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Revision as of 16:37, 23 November 2010 by (talk) (New page: Category:Iron Kingdoms Category:NPC ==Ambernir, Schrottplatz-Zwerg== :Level: 6 XP: 18.000 :Alignement: Lawful Neutral :Race: Dwarf :Class: Expert (Mechanik) Lvl 4 :Class: Arcan...)
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Ambernir, Schrottplatz-Zwerg[edit]

Level: 6 XP: 18.000
Alignement: Lawful Neutral
Race: Dwarf
Class: Expert (Mechanik) Lvl 4
Class: Arcane Mechanik Lvl 2
STR	13	+1		INT	18	+4
DEX	10	0		WIS	12	+1
CON	18	+4		CHA	8	-1
  • Skills (6+Int)
x Appraise		*(Int) 4 + 4 + 2 = 	10
x Climb		*(Str) 1 + 4 + = 	5
x Craft [Blacksmithing]*(Int) 4 + 9 + 2 =	15
x Craft [Clockworks]	*(Int) 4 + 9 + 6 = 	19
x Craft [Mechanika]	*(Int) 4 + 9 + 9 = 	22	
  Diplomacy		*(Cha) -1 + 4 + = 	3
x Disable Device	 (Int) 4 + 6 + = 	10
x Jack Handling	 (Cha) -1 + 7 + 2 =	8
x Knowledge [Arcana]	 (Int) 4 + 6 + = 	10
x Knowledge [Metallur.] (Int) 4 + 8 + 2 =	14
x Knowledge [Mechan.]	 (Int) 4 + 6 + 2 =	12
x Profession (Mechan.)	 (Wis) 4 + 5 + = 	9
x Search		*(Int) 4 + 6 + 2 = 	12
x Sense Motive		*(Wis) 1 + 4 + = 	5
  Spellcraft		 (Int) 4 + 4 + =	8
x Spot			*(Wis) 1 + 7 +  = 	8


Hit Points (45):

Armor Dex Size Misc

Armor Class:  = 13 + 	2 + 	0 +	1 +	
Fort Save:	5 = 1 + 4 + 
Ref Save:	1 = 1 + 0 + 
Will Save:	4 = 4 + 0 + 
Base Attack: +3	Speed: 30	Initiative: 2
Melee Att: 	4 = (Str) 3 + 1 + 
Ranged Att: 	3 = (Dex) 3 + 0 + 
Grapple Att: 	4 = (Str) 3 + 1 + 


- Racial Bonus to resist poison + spells
- Darkvision
- Oathbound
- Stability
- Stonecunning 

- Proficiency Light Armor
- Proficiency Simple Weapons
- Mechanical Aptitude
- Calloused Hands (use bare hands as tools)
- Skill Focus (Craft [Clockwork])
- Scrounging (reduce build/repair cost 25%)
- Salvage Mechanika (Parts 50% item cost)
- Craft Wonderous Item

- Scribe Scroll
- Summon Famillar
- Mechanika Familiarity 


Spells per Day
 0	1	2	3	4	5	6
 3	1	-	-	-	-	-
Spells Known
Lvl 0
- Read Magic
- Detect Magic
- Detect Poison
- Arcane Mark
- Mending
- Open/Close
Lvl 1
- Alarm
- Endure Elements
- Grease
- Unseen Servant
- Identify
- Erase


- Padded Leather Workgear (AC 2)
- Workers Boots
- Goggles
- Snuff Pouch
- 1d6 Engine Patches
- 1d6 Grease Capsules
- 1d6 Identify Scrolls

- Clockwork Dog Servitor
- Mechanic's Wrench
- Masterworked Toolkit