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Revision as of 01:03, 21 May 2010 by (talk) (New page: Category:WoD Category:WoDHamburg Category:WoDCreatures Category:Bestiarium ===Plant Traps=== * '''Spore Flower''' Dmg: - Dur: 2, Size 1, SL: 3 Powers: Asthmatic Dust...)
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Plant Traps[edit]

  • Spore Flower
Dmg: -    Dur: 2, Size 1, SL: 3
Powers: Asthmatic Dust
Notes: Trap (Wit + Com 3 succ to spot), Vulnerability [Fire]
  • Bamboospear
Dmg: 2L    Dur: 2, Size 3+, SL: 5+
Powers: Impalement (Bamboospear spreads below the ground. If some unlucky character steps onto it,
the plants spring from the earth an try to skewer him repeatedly. A character may try to spot the
small tips of the Bamboospear plants hiding in the ground)
Notes: Trap (Wit + Com 3 succ to spot), Vulnerability [Fire]
  • Bloodthorn Cactus
Dmg: 2L, Rng 25    Dur: 2, Size 4-6, SL: 6-8
Powers:  Confounding, Hail of Thorns (Any living being that comes into the range of a Bloodthorn
Cactus is shot upon by the thorns of the plant.), Stingthorns 
Notes: Trap (Wit + Com 1 succ to spot), Vulnerability [Fire]
  • Stranglevine
Dmg:     Dur: 2, Size 5+, SL: 7+
Powers: Confounding, Entangle, Gouge 
Notes: Trap (Wit + Com 2 succ to spot), Vulnerability [Fire]

Plant Swarms[edit]

  • Mindbender Spores
Ini Mod:    2    Size:    4+    Speed:    12         
Defense: none
Powers: Spore Host (Swarm deals no damage when engulfing character. Instead it rolls its size
against the characters Sta + Res + PS. Every success reduces the Willpower of the character by one.
If the character is reduced to zero Willpower the Mindbender Spores take over the character as a
host body to feed from and produce more of their kind. For every day the character is host to the
spores he takes one point of Lethal damage, which does not heal until the spores are purged, and
produces a cloud of spores with a size equal to the characters Stamina. This either goes on until
the character either dies from inflicted damage, or is purged from the spores by powerful healing
contracts or -magic, or by accumulating a number of successes on an extended Sta + Res roll, made
once per day, equal to the characters size plus damage already taken. As long as the character is
infected by the Mindbender spores he becomes extremely lethargic. He suffers a -4 penalty to all
rolls and cannot expend willpower.)
Health (4+): 
Notes: Swarm, Vulnerability [Fire]
  • Walking Nettle
Ini Mod:    5    Size:    5+    Speed:   7 
Defense:     3
Powers: Nettle Poison (Swarm deals no damage when engulfing character. Instead it conveys its swarm
attack as cumulative penalties to the character. These penalties wear of at a rate of one per turn.
Only after the penalties reach the characters size damage is dealt at a rate of one Bashing per
point of penalty in excess of the characters size per turn.)
Health (5+): 
Notes: Swarm, Vulnerability [Fire]

Plant Creatures[edit]

  • Fungoid
Pow:   3    Fin:    2    Res:    3
Ini Mod:    5    Size:    5    Speed: 8
Unarmed:     5
Defense:    3        Armor: 1/1
Powers: Asthmatic Dust, Regrow
Health (8):
Notes: Vulnerability [Fire]
  • Whipwillow
Pow:   4    Fin:    2    Res:    5
Ini Mod:    6    Size:    5+    Speed: -
Branch:     6 B
Defense:    -        Armor: 3/3
Powers: Tanglebranches, Regrow
Health (10+): 
Notes: Vulnerability [Fire]
  • Doppler-Plant
Pow:   5    Fin:    3    Res:    2
Ini Mod:    8    Size:    8    Speed: -
Tendril:    8
Defense:    3        Armor: 2/2
Powers: Entangle, Doppelganger Spawn (Spawns Attributes and Skills as copied character; Physical
rolls at -1, Social and Mental rolls at -3 penalty; Spawns tries to lure another character toward
its mother plant, slay him and then feed his corpse to it.), Gouge, Lure
Health (10): 
Notes: Vulnerability [Fire]
  • Sweet Death
Pow:   5    Fin:    3    Res:    5
Ini Mod:    8    Size:    5    Speed: -
Tendril:    8
Mouth:    8 L
Defense:    3        Armor: 2/2
Powers: Entangle, Gouge, Lure, Sweet Scent, Tanglebranches
Health (10): 
Notes: Vulnerability [Fire]
  • Gnarloak
Pow:   7    Fin:    3    Res:    8
Ini Mod:    10    Size:    8    Speed: 10
Branch:    10
Root:        10
Defense:    3        Armor: 4/4
Powers: Regrow
Health (16): 
Willpower (15):
Notes: Vulnerability [Fire]
  • Dragon Rose
Pow:   10    Fin:    5    Res:    6
Ini Mod:    15    Size:    10    Speed:   15  
Root-Claw:        15
Bite:                 15
Thorn-Breath:    15
Defense:    6        Armor: 2/2
Powers: Leaf Wings (), Stingthorn, Sweet Scent, Thorn-Breath (), Regrow
Health (16): 
Willpower (16):
Notes: Vulnerability [Fire]

Plant Powers[edit]

- Asthmatic Dust (The plant exudes some kind of pollen, spores or other small particles into the air around it. Roll Sta every Sta + Res turns for every character that comes within the plants Fin yards of the specimen. If the roll fails the target inhales the dust and gets overwhelmed by a powerful coughing reaction. The target suffers a -3 penalty to all successive rolls during the turn the roll fails. The second turn he suffers a -2 penalty and the third a -1 penalty. The fourth turn, the penalty vanishes but the character takes 2 points of B damage from his wracking coughs.)

- Confounding (Diferentiating the plant from an ordinary specimen of its general species requires a Wit + Survival roll at a -3 penalty.)

- Entangle (The plant posesses an entangling attact. Roll Pow + Fin - the targets Def. Subjects struck by the attack are grappled. Each turn the victim may roll Str + Athletics or Brawl - the plants Pow to escape. The plant then tries to immobikize the character by another succesful roll of Pow + Fin - the victums Str. After a number of turns equal to the plants Res, begin reducing the effective Pow of the snare by one each turn.)

- Gouge (Gouge allows the plant to withdraw some or all of the fluid or power from an entangled opponents body. Roll Pow + Fin - the victims Sta; the number of succ determines the number of points of B damage the target takes from loss of fluid. Supernatural targets also loose a point from their power pool per succ in addition to taking damage.)

- Lure (The plant is able to draw in victims to feed from. Roll Pow + Fin vs Res + Com. If the plant fails or ties the roll the victim is unaffected. If the plant wins it draws the victim closer in. The victim must move at normal speed towards the plat that turn and is not able to attack it. Lure has a range equal to the Plants Pow trait multiplied by ten in yards. The plant can lure a number of victims simultaneously equal to its Fin trait.)

- Regrow (The plant is able to regenerate some of its substance. There is no dice pool for this power. Once per day the plant may activate it. Once activated the plant automaticaly regenerates one level of damage per turn up to a maximum of its Res trait in turns. The plant is not able to regenerate A damage.)

- Stingthorns (The plants bark or skin is coverd by a multitude of spikes or thorns. When an opponent makes a successful Brawl attack against the plant, he automaticaly takes one point of L damage. If the opponent grapples, or is grabbed and pressed against the plant, he takes one L damage per turn instead.)

- Sweet Scent (The plant exudes a strong odeur, which affects the reactions of its victim. Anyone who comes within ten yards of the plant must make a reflexive, contested Res + Com roll against the plants Pow + Fin. If the plant wins, tehe subject suffers a -2 penalty to all dice pools for the duration of the scene. If the subject wins, she is immune to this effect for the duration of the scene.)

- Tanglebranches (The plant has grown a number of appendices from its stem to defend itsself or attack opponents with them. The Plant may have active Tanglebranches equal to its Power. Each of the branches may perform perform a seperate attack per turn. Alternatively, instead of attacking a branch may be used to aid the plants defensive capabilities, providing one point of Armor against Brawl or Weaponry attacks (not Firearms).)

- Poison Sap ()

- Mandrake's Cry (If the plant is uprooted or destroyed it gives of a bloodcurdling noise. Roll the plants )