MLP Feats

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General Feats

  • Best Friends Forever: The pony gains a +1 morale bonus on attacks and skill checks made while within 15 feet of a specific ally, chosen when this feat is taken. You can buy this feat multiple times an its effect stacks per additional ally, up to a maximum +3 morale bonus.
  • Dashing Strike: The pony gains +1 to attack and damage for every 20 feet traveled in the same round that an attack is made.
  • Pony Friend (Ex): The pony gains an affinity to animals, granting the pony an animal companion. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the popny on her adventures as appropriate for its kind. The animal companion selected from the following list: Bat, Beaver, Cat, Dog, Duck, Ferret, Flamingo, Frog, Hedgehog, Mouse, Rabbit, owl, Raccoon, Skunk, Songbird, Squid, Squirrel, Turtle.
  • Sweet Pony Talker: +1/2 character levels luck bonus to diplomacy checks made against other ponies (including unicorns and pegasi).

Bloodline Feats

  • Apple Family: (Requirements: Earth Pony)
  • Dark Pony: (Requirements: )
  • Hay Family: (Requirements: Earth-, or Unicorn Pony)

Generosity Feats

Honesty Feats

Kindness Feats

Laughter Feats

Loyalty Feats

Magic Feats

Earth Pony Feats

Pegasus Pony Feats

Unicorn Pony Feats