Woody Lumber

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Name: Woody Lumber                        Hit Points: 14
Level: 2 (3)                              AC: 11
Race: Earth Pony                          BaB: +2
Class: (2) Dedicated Hero
Str:   12      Int:  14                   Fort: 4     
Dex:   12      Wis:  14                   Ref:  1
Con:   14      Cha:  14                   Will: 4
Skills:                        Feats
Gamble:             7          Track: [1]
Heal:               7          Alertness: +2 bonus on all Listen checks and Spot checks.
Investigate:        7          Pony Companion: Ginger the Raccoon
Knowledge(Nature):  7                
Knowledge(Local):   5          Talents
Listen:            11          Aware: The Dedicated hero is intuitively aware of his or her surroundings.
Sense Motive:       7          The hero adds his or her base Will saving throw bonus 
Spot:              11          to Listen or Spot checks to avoid surprise. 
Survival:           7