From Anu Anu RPG
Revision as of 04:32, 13 December 2011 by Nomad (talk | contribs) (New page: Category:WoDMtH Category:Equipment * Costume (Power Item • to •••••) :Dur: 2, Siz: character’s Size-1, SL: Dur+Siz Effect: '''Component''' '''Effect''' Armored ...)
- Costume (Power Item • to •••••)
- Dur: 2, Siz: character’s Size-1, SL: Dur+Siz
Component Effect Armored • to •• +1/+1 Armor and +1 Dur per dot Bulletproof • +1/+0 Armor, +1 Dur, Bulletproof quality Camouflaged • to ••• +1 to +3 bonus to Stealth rolls in designated terrain (aerial, desert, snow, urban, virtual or woodland) Caped • +1 bonus to Athletics rolls when balancing, falling, flying Feral • +2 bonus to Expression or Animal Ken rolls against non-Supers Insulated • to ••• Protects against environmental penalties or damage from extreme cold, heat, electricity, radiation, sound, or toxic substances (choose one); +1 Dur Inspiring • +2 bonus to Expression or Persuasion rolls against non-Supers Intimidating • +2 bonus to Expression or Intimidation rolls against non-Supers Masked -, or • (-) Domino Mask: -1 penalty to recognize character only; Full Mask: as •, but -1 pen to social rolls for no facial expression, (•) -2 penalty to recognize character; no automated facial recognition. Mysterious • +2 bonus to Expression or Subterfuge rolls against non-Supers Padded • +0/+1 Armor, doubles against B damage Sexy • +2 bonus to Expression or Socialize rolls against appropriate gender Shifting •• Costume able to change appearance at will once per scene, or more often with expenditure of one Verve per scene Smart •• Contains sensors for specific substances, radiation, or electrical transmissions and can relay their existence and concentration in immediate vincinitiy to wearer Symbiotic •• Reduces Verve regain by one; may have own three-dot rank 1 power, or four dot Merit Tranquets • Medicine roll +2 automatically stabilizes character when bleeding to death (Health track full with L dmg) Unstable Mole. •• Changes shape or size with character; highly resistant to elemental- or energy emissions from character Utility Pockets • Costume provides five extra pockets for gadgets and gear of Size 1 or less. Weatherproof • Costume lets character ignore up to -2 environmental penalties or 1 damage from weather or extreme temperatures. Ridiculous -• -1 penalty to social rolls; cancels Feral, Inspiring, Intimidating, Mysterious, or Sexy quality. Unhandy -• Additional -1 movement penalty