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Sidereal Secrets, Head of the Convention of Forgotten Gods, Member of the Convention on Deathlords, Honory Member of the Convention on Wyld Platinum Danton, Spieler: Deichman


Physical Social Mental
Str: 3 Cha: 2 Per: 5
Dex: 5 Man: 3 Int: 4
Sta: 2 App: 3 Wit: 2
Air Earth Fire
Linguistics: *5 Awareness: 2 Athletics: +3(Jump 3)
Lore: *5 Craft: 0 Dodge: +5(Ranged 3)
Occult: *5(Fate) Integrity: 2 Melee: 1
Stealth: *5 Resistance: 1 Presence: 1
Thrown: *5 War: 2(Ranged 3) Socialize: 2
Water Wood Craft
Bureaucracy: 0 Archery: 1 CraftAir: 1
Investigation: 0 Medicin: 0 CraftEarth: 0
Larceny: 0 Performance: +5(Turn Table 3) CraftFire: 0
Martial Arts: +5(Ranged 3) Ride: 5(Flying 3) CraftWater: 0
Sail: 0 Survival: 0 CraftWood: 0
More Craft
CraftMagetech: 0 CraftGenesis: 0 CraftShaping: 0
Backgrounds Mertis&Flaws Arts&Sciences
Breeding 5 High Realm Astrology
Artefact 2: Infinite Chakram "Ultimate Scratching Device" S4A0D4LR4R50A5 Low Realm Compile Chart
Artefact 2: Jade Heartstone Bracers (Speed -1, DDV+3, A4) Old Realm Reactive Planning
Connection 2: Academy of Sorcery Northern Tongue Brighter Star
Connection 2:The Magistracy Sea Tounge Greater divination
Air Manse 3 (Whitehand) Flame Tounge
Artefact 1: Breast Plate 4B/6L A2
Other Traits
Willpower Health Essence
9 1*0/2*-1/2*-2/1*-4/1*Inc./2*Dying 4
Compassion: 4 Temperance: 1 Personal: 18
Conviction: 5 Valor: 2 Peripheral: 32:43-(5+4+2)
Combat Pools
Form Atk (S/A/D/R) DV/PV/Soak (B/L/A)
Core 5/13:5+5+3/1B/- 6,5(8)/6,5/2B/0L
Punch 5/14:5+5+3+1/3+0B/3 8/6/2B/0L
Kick 5/13:5+5+3+0/3+3B/2 8/5/2B/0L
Clinch 6/12:5+5+3-1/3+0B/1 -/-/2B/0L


Name Cost Mins Type Keywords Duration Prerequisite
1. Occult EXCELLENCY 1m/2d Instant Excel. Keywords Effect {{{7}}}
===Dragon Blooded Linguistics Charms===
POISONED TONGUE TECHNIQUE 2m, 1wp S3,E3 Simple(5?) Combo-OK, Social Concentration Any Linguistics EXCELLENCY
Alter Conversation (Roll(Man+Ling), Opponent Roll(Per+Wit) Diff E) over max(E*30)m