Category talk:D20 MLP
From Anu Anu RPG
Revision as of 16:50, 6 November 2011 by Nomad (talk | contribs) (New page: Hi Huke. Hier sind die Brainstorming Sachen von dem anderen Typen und die Bilder von den Ponyfinder-Mockups: Image:PonyfinderEarthPony.jpg Image:PonyfinderPegasus.jpg [[Image:Pony...)
Hi Huke. Hier sind die Brainstorming Sachen von dem anderen Typen und die Bilder von den Ponyfinder-Mockups:
- Kindness – Healer
- HP – d6
- Skills – 1st Level – 2 + (Int. Mod.) x4
- Every Level After – 2 + (Int. Mod.)
- Harmony Points = 3 + Wis. Mod + Lvl.
- Weapons – Basic Hoof Guards, No Armor
- Heal – 1d6/2 Lvl. 1 Harmony Point. Gained at 1st Lvl.
- Advanced Healing – Healing goes from d6 to d8.
- Area Healing – An effect added to a healing spell. Costs 1 Harmony Point to add this affect. 10 Ft. Radius.
- Ranged Heal – Can heal 1 ally within 30 ft. instead of laying on hooves. 1 Harmony Point to add this effect..
- Regeneration – 1 Harmony Point. Restores HP every Round equal to Caster’s Wis. Mod.
- Soothing Words – Calms Fear effects and anger, making others more amenable.
- Loyalty – Fighter/Physical
- HP – d10
- Weapons – Can use all Weapons and Armor.
- Skills – 1st Level – 2 + (Int. Mod.) x4
- Every Level After – 2 + (Int. Mod.)
- Harmony Points = 2 + Con. Mod
- I Don’t Want to Fight – The quickest fight is the one never started. Loyalties can end aggression with a stern look or word. 1 Harmony Point.
- Take a Hit – Can shield an ally who is adjacent to you. Make a Reflex Save for ½ Dmg.
- Hard Hitter - +2 Melee Dmg.
- Shake It Off – Damage Reduction 1/-.
- Shake It Off II – Damage Reduction 2/-. Prerequisite – Shake It Off
- Bolster – Temporarily increases HP by 2/Level. 1 Harmony Point.
- Strength Under Duress – When in a tense situation, you increase your Strength by +3. 1 Harmony Point.
- Penalties – Can’t leave friends behind in combat.
- Friendship – Mage
- HP – d4
- Skills –
- Weapons – None
- Harmony Points = 5 + Int. Mod + Lvl.
- Telekinesis At Will - Basic Telekinesis becomes easily useable with no loss of Harmony.
- Gather Power – Every Ally standing with you in battle grants +1 Harmony Point.
- Overextend Power – When in danger and defending allies, HP can be converted to Harmony Points at 2 for 1.
- Kinetic Battle – You can attack without penalty with objects you can lift with telekinesis.
- Magical Mimic – Can mimic the powers of another class. 2 Harmony Points.
- Laughter - Buffer (bonuses to allies, penalties to enemies, stuff like that)
- HP – d6
- Skills – 1st Level- 4 + (Int. Mod.) x4
- Every Level After – 4 + (Int. Mod)
- Weapons -
- Harmony Points = 3 + Cha. Mod + Lvl.
- Don’t Give Up! – Allows a Pony to keep fighting or continue physical exertion when exhausted.
- You Can Do It! – Adds a +5 Bonus to Skill Checks
- You’re Stronger Than That! – Add +2 Str. to an ally for (Cha. Mod.) Rounds
- Look Out! - +2 AC to an ally for (Cha. Mod) Rounds.
- Generosity – Artisans, Enchanters
- HP – d4
- Skills – 1st Level - 8 + (Int. Mod) x4
- Every Level After – 8 + (Int. Mod.)
- Harmony Points = 3 + Wis. Mod + Lvl
- Weapons & Armor – Basic, No Armor
- Honesty - Ranged (they have a fairly equal amount of physical, range attack, and knowledge skills, maybe they can find traps too to help fill the rogue role)
- HP – d8
- Skills –
- Weapons -
- Harmony Points – 2 + ? + Level
- Front Strike – The opposite of a Back Stab. Proof that you can be direct and still surprising.
- Trap Sense – You know when a Trap is nearby but not where exactly.
- Accurate - +2 to Melee and Thrown Weapon strikes.
- Penalties – Finds it impossible to tell lies or half truths. Omission is fine but makes you uneasy.