
From Anu Anu RPG
Revision as of 14:14, 6 September 2010 by (talk) (NPCs)
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  • ANU Admin
    • Status: Offline
    • User: ANU-Corp
    • Funktion: Administrator
Virtue: *    Vice: *
Str: 2, Pre: 2, Int: 3
Dex: 2, Man: 3, Wit: 2
Sta: 2, Com: 2, Res: 3
Skills: Academics 2, Computer 3 (Profession, Administration), Crafts 1 (Computer), Drive 2,
Expression 2, Investigation 3 (Profession, Trace), Persuasion 2, Science 2, Socialize 1,
Subterfuge 2
Ini Mod:  4     Size:   5     Speed:  9       
Coding:          13 (9-again)
Trace:           12 (9-again)
Virtual Combat:  8
Defense:  2     Armor: -
Merits: Profession [Hacker] ••, Technophile [Computer] ••, IG [IT Department]
Morality: 7
Derangements: none
HL (7): 
WP (5):
  • Q-Lain AI
    • Status: Offline
    • User: ANU-Corp & IKNN, Joint-Venture
    • Funktion: Robot-AI
Virtue: *    Vice: *
Pow: 6, Fin: 6, Res: 6
Influences: Robot KI 4, Computer 2, Mechanics 1
Ini Mod:  12     Size:   -     Speed:  22       
Operate Robot:     12
Virtual Combat:    12
Defense:  6     Armor: -
Merits: none
Morality: -
Derangements: none
Rank: 3
Essence (20/3): 
Numina: Greater Influence (Robot KI), Chorus, Fetter, Mechanical Posession, 
        Generate Platonic Code, Ghost Eater, Mana Conversion
HL (6): 
WP (12):
  • Driver
    • Status: Offline
    • User: ANU-Corp
    • Funktion: Vehicle-AI
Virtue: *    Vice: *
Pow: 4, Fin: 4, Res: 4
Influences: Drive 2, Vehicle 2
Ini Mod:  8     Size:   -     Speed:  18       
Drive Vehicle:    10
Vehicle Weapons:  8
Virtual Combat:   8
Defense:  4     Armor: -
Merits: none
Morality: -
Derangements: none
Rank: 2
Essence (15/2): 
Numina: Chorus, Sense Influence, Speed Demon Mastery, Greater Influence [Vehicle], Blast
Ban: must run on appropriate Computer System with high-definition network
HL (4): 
WP (8):

