Talk:MLP Talents

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{mir gehts wenniger um den tree an sich, aber ein paar teile davon wirken gut als komponenten für eigene trees. chris} You are a skilled manipulator and have mastered the art of working behind the scenes to accomplish your goals. Flash and spectacle are inferior tools, only suitable for those without your unique talents.

  • Master Manipulator: You are a master of making things happen the way you want them to. You can use each of the following actions once per

encounter as a swift action on your turn:

    • Demand Recovery: Select one ally within 5 squares and in your line of sight. That ally moves +5 steps on the condition track and gains a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls and skill checks until the end of your next turn.
    • Exceptional Control: Roll a d20 and note the result. Once before the end of the encounter, as a reaction you can replace the result of any enemy's or ally's d20 roll with the result you rolled for this ability. The enemy or ally must be within your line of sight.
    • Word of Warning: Select one ally within 5 squares and in your line of sight. Once before the end of the encounter, as a reaction to that ally having any defense score targeted by a skill check or an attack, you can replace that ally's defense score with your same defense score until the attack or skill check is resolved.
Prerequisite: Advanced Planning, Get into Position.
  • Retaliation: Whenever you move down the condition track as a result of taking damage that equals or exceeds your damage threshold, the next time you hit and damage a creature with a melee or a ranged attack before the end of your next turn, you automatically move the target -1 step on the condition track.
Prerequisite: Advanced Planning.


{vielleicht zeug für'n guard dabei... chris} The fo llowing new talents belong to the Brawler talent tree (see page 52 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl. which is available to members of the soldier class. Any character who can choose talents from the Brawler talent tree can choose these talents as well.

  • Crowd Control: You can grab two adjacent creatures at a time.
Prerequisite: Entangler.
  • Disarm and Engage: When you successfully disarm an opponent, you can make an immediate free attack with the disarmed weapon at a -5 penalty. If you are not proficient with the weapon, you take the penalty for non proficiency as well.
  • Entangler: When grabbing a target, you take a -2 penalty to your attack roll (instead of the normal -5 penalty). Until the target breaks the grab, it takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls, including those made with natural and light weapons (instead of the normal -2 penalty).
  • Reverse Strength: You know how to use an opponent's strength against it. Whenever you successfully grapple an opponent, you deal damage equal

to the opponent's Strength modifier (minimum 1 point).


{...auch guard. chris} The following new talents belong to the Commando talent tree (see page 52 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl. which is available to members of the soldier class. Any character who can choose talents from the Commando talent tree can choose these talents as well.

  • Dedicated Guardian: You can use each of the following actions once per encounter:
    • Blast Shield: Spend a swift action. Until the end of your next turn, the ally who is under the effects of your Coverage talent is treated as having the Evasion talent for the purposes of determining damage from an area attack. If the ally already has Evasion, the damage from a successful area attack is reduced by 1 die.
    • Take the Pain: Whenever your Coverage target would move down the condition track, you can, as a reaction, choose to move the same number of steps down the condition track instead (preventing the ally from moving down the track).

Einzelne Stücke

  • Skillful Recovery: When you select this talent, choose one skill. Whenever you fail a skill check with that skill, you gain one temporary Harmony Point. That Harmony Point can only be spent to add to a skill check with the skill you chose for this talent. If the Harmony Point is not spent by the end of the encounter, it is lost. For the purposes of this talent, failing a skill check means failing to get the minimum possible result from the skill check. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different skill to gain the benefits of this talent.
Prerequisite: Trained in the chosen skill.
  • Contingency Plan: Once per encounter, if you fail an attack roll, a skill check, or the use of a talent that requires an opposed check, you can move your speed as a reaction.
  • Willpower: You can share your strength of will with your allies. Once per encounter as a swift action, you can grant all allies within line of sight a +2 morale bonus to their Will Defense. This bonus lasts for the remainder of the encounter, and once it is granted your allies need not remain within line of sight with you to retain this bonus. You may not use this talent on yo urse lf.
Prerequisites: Inspire Confidence.
  • Instruction: Once per encounter, as a standard action, you can boost the competence of one of your allies within 6 squares. That individual gains the ability to make a single skill check using your skill modifier (except Use the Force); this skill check must be made before the end of the encounter, or the benefit is lost. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you gain one additional use of this talent per encounter.
  • Idealist: Your confidence empowers you, giving you the ability to withstand the harmful influence of others. You can add your Charisma bonus in place of your Wisdom bonus to your Will Defense.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
  • Lead by Example: Your bravery and skill inspires others to follow your lead. Once per encounter, when you successfully deal damage to an enemy, you can choose to grant all allies a + 1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls and + 1 die of damage on non-area attacks against that target for the remainder of the encounter.
  • Acrobatic Ally (Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Strength 13): You move an ally around with ease and accuracy by giving him or her a leg up or a helpful toss. You can hoist or toss an ally of your size or smaller up to 2 squares. You and your ally must act on the same initiative number and start in adjacent squares. If you succeed on a DC 20 Acrobatics check as a standard action, your ally ends up in a sq uare of your choosing up to 2 squares above or away from you. This counts as a free action for your ally and ends your turn . Your ally can then continue his or her turn. If you fail your check, both you and your ally immediately become prone in your square. Your turn is ended, but your ally can take his or her turn normally. This can provoke attacks of opportunity against either character.