Hedge Tables

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Revision as of 22:28, 14 April 2010 by (talk) (9 Random Exotic Goblin Fruit)
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Standard Roles[edit]

Locate Portal: Int + Investigation + Wyrd; Extended Action

Enter Hedge: Wyrd (Cost: 1 Glamour), or fulfilling specific Catch; Intant action

Navigate Hedge: Int + Survival (roll Morality Stat every time character chooses new destination, -3 if not on path; on failure character reaches other destination; on dramatic failure character comes off path); Extended action, 10 succ

Destination                Modifier
Very famillar                +3
Somewhat famillar            +1
Visited infrequently          0
Visited once                 -2
Unfamillar                   -4
Destination                Succ
Own Hallow                  -2
Every visit after first     -1 (max -3)
Ward rating                 +1 to +5

Shape Hedge: Wyrd (Cost 1 Glamour to improve duration to [Wyrd] hours)

Wyrd        Area        Duration
1-2         50 feet     10 min
3-4         100 feet    30 min
5-6         500 feet    1 hour
7-10        1 mile      1 day
Change or Situation        Modifier
Cosmetic Change              +0
Small functional change      -1
Notable change               +3
(+/- 2 dice)
Impressive change            -5
(+/- 4 dice)
Open new path or             -7
dead end existant path    
Hedge is sympathetic to      +1
Character has been in        +1
Hedge for 2 days or longer

Leaving Hedge: Int + Investigation + Wyrd; Extended Action

Famillarity                Time per roll
Very famillar, neighborhood       1 min
Somewhat famillar, hometown      10 min
Visited infrequently             30 min
Visited once                     1 h
Unfamillar                       3 h
Length of time in Hedge    Succ required
less than 1 hour                 2
1 hour to 8 hours                5
8 hours to 24 hours              8
24 hours to 48 hours            10
48 hours to 1 week              15
more than 1 week                20

d10 Random Tables[edit]

1 Hedge Terrain[edit]

1        River
2        Lake
3        City I
4        Marsh
5        Briar
6        Farmland
7        City II
8        Grassland
9        Forest
0        City III

2 Terrain Feature[edit]

1        Hazzard
2        Oddment
3        Hedge-Gate
4        Goblin-Fruit
5        Hedge-Gate
6        Goblin-Fruit
7        Hedge-Gate
8        Hallow
9        Hallow
0        Freehold

3 Hedge Seasons[edit]

1        Changing-Season
2        Spring
3        Summer
4        Autumn
5        Winter
6        Spring
7        Summer
8        Autumn
9        Winter
0        All-Seasons

4 Hedge Time[edit]

1        Eclipse
2        Dawn
3        Sun
4        Dusk
5        Moon
6        Dawn
7        Sun
8        Dusk
9        Moon
0        Equinox

5 Hedge Weather[edit]

1        Wyrdstorm
2        Wyrdrain
3        Fog
4        Northern Breeze
5        Eastern Breeze
6        Southern Breeze
7        Western Breeze
8        Clear
9        Crisp
0        Rainbows

6 Random Encounter[edit]

1        True Fae
2        Charlatan
3        Single Goblin-Beast
4        Single Goblin
5        Single Briarbeast
6        Single Changeling
7        Multiple (D10/2) Goblin-Beasts
8        Multiple (D10/2) Goblins
9        Multiple (D10/2) Briarbeasts
0        Multiple (D10/2) Changelings

7 Random Oddments[edit]

1        Walking Gertrude (Rites of Spring 132)
2        Jennystones (Changeling Core 224)
3        Fear Gortrach (Changeling Core 223)
4        Gallowsroot (Changeling Core 224)
5        Stabapple (Changeling Core 224)
6        Utterbarb
7        Jennyapples (Rites of Spring 130)
8        Welkinstick
9        Promise Leaf (Changeling Core 224)
0        Scarthistle (Rites of Spring 132)

8 Random Common Goblin Fruit[edit]

1        Pit Moss (Changeling Core 224)             Substracts 1WP, makes unable to spend WP for rest of scene
2        Nightcap/Bugglewort (Changeling Core 224)  Nightcap: halves Speed until 4 succ on Sta + Res; Bugglewort: +4 Ini for scene
3        Jarmyn (Changeling Core 223)               +3 on fatigue and staying awake rolls
4        Blushberries (Changeling Core 223)         Heals 2B/1L
5        Dream-a-drupe (Changeling Core 223)        Heals 2B/1L
6        Murmurleaf (Changeling Core 223)           Heals 2B/1L
7        Ertwen (Changeling Core 223)               Heals 2B/1L
8        Coupnettle (Changeling Core 223)           Restores 1WP once per day
9        Amaranthine (Changeling Core 223)          Heals 1A once per day
0        Wyrmthumb (Rites of Spring 131)            1 Glamour; +5 to escape from bonds

9 Random Exotic Goblin Fruit[edit]

1        Nevernip (Rites of Spring 131)            Heals 2B/1L; makes character eat it for another scene if not succesfull on Wit + Com
2        Trenchmint (Rites of Spring 131)          Commits 1WP for scene for +3 bonus to Mental Skill then -1 to all physicals for rest of day
3        Brumebulb (Rites of Spring 131)           Turns character into vapor that imediately exits Hedge
4        Judas Yew (Winter Masques 111)            
5        Bilefruit                                 
6        Hog-Eye (Winter Masques 111)              
7        Hidefruit (Autumn Nightmares )            
8        Hera Pear (Rites of Spring 131)           Will cure character of any single disease
9        Chu Chu Culm (Winter Masques 113)         
0        Cousin's Trumpet (Winter Masques 113)