Xian Wu 2
- Time.
- The eternal hangs in the moment. All days are this day, the day of glory.
- Spirit.
- All things awaken to behold me on the Brilliant Road. My companions are a thousandfold; my truest friends are my sword and my shield.
- Space.
- The army’s front line is only as wide as the mountain pass. All conflict is drawn down to the point where I stand.
- Prime.
- My power is both within and without. The prima materia waits only for my hand to draw it from its sheath.
- Mind.
- My consciousness is a weapon, hard as steel, raised in readiness. I am awake.
- Matter.
- The bullets are as the earth beneath my feet. The steel is as the sash around my waist.
- Life.
- My heartbeat is the drum. My breath is the battle cry. My body is the instrument of my glory.
- Forces.
- My brother is thunder; my sister is fire. I find the way by walking in their footsteps.
- Fate.
- This is but one more step upon the Adamant Way. The destiny that awaits me is the one I have earned.
- Death.
- The end is the beginning. I am prepared.
Gespielt: 3
- terror im supermarkt
- wassergeister
- grün am bauwagen platz
- Band 1: Attribute,Skills 78xp (51+27 sl xp)
- 3-4 composure 20xp
- 1-2 int 10xp
- 3-5 brawl 27xp
- 0-1 Spez waffeloser brawl 3xp
- 1-2 Academics 6xp
- 0-1 expression 3exp
- 0-1 invest 3xp
- 0-1 Rote Craft Talisman 3xp
- 0-1 Rote Meditieren 3xp
- Band 2: Merits,Willpower 84xp (62+ 22 sl xp)
- 3-5 mentor 18 xp
- 0-1 status Taoisten 2xp
- 0-1 Status Adamantine arrow 2xp
- 0-3 Astral Adept 12xp
- 0-2 Magical tradition Taoist 6xp
- 0-1 meditativ Mind 2xp
- 0-2 Bastion 3xp (12xp -15 mentor min 3)
- 0-5 FS:Praying Mantis 11xp (30-25 mentor min 11(1+1+1+3+5))
- 0-4 Scriptoium Time 6xp (20-20 mentor min 6)
- 0-4 Scriptoium life 6xp (20-20 mentor min 6)
- 0-4 Scriptoium mind 6xp (20-20 mentor min 6)
- 0-4 Scriptoium prime 6xp (20-20 mentor min 6)
- 0-2 Multilingual 6xp
- Band 3: Powers,Supernatural-Merits 93xp (60+ 25slxp +9 storyending sl xp)
- 0-3 mind 27xp (42-15mentor)
- 2-3 life 16xp (21-5 mentor)
- 0-2 prime 11xp (21-10 mentor)
- Rotes
- 1 x 1er rote mit scriptorium 1xp
- 1 x 2er rote mit scriptorium 2xp
- 12 x 3er rote mit scriporium 3xp x 12 = 36xp
- Band 4: Retainer
- war seit der antike in einem Ton soldaten eingespert -stop
- hat das meiste seiner macht ein gebüst -stop
- muss seine unsterblichkeit wieder erlangen -stop
- seine reise durch die jahrhunderte hat seine sinne gedrübt
- er kann noch immer in die vergangen heit sehen doch die zukunft bleibt ihm verwehrt-stop
- er konnte nur 3 der scriptorien seiner kopie der Bibiliotek von Alexandria schützen -stop
- diese haben auch bereits schäden genommen -stop
Martial Arts Schools The Adamantine Arrow dojo, fencing salle or wuguan is a famous tradition. Outside of martial arts, the order also runs bodyguard academies, elite security training schools and revolutionary cadres that teach the so-called People’s War. An innocuous gun club or firearms safety course could conceal a cabal or caucus from this tradition. In all cases, the group needs to teach more than a collection of ordinary fighting techniques if the school wants to engender a unique magical style. The school must have a specific theory of magic that links its mundane methods (instinctive shooting, kenjutsu or grappling, for instance) to Supernal symbols. A punch has to be more than a fist smacking an enemy. It should describe a host of magical operations. A Chinese martial artist might say the punch flows from focused intent to create fajin power that shoots through bones and tendons. She uses that theory to increase her strength beyond what musculature and even perfect technique allow. The school also needs special customs. Blood oaths, belt rankings and uniforms are examples. Without them, even a school of hardened Talons is an alliance of convenience, not a true teaching brotherhood. Some schools are secret societies with political aims in the Fallen World or monasteries where members govern their souls with physical discipline. Oblations: Practicing a martial arts or fitness routine taught by the school; teaching a class; taking a test for a license or rank; meditating on the grounds of the school; performing a ritual in honor of a master teacher, patron deity or school religion; studying a manual specific to the school.
Rote Factors: Using the school’s favored weapon as part of a rote mudra (+1); casting on school grounds (+1); successfully using one of the school’s techniques (specific to the rote) in combat on the previous turn (+1); spending a full turn (or for an extended spell, twice the usual time) performing a martial arts routine for no other reason than to focus the mind (+2).
Virtue: Vice: Str: 2 Pre: 2 Int: 2 Dex: 3 Man: 1 Wit: 3 Sta: 3 Com: 5 Res: 3 Skills: 3 Athletics 3 Stealth 2 Survival 1 Animal Ken 3 Intimidation 2 Academics Taoismus 3 Medicine 3 Occult 5 Brawl FS,Kung fu,Preying Mantis 1 Investigation 1 Expression Computer Crafts Drive Empathy Firearms Larceny Persuasion Politics Science Socialize Subterfuge Weaponry Streetwise Rotes: Craft talisman int+craft 2+1 3 Würfel 9 again Meditieren wits+com 3+5 8 würfel 9 again Merits: postcognition Sifu mentor 5 Time,Prime,LU,Praying Mantis,Oathbound Exemplar mentor 5 Life,Mind,Bastion,Scriptorium,Space Status: Taoisten 1 Admantine 1 Astral adept High Speech Magical Tradition: Taoist Medative Mind Bastion 3 (Astral Sanctum) Scriptorium 4 Time , deapth 3 Scriptorium 4 Life , deapth 3 Scriptorium 4 Mind , deapth 3 Scriptorium 4 Prime , deapth 3 Sprachen: Chinesich muttersprache Latein 2 (academics) Multilingual Alt Ägyptisch, Altgriechisch,Deutsch,Englisch Arcana: Time 3 Fate 1 Life 3 Mind 3 Prime 2 Morality: 7 Derangements: Health (8): Willpower (8): Power Stat: Gnossis 3 Power Pool (12/3): Ini Mod: 11;14 (17) (Dex + com+ life ;(dex+life) +com +life Size: 5 Speed: 10 (30) Defense: 3;6(9) Armor: 0 ; 3/3 default spells im pattern => overpatternd -1 auf zaubern Mage armor Time +3/3 armor honing the form +3 dex (bringt dex auf 6 siehe unten) acceleration -3 auf angreifer pools und speed x3 (nur in runden wo ich einen punkt mana dafür aus gebe) healing heart Prepared ritual heilt 20L (ein mana zum befreien)
Prepared Spells (Time •• + conjunctional Arcanum) Cost: 1 point of Mana (spent when the spell is activated) Some mages choose to prepare a number of spells in advance. The mage performs the casting normally (including spending any required Mana), but when the spell is complete (in the case of extended actions, when enough successes have been accumulated to meet the target number) the caster suspends the spell and sets a trigger to activate it later. The caster must perform this trigger. It’s usually a magic word or a particular gesture, accompanied by the mage’s intent to activate the spell (so accidental uses of the trigger phrase or gesture don’t set the spell off). Activating a prepared spell is an instant action; the mage can do it almost any time. Since all the ritual of casting the spell is already accomplished, mages can use prepared spells subtly, without drawing undue attention from Sleepers. (It’s easier to hide a quick gesture or a whispered word of power than it is a magic staff or a pentagram surrounded by burning candles.) The Storyteller decides if the prepared spell is Improbable to Sleepers depending on the circumstances of its use. If he deems it to be sufficiently subtle, Sleeper witnesses might not impose dice modifiers on the Paradox roll. Any Paradox roll is made when the spell is triggered, not when it is prepared. The amount of time the spell can be held depends on how many factors are incorporated into it. Instant-Action
Casting Hold spell for up to… Dice Penalty 10 minutes None 30 minutes –2 One hour or scene –4 24 hours –6 Two days* –8 * Add an additional two-die penalty per extra two days.
Extended-Action Casting
Hold spell for up to… Target Number 10 minutes — 30 minutes +1 successes One hour or scene +2 successes 24 hours +3 successes Two days* +4 successes * Add an additional success per extra two days.
Activating a prepared spell requires the mage’s player to spend a point of Mana, which is a surge of focused energy that sets the prepared spell into motion. If the mage doesn’t or can’t dedicate Mana to activate the spell, nothing happens, although the spell remains prepared. If the holding time expires without the spell being activated, it dissipates and is lost. The target of the spell is chosen when the spell is activated. If the spell allows its target a resisted defense (i.e., the target’s Resistance Attribute is subtracted from the spellcasting dice pool), the effect must instead be cast as an aimed spell (see “Aimed Spells,” p. 116). Contested spells function normally. A mage can hold a number of prepared spells simultaneously equal to his Gnosis. He cannot cast them all at once, however. He can activate only one per turn. A prepared spell, even one that has not yet been triggered, is considered an active spell when counted toward the total number of spells a mage can have active simultaneously or cast upon himself (based on Gnosis; see p. 75).
A mage with Time 3 does not need to add one dot to a spell to be able to use the advanced prolongation factors. So strong is his command of time that he can manipulate Duration factors without requiring increased knowledge of the other Arcana. He must still, however, account for any penalties (for instant castings) or additional successes (for extended castings) levied for increasing the Duration beyond that provided with a basic success.
Augment the Mind (Mind •••) The mage can raise one of his Mental or Social Attributes. Practice: Perfecting Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Covert Cost: 1 Mana A single Mental or Social Attributemay be raised by one dot per success, up to a maximum of the caster’s Mind Arcanum dots. For example, if a mage has Intelligence 3 and Mind 3 and three successes are achieved on this spell to boost his Intelligence, that trait becomes six dots for the spell’s Duration. If four successes were rolled, he could still only boost Intelligence by three dots, since he has only Mind 3. Raising Resolve and/or Composure also raises Willpower dots, but these extra dots do not provide Willpower points. The boost raises a target’s Willpower capacity but not her actual supply of points. In addition, the target’s Willpower cannot exceed 10 dots, no matter how high his Resolve and/or Composure is boosted with this spell. Example: Arethusa uses Augment the Mind to boost her Resolve. She gets two successes on the casting, adding two dots to her Resolve. This also adds two dots to her Willpower. She does not, however, gain two extra Willpower points. Note that the same spell cast to boost a different Mental or Social Attribute does not combine with the first spell — only the highest Potency spell takes effect. For example, if a mage boosts his Intelligence by two dots and then casts a spell boosting his Wits by one dot, only the first spell applies, since it has the higher Potency. (With the Mind 4 “Supreme Augmentation” spell, the mage can allocate successes among different Mental and Social Attributes.) Guardians of the Veil Rote: Illuminating the Inner Temple Dice Pool: Resolve + Academics + Mind Guardians are called upon to be brilliant, forceful and persuasive. Such acumen in all fields is not often found within a single individual. Indeed, Guardians must occasionally be far more brilliant, forceful or persuasive than any normal human being could possibly be. This rote enables such willworkers to become veritable Einsteins, rivaling the genius of even the most renowned intellect
Multi-Tasking (Mind •••) The mage performs complex multitasking. Practice: Weaving Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Covert Cost: None The mage can perform three mental extended actions or two mental instant actions simultaneously. Note, however, that none of these can be spellcasting, which is more than just an exercise of consciousness. See also the Mind 1 “One Mind, Two Thoughts” spell, p. 206. Silver Ladder Rote: One Mouth, Many Voices Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Mind Asserting control over one’s own consciousness is one of the many steps on the path to true mastery over one’s environment. Mages of the Silver Ladder use this rote to encompass numerous trains of thought at once, outthinking less gifted individuals and holding their own against many quick-thinking rivals. Guardians of the Veil also favor this rote, as it allows them to better analyze difficult situations before they turn to disasters, or to salvage disasters.
Psychic Assault (Mind •••) The mage can perform a crude psychic assault, causing psychic trauma that translates into damage on a victim’s body as neurons misfire and muscles spasm damagingly. Practice: Fraying Action: Instant; subtract target’s Resolve Duration: Lasting Aspect: Covert Cost: None Successes inflict bashing damage on a one-for-one basis. This spell also affects vampires, even though their brains might not function in the same manner as living creatures’; their minds are still susceptible to the Mind Arcanum. Adamantine Arrow Rote: Psyche’s Dart Dice Pool: Resolve + Intimidation + Mind – Resolve There are those who think the Adamantine Arrow is nothing more than a gang of thugs who brandish vulgar magic in the name of peace. Most mages of that order are content to allow detractors such illusions, keeping their silence about rotes such as this one. Often dismissed as a seizure or other neurological ailment, this magic constitutes a potent weapon in the Arrow arsenal. In fact, it is so effective and discrete that it is used, in one form or another, by most mages sufficiently skilled in the Mind Arcanum.
Seal Oneiros (Mind •••) When “Mental Shield” isn’t enough insurance, a mage makes his Oneiros off-limits to astral travelers by blocking it with this spell. Practice:Weaving Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Covert Cost: 1 Mana (optional) Spells that allow other mages access to the character’s Oneiros must exceed the Potency of this spell. The spells also contend with “Mental Shield” if both spells are active. Spending one Mana with the spell’s activation extends the Duration to a full day. Silver Ladder Rote: Mental Barricade Dice Pool: Resolve + Academics + Mind Silver Ladder mages consider their minds places of great importance and incredible secrecy. They use this spell to ensure that no enemy mages come anywhere near their minds.
Preserve Astral Space (Mind •••) The astral is a dangerous and interesting place, but one that shifts rapidly. When a mage needs respite from the dangers or needs extra time to explore a dream space, this spell delays her departure. Practice:Weaving Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Covert Cost: None This spell affects an area one-yard in radius, protecting everything within that radius from changing at the whim of Astral Space. This creates unexpected interactions when all but a small portion of a set piece whisks away or has changed when the astral traveler returns; Awakened psychologists prize this spell for its ability to juxtapose different facets of an Oneiros for interaction and comparison. While similar to “Preserve Astral Object,” this spell is not mobile — an object taken out of the affected area is subject to the realm’s normal laws. If an object’s connected set piece has already disappeared, it disappears (or changes shape) immediately upon removal. Adamantine Arrow Rote: Bastion Dice Pool: Intelligence + Survival + Mind No Adamantine Arrow enjoys being behind enemy lines, and traveling through Astral Space that can change shape without warning and leave a mage surrounded by hostile creatures with no way out is as far behind enemy lines as one can get. This rote produces a base of operations, a place the mage can be sure won’t abandon him. Mysterium mages have a similar rote (Intelligence + Academics + Mind) they use to create repositories of knowledge within their own Oneiroi, keeping the repositories safe from external examination and from being washed away by dream tides.
Acceleration (Time •••) The mage accelerates his personal temporal motion, enabling her to move and act quicker than is normally possible. Practice: Perfecting Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Vulgar Cost: None during casting, 1 Mana per turn after casting This spell boosts the mage’s ability to avoid attacks, her Initiative and Speed. Although the spell’s Duration lasts for one hour, the mage gains its benefits only in those turns in which she spends one Mana reflexively, and the benefits last for that turn. (Once the Duration has expired, Mana can no longer be spent to gain the benefits.) The benefits are as follows: • For each Time dot the mage possesses, one die is subtracted from any and all attackers’ dice pools (including ranged attacks), as the mage moves much more quickly than normal and is harder to hit. This penalty to attackers’ pools applies in addition to any armor the mage may have, as well as to Defense (though note, like armor, Acceleration’s benefits do not diminish based on how many attacks the character faces). For example, if the mage has Time 4, four dice are subtracted from any assailants’ dice pools. • Adds one to the mage’s Initiative per dot of Time. This allows her to move up the initiative roster for that turn by one point for each bonus. In the following turn, she drops back down to her original position in the roster. • Finally, each dot of Time allows the caster’s Speed to be added again to his total Speed rating. Thus, Time 3 enables a mage with Speed 9 to move at Speed 36 (9 + 9 + 9 = 27 + base Speed of 9 = 36). With Time 4, the mage can cast this spell on others. Adamantine Arrow Rote: Swift as Death Dice Pool: Stamina + Athletics + Time Mages of the Adamantine Arrow must be ready for battle at all times. As history has proven, speed is one the most crucial advantages in combat. With this rote, the willworker can close on an enemy with preternatural speed and avoid attacks with ease. Naturally, this utilitarian rote sees use by members of every order.
Temporal Shift (Time •••) The mage protects others. This works like the Time 2 “Temporal Dodge” spell, p. 261, except that the mage can now cast it upon others. Time ••• Disciple of Time 145/228 Practice: Shielding Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Covert Cost: 1 Mana (optional) The target gains one point of armor per dot the caster possesses in the Time Arcanum. The effect lasts for one hour, but the Duration can be made to last for a day by spending one Mana. Adamantine Arrow Rote: Bending the River’s Flow Dice Pool: Manipulation + Investigation + Time Often cast in preparation for battle, this rote enables a mage to defend a charge, dispersing the force of incoming attacks along the unseen axes of Time.
Time Out of Mind (Time ••• + Mind ••) The mage can enter a “timeless” state of mind wherein lengthy contemplation is possible in virtually no time at all. Practice: Weaving Action: Extended Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Covert Cost: None This spell is similar to Temporal Pocket (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 265) except the spell only affects the mage’s mental state: the mage is able to think for an extended period of time “in between” moments. Successes are assigned to the spell’s Duration, affecting the subjective time the mage has in which to think. So, at a basic level, the mage can consider for up to an hour while no time at all appears to pass for everyone else. Additional successes increase this time as usual for a prolonged spell. The caster under this spell is “inside” his or her own mind and has no resources other than what the mage can think or imagine. Still, the mage may be able to undertake and complete extended mental actions, appearing to accomplish them in just a moment’s time. This does not include extended spellcasting, as that is not a purely mental action. Free Council Rote: Seven Thoughts in a Moment Dice Pool: Intelligence + Science + Time When a mage needs a “moment to consider,” this techné is just the thing, since it usually grants more than enough time to puzzle out a particular situation, giving Free Councilors a reputation for the ability to think of their feet.
Postcognition (Time ••) The mage can experience postcognition. She can review the past of her current location or any moment in her own past, or that of an object, with flawless clarity. To focus this sense on something or someplace other than the mage’s current physical location, the mage must also use Space 2. Without the use of Space 2, she can do this only for an exact spot in which she was or is. She can look only at what was going on while she was physically present in such a location. Generally speaking, the past is much easier to read than the future (since the past’s variables are already locked into place ) , giving a more-or-less objective view of how things unfolded at a given time, in a given place. Practice: Unveiling Action: Instant Duration: Concentration Aspect: Covert Cost: None The mage declares the time and place that she wishes to view, and casting dice pool is modified by temporal sympathy (see p. 259). Each success allows the mage to view up to one turn of time in that place, beginning at the moment declared during casting (such as “Midnight on New Years Day, 1999, at Times Square”). She views events in real time (it takes one turn of current time to review one turn of past time) as if through a camera placed amidst the scene, but she can fast forward and replay any part within the viewing period. With Time 3, the mage can view one minute of time per success, and 10 minutes per success with Time 4. The Duration of this spell is concentration; as soon as the mage ceases to concentrate on viewing the past, the spell expires. Mysterium Rote: Gazing Through the Sands Dice Pool: Intelligence + Investigation + Time With this rote, a mage of the Mysterium can bear witness to events that have already transpired, a useful capability for those who seek to uncover the lost secrets of the past. Guardians of the Veil use this rote for similar purposes, though they usually apply whatever knowledge they glean to protecting the occult world from the scrutiny of the unenlightened.
Perfect Timing (Time •) This spell allows a mage to accurately assess all of the temporal components occurring in her immediate presence, giving her an opportunity to act at exactly the proper time to have the maximum effect. If she wants to throw a punch, she knows how and where to strike with the greatest possible (mundane) precision and force. Or if she wants to convince someone of something, she knows the most opportune instant in which to speak. Practice: Knowing Action: Reflexive Duration: Special Aspect: Covert Cost: 1 Mana Each success grants the mage a single extra die in the next roll that has to — or is chosen to — be made. This does not include spellcasting rolls. If the next roll is for a spell (perhaps the mage needs to quickly cast a countermagic), the character loses the benefit. Adamantine Arrow Rote: Strike True Dice Pool: Intelligence + Composure + Time Mages of the Adamantine Arrow who master this rote find that they need strike only once in order to fell their enemies. By attuning his perceptions to the perfect instant in time in which to act, the willworker attacks with efficiency.
Banish Plague(Life •••) The mage can cure sickness or disease in others. Practice: Ruling Action: Instant Duration: Lasting Aspect: Covert Cost: None As with the Life 2 “Self-Purging” spell, p. 183. At this level, the mage must touch the target. With Life 4, he can cast this spell at sensory range. Mysterium Rote: Reseal the Tomb Dice Pool: Wits + Medicine + Life Sickness and disease are just some of the threats encountered by Mysterium mages and their compatriots as they work to uncover the secrets of the ancients. With this rote, illness can be banished from the bodies of friends, or even just innocent strangers. Free Council mages also make some use of this magic (Intelligence + Medicine + Life) through the application of cutting-edge medical techniques and innovative treatments.
Healing Heart (Life •••) The mage can heal the wounds of other humans. Practice: Perfecting Action: Instant Duration: Lasting Aspect: Covert Cost: 1 Mana Each success heals one bashing or lethal Health wound (the rightmost wound on the Health chart is healed first). At this level, the mage must touch the target. With Life 4, he can cast this spell at sensory range. With Life 4, aggravated wounds can be healed, although the mage must still touch the target (he can heal aggravated wounds at sensory range with Life 5). Mysterium Rote: Balm of Flesh Dice Pool: Composure + Medicine + Life Whether through a potion, poultice or some other means, members of the Mysterium use this rote to mend injuries, restoring torn flesh and shattered bone. Guardians of the Veil use a version of this rote (Resolve + Medicine + Life) to remove evidence of injury by paranormal phenomena.
Honing the Form (Life •••) The mage can raise one of his Physical Attributes or that of a base or median life form. Practice: Perfecting Action: Instant; subtracttarget’sStamina Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Vulgar Cost: 1 Mana A single Physical Attribute may be raised by one dot per success, up to a maximum of caster’s Life Arcanum dots. For example, if the mage has Strength 3 and Life 3 and gets three successes on this spell to boost his Strength, his Strength becomes 6 dots for the spell’s Duration. If four successes were rolled, he could still only boost Strength by three dots, since he has only Life 3. Naturally, this spell also modifies any derived traits (such as Speed, Health or Initiative). Note that the same spell cast to boost a different Physical Attribute does not combine with the first spell — only the highest Potency spell takes effect. For example, if a mage boosts his Strength by two dots and then casts a spell boosting his Dexterity by one dot, only the first spell takes effect, since it has the higher Potency. (With Life 4, he can allocate successes among different Physical Attributes; see “Supreme Honing,” p. 190.) When cast upon base or median life forms (using the same rules as when casting upon himself), the mage must touch the target. With Life 4, he can cast this spell at sensory range. If the target resists the spell, subtract its Stamina from the spellcasting dice pool. Free Council Rote: Actualizing Potential Dice Pool: Resolve + Athletics + Life – Stamina Free Council mages use this rote to tap into enhanced physical capabilities. Prodigious strength, quick reflexes, enhanced resilience; all can be manifested by a willworker sufficiently skilled in the Life Arcanum. This magic can also be used on lesser life forms, bestowing such amazing capabilities upon virtually any non-human creature. Given its broad appeal and amazing usefulness, this rote is practiced among all orders.
Transform Self (Life •••) The mage can give himself the features of a base or median life form. He may affect certain changes in his own body, such as developing fungal, plant or animal features in order to thrive in a given environment or under a set of circumstances. He could, for example, supplement his intake of food in a harsh desert by granting himself the ability to absorb nutrients d i r e c t l y from the ground, or he could enhance his jaw strength to that of a hyena in order to crack bones and get at the marrow within. Practice: Weaving Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Vulgar Cost: 1 Mana The mage can take on one feature of a base or median life form per success. Among other things, the mage could manifest gills, sharp claws, fangs (turning his normal hand-to-hand damage from bashing to lethal and adding one to two dice modifiers to attack pools depending on the weapon gained), cat’s eyes (lessening by two penalties from all but absolute darkness), or a Life ••• Disciple of Life 60/228 rat’s digestive system (allowing him to safely digest all but the foulest food sources). Note that this spell does not grant any changes beyond the purely biological. A mage who grows feline claws doesn’t know how to fight any better than normal. Nor does a mage with a rat’s iron stomach find the stench of carrion any more palatable than normal. As mentioned in “Transfer Median Features,”above, a roll might be needed to get features right if specimens are not available during casting. Adamantine Arrow Rote: Harsh Duty Dice Pool: Stamina + Athletics + Life The work of a mage of the Adamantine Arrow can be harsh and unforgiving. This rote enables an Arrow willworker to survive under all but the most brutal conditions, killing prey with his bare hands, thriving beneath the waves or in the deadliest cold, or going for weeks without a drop of water or morsel of food. Mysterium mages use similar magic to persevere in the sometimes-perilous environments in which they seek their lore.
Two Faces (Life •••) The mage can change his features. Practice: Weaving Action: Instant Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Aspect: Vulgar Cost: None One feature may be altered per success. Each of the following is one feature: changing eye color (includes both eyes), skin color, hair color, hair length, hair texture. Other superficial characteristics can also be altered: fingers or toes may be slightly shortened or lengthened, body hair can be made sparse or more abundant, skin can be rendered dry or more oily, and height and weight can be very slightly altered (perhaps an inch or two, or up to 10 pounds, respectively). Perhaps most significantly, facial features and other distinguishing marks (like moles or scars) can be changed. Changes more extreme than these (such as changing fingerprints) require Life 4. Guardians of the Veil Rote: Incognito Exchange Dice Pool: Wits + Subterfuge + Life With this rote, a Guardian can be someone other than himself, a useful ability in his line of work. Indeed, such a mage can go from a “blond-haired, clean-shaven, green-eyed, early-30s” suspect being chased by police to a 40ish man with salt-andpepper hair and beard saying, “He went that way.” Silver Ladder willworkers sometimes use the same rote when trying to go unnoticed.