Celestial Talens

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  • Stardust (Talen)
Effect: This talen eases a Werewolves passage into the Shadow. This white, slightly glowing powder must be spread in a circle on the ground around the locus, where the Werewolf wants to cross over. The Gauntlet is temporarily lowered by one in the area around the locus and the Werewolf gets a +1 bonus to cross over. The power of the talon cannot be utilized to create a Verge. To create Stardust a Werewolf needs to aquire bone dust or grave earth and let it be empowered by any kind of celestial spirit.
  • Sunfire (Talen)
Effect: Carried by neccesity within a darkened sphere, this blazing molten liquid can burn out sickness or heal injury. When applied to a wound or swallowed, Sunfire causes intense agony from its great heat (often resulting in temporary unconciousness). Even so, the liquid cures one Health Level of aggravated damage, and purges toxins or diseases wit a Toxicity or Virulence of up to 7 from the body of its victims. This liquid comes from Katankah-Sonnak's domain. It is rumoured, that immersion in Sunfire might cure even the worst sort of taint.
  • Vulcan's Ember (Talen)
Effect: This glowing ember may be used to forge or destroy a single weapon. A weapon created with the help of Vulcan's Ember gains an additional dice of damage, while a weapon thrown into the fire containing one of these talens is reduced to useless slag within five turns. The Embers originate in Hakahe's fiery realm.
  • Mercurial Powder (Talen)
Effect: This silvery powder, when placed upon the tip of the tounge, temporarily increases the characters Wits by 2 (even if this exceeds the normal limit of the character) for one scene. This ashen dust comes from the Realm of Mitanu and is granted only to those who have successfuly quested there.
  • Tambyiah's Seeds (Talen)
Effect: These small seeds, when tosse upon a piece of damaged ground, begins a healing process, that repairs damage to the earth over an extended period of time. Each seed is able to affect a square mile of ground and serves to purify the land from contamination by toxic waste, strip mining or other form of non-natural corruption. These seeds come from Tambyiah's celestial realm.
  • Blood Ice (Talen)
Effect: This reddish knife-sharp shard of ice remains solid and sharp as long as it is sheated. When drawn to use for a weapon, the shard deals +3L dmg, with the abiltiy to pierce armor with a rating of up to three, but also begins to deteriorate. The first time it strikes an opponent the Blood Ice conveys the full equipment bonus and bypasses three points of armor. The second time both equipment bonus and armor piercing capability are reduced to two, the third and final attack is reduced to one. After that the Blood Ice 'melts' and becomes useless. This talen originates in Nerigal's realm of Mars.
  • Rings of Lu-Bat (Talen)
Effect: This dust, when blown or sprinkeled on its target, forms a ring that tightens and keeps the victim immobilized in its confining clinch for three turns. Anyone cought in the ring must answer a single question truthfully. Once the victim has given a true answer, or three combat turns have passed, the ring dissipates. The ring has a Strength of 8 for purposes of breaking free from its grasp. The dust originates in Lu-Bats realm.
  • Eshtarra's Flowers (Talen)
Effect: These tiny blossoms, when cast upon the ground, summon a member of Eshtarra's pack to help fight for the summoner, or defend a certain place. This Wolf-Brother spirit enjoys the advantage of being able to fight in both the Fallen World or the Shadow. The materialized spirit fights until its body is 'killed' in the material world, or its Essence or Corpus is drained in the Shadow. The flowers originate in Eshtarra's realm.
  • Meros' Winged Scarab (Talen)
Effect: This tiny jewel-like piece of solidified Essence is shaped like an egyptian scarab-talisman. The Werewolf may activate the talen so that it becomes a tiny insect, which can either scout ahead, conveying a +2 bonus to Survival, or Investigation rolls, or else serve as a distraction for it's masters enemies or pursuers, conveying a -1 penalty to all of the targets pools. In either case the scarab vanishes after it has completed its task at the end of the scene. This talen comes from the realm of Moros.
  • Shantar's Waters of Thought (Talen)
Effect: This clear liquid, when imbibed, increases the drinker's Intelligence temporarily by 2 for a single scene (even if this exceeds the normal limit of the character) This enables the person who partakes of the Waters to come up with some important insight or solve some puzzle that might otherwise elude her. Shantar's watery realm supplis this talen.
  • ' (Talen)