Mage Robes

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  • Travel Robe (Imbued Item ••••)
Imbued Spells: Any Arcanum • Mage-Sight Spell, persistent; Any Arcanum •• Shielding Spell, persistent.
  • Battlerobe (Imbued Item ••••)
Imbued Spells: Any two Arcana •• Shielding Spells, persistent;
  • Court Robe (Imbued Item )
Imbued Spells:
  • Ritual Robe (Imbued Item )
Imbued Spells:

  • First-Impression Tie (Imbued Item )
  • White Gloves (Imbued Item )
  • The Black Glove of Melchedisek (Relic •••••)

This terrifying piece of equipment once belonged to the mighty Necromancer Melchedisek. In the palm of the hand are inlays of seven rune-etched fragments of a Soulstone from Melchedisek. Other Arcane symbols are worked into the material with silver thread at the root and back of the hand, as well as the underside of each fingertip. The Glove contains the Numen "Zombify" (see WoD: Antagonists p. ) fueled by either the Mana, Essence, or Willpower of the user. However the glove only needs two points of either to activate its power. As always, there is a string attached, when it comes to power gained cheap. For every time the glove is used by a character with morality or harmony greater than two, the user must make a degeneration roll. If one degeneration roll caused by the glove is failed, the user becomes a ghost bound and fettered to the glove and the lingering ghost of its creator, who waits in eternal unrest beyond the shadow.