MLP Talents

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Class Talent Trees


  • Artistry -
  • Function -
  • Jury-Rig -


  • Endurance -
  • Agility -
  • Teamsport -


  • Jack of all Trades -
  • Professional -
  • Socialite -


  • Etiquette -
  • Leadership -
  • Negotiation -


  • Inspiration -
  • Performance -
  • Presence -


  • Armor -
    • Armored Defense : When calculating your Reflex Defense, you may add either your heroic level or your armor bonus, whichever is higher. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
    • Armor Mastery (Prerequisite Armored Defense): max Dex bonus is +1
    • Improved Armored Defense (Prerequisite Armored Defense): When calculating your Reflex Defense, you may add your heroic level plus one-half your armor bonus (rounded down) or your armor bonus, whichever is higher. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
    • Juggernaut (Prerequisite Armored Defense): Your armor does not reduce your speed or the distance you can move while running. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
    • Second Skin (Prerequisite Armored Defense): When wearing armor with which you are proficient, your armor bonus to your Reflex Defense and equipment bonus to your Fortitude Defense increase by + 1.
  • Authority - Sometimes somepony has to learn his place.
    • Presence of Authority: You can make a Persuasion check to intimidate a creature as a standard action (instead of a full-round action).
    • Demand Surrender (Prerequisite Presence of Authority): Once per encounter, you can make a Persuasion check as a standa rd action to demand surrender from an opponent who has been reduced to one-half or less of its hit points. If your check result equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, it surrenders to you and your allies, drops any weapons it is holding, and takes no hostile actions. If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense. If you or any of your allies attack it, it no longer submits to your will and can act normally. You can only use this talent against a particular target once per encounter. This is a mind-affecting effect.
    • Voice of Power (Prerequisite Presence of Authority): Once per scene, make a Persuation check to inimidate one creature within line of sight as a standard action. On a success, instead of the normal effect of an intimidate application of the Persuation skill, the affected creature can take only a single swift action on its next turn. If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 Will Bonus against the skill check.
    • Untouchable Authority(Prerequisite Presence of Authority): Once per encounter, as a reaction, you can make a Persuation check to intimidate one creature that has made a melee, magic or rangeed attack against you if that creature is within line of sight. If you succeed, you impose a -5 penality to that attack roll. If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Deffense against the Intimidating Defense.
    • Force of Equestria(Prerequisite Presence of Authority): Once per round, when you deal damage equal to or greater than the target's damage threshold, make a Persuasion check as a free action; if the result equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, you fill the target with terror, causing it to flee from you at top speed for 1 minute. The target can't take standard actions, swift actions, or full-round actions while fleeing, and the target stops fleeing and can act normally if it is wounded. As a free action or reaction, the target can spend a Harmony Point (if it has not already spent one earlier in the round) to negate the effect. The effect is automatically negated if the target's level is equal to or higher than your character level.
    • Great Force of Equestria(Prerequisite Force of Equestria): As "Force of Equestria" except that the target doesn't stop fleeing from you if it is wounded.
  • Sentinel -


  • Farmer -
  • Herder -
  • Scout -


  • Healer -
  • Organizer -
  • Researcher -


  • Evasive -
  • Fortune -
  • Trickster -

Racial Talent Trees

Earth Pony


  • Flying -


  • Low Magic - Even Starswirrl the bearded had once start low.

Sea Pony


  • Overrun - Fear the Buffalo Herd's hooves...
    • Power Attack
    • Mounted Combat
    • Improved Bull Rush
    • Trample
    • Stampede

Element Talent Trees


  • Enchantment -
  • Endowment -


  • Empathy -
  • Fortitude -


  • Providence -
  • Vindicator - Protecting of friends


  • Jester -
  • Strawberry - Cake or Anvil; maybe something blue ?


  • Confidence -
  • Attentiveness -


  • Friendship -
  • Low Magic - Somtimes even the Earthponies found their way tho Magic.
  • High Magic - The real thing not the puny one. Unicorn only

Other Talent Trees

  • Alchemy -
  • Charioteer - Professional cart and chariot stuff.
  • Dark Magic - Dark Pony magic.