- Band 1: Atribute,Skills 69
- Weaponary 4 30xp
- 0-1 3xp
- 1-2 6xp
- 2-3 9xp
- 3-4 12xp
- Crafts 5 18xp
- 3-4 8xp
- 4-5 10xp
- Spezialisierungen 11exp
- Survival : Hedge
- Handwerk :Metall,Werkstatt,Kunst (AS 2xp)
- Expression : Bildhauerei(AS 2xp)
- Rotes 2xp
- Handwerk Metallarbeiten Dex+Crafts
- Weaponary 4 30xp
- Band 2: Merits,Willpower 18xp
- Edifice
- Workshop Metall 12xp
- Security 2 6xp
- Edifice
- Band 3: Powers,Supernatural-Merits 74xp
- Wyrd 3 : 24xp
- Verdant Spring 1 : 6xp
- Spellbound Autum 1: 6xp
- Eternal Winter 1 : 6xp
- Eternal Summer 1 : 6xp
- Artefice 3-4 : 16xp
- Artefice 4-5 : 20xp
- Band 4: Retainer
- Ein Selbstbildnis
Wrizend Blessing: The Wizened are extraordinarily nimble. The player can spend one point of Glamour to gain the benefit of the 9 again rule on all dice pools involving Dexterity for the rest of the scene. This same nimbleness enables the Wizened to avoid harm in ways other beings can’t imagine. The player can also spend one point of Glamour to add the character’s Wyrd dots to his Dodge total (normally calculated as double Defense), for the rest of the scene. This only applies when the character is dodging (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 156).
dual kith
Artist — The Wizened who create startling works of art and craft: seamsters, sculptors, painters and builders. The Artists’ blessing is Impeccable Craftsmanship: the changeling enjoys the benefit of the 8 again rule on any dice pool using Crafts, and can choose to spend a point of Glamour to re-roll any failed dice on one Crafts roll (so if, for example, an Artist who rolls five dice and gets 1, 4, 6, 8 and 9 can spend a point of Glamour and re-roll the 1, 4 and 6). This blessing can be used only once per roll.
Smith — Changelings who were forced to labor under the watchful eye of the most unimpeachable Faerie blacksmiths, tinkers and toolmakers. Their blessing is Steel Mastery: the changeling can use his supernatural skill with metallurgy to alter metal objects, improving them, even if improving them would normally be impos- sible. The player spends one Glamour and makes an extended roll of Dexterity + Crafts, with each roll representing half an hour of tinkering, polishing and hammering. If the changeling manages to gather four successes, he can alter a tool so that it gives a +1 equip- ment bonus. The item has to mostly be made of metal. The magic wears off after a day. No object this way can be improved more than three times. If the changeling tries to alter an object a fourth time, he destroys the tool, and it can never be used again.
Virtue:Charity Vice:Neid Str: 2 Pre: 3 Int: 2 Dex: 2 Man: 3 Wit: 3 Sta: 2 Com: 2 Res: 2 Skills: Athletics :1 Brawl : Drive : Firearms : Larceny : Stealth :1 Survival :2 Weaponry :4 Animal Ken : Empathy :1 Expression :3 AS Intimidation : Persuasion :2 Socialize :2 Streetwise :2 Subterfuge :1 Academics :1 Computer :1 AS Crafts :3 AS Investigation : Medicine : Occult :2 Politics : Science : Spez: Handwerk :Metall,Werkstatt,Kunst Expression : Bildhauerei Weaponary : Schwerter,Schwert und Schild,FS Survival : Hedge Rotes: Handwerk Mechanik Dex+Crafts Handwerk Metallarbeiten Dex+Crafts Handwerk Schneidern Dex+Crafts Ini Mod: Size: 5 Speed: Combat 1: Combat 2: Defense: Armor: Merits: Interdisziplinary Speziality : Handwerk Sculpting (*) PT:Künstler 4 (****) Resurces 4 (PT) DualKith 3 (***) Brownies Boon (*) Edifice (in Susannes Hollow) Size 2 Workshop :Metall Security 2 Contracts: Dream : 1 Artefice: 3 Eternal Spring: 1 Verdant Spring: 1 Spellbound Autum : 1 Eternal Winter: 1 Eternal Summer: 1 Clarity: 5 Derangements: Low Confidence Health (7): Willpower (4): Power Stat: 2 Power Pool (11/2):