack roll is made.
  • Go into the Blow: If you are using "Harm's Way" to take the blow in your ally's stead, your Condition Track is moving one less step as it would normally be by the strength of the attack. In addition, if the Condition Track still be moving down due to the power of the blow, you gain one Harmony Point.
  • Pony Companion:The pony gains an affinity to animals, granting the pony an animal companion. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the popny on her adventures as appropriate for its kind. Woodys Animal Compainon is a Raccoon with the Name Ginger

Special: Should the animal be lost or perish, the pony will suffer a persistent mental condition loss for one month.

  • Skill Focus: Initiative: Woddy gain a +5 competence bonus on Initiative.



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