Promethean Judgement

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The Generative Act: Creating Prometheans (or Pandorans)[edit]

A Demiurge must enact the following steps:

  • Step One: Acquire the Corpus
The creator must first obtain a dead body. His Lineage determines the necessary state of the body, as listed in the Lineage descriptions
  • Step Two: Impart the Humour
During the preparation of the corpse, the creator imparts a portion of his Lineage’s key humour into it. He must spend one Pyros, or two points of Willpower as he imparts the humour.
  • Step Three: Exposure to the Elements
Each Lineage has its own key element. It is vital to the creation of the new Promethean. The Lineage descriptions detail the elements needed for each and the manner in which they are used.
  • Step Four: Distilatio
The creator now sacrifices a dot of his own Azoth (or Willpower for mortal Demiurges) to spark to life the implanted humour.
  • Step Five: Judgement
The player now rolls the creator’s Humanity, modified by the conditions that follow the roll results.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The creator fails to make a Promethean. The corpse tears itself apart and its limbs warp, shift and merge into one or more Pandorans. Either one Pandoran is produced per dot of the creator’s Azoth or a single Sublimatus, a sentient Pandoran, is quickened from the corpse.
Failure: The creator fails to make a Promethean. The corpse tears itself apart and its limbs warp, shift and merge into one or more Pandorans. The creator’s player now rolls his Azoth with no modifiers and compares the following results:
Failure: A single Pandoran is created. It goes into a feeding frenzy, but if it fails to gain at least one Pyros point within the scene, it dies instead of going dormant.
Success: One Pandoran is created per success. Each enters a feeding frenzy, and follows the normal rules for Pandoran Dormancy if they don’t acquire Pyros after the scene ends. See “Dormancy” on p. 222 for details.
Exceptional Success: Either five or more Pandorans are created (one per success), or a single Sublimatus, a sentient Pandoran, is quickened from the corpse.
Success: A new Promethean is created.
Exceptional Success: A new Promethean is created, and it comes to full awareness and capability within the scene. It still lacks any fi rm sense of identity, but it has little trouble speaking and commanding its body.

Judgement Roll Modifiers[edit]

General Modifiers[edit]

Modifier 	Condition
–1 		This is the second time the generative act has been performed by the creator. 
                (Increase this modifi er by one for each successive act.) He can erase this cumulative 
                penalty by going to the wastes and lowering his Azoth by at least one dot.
–1 		The generative act is done out of spite, revenge or selfishness, rather than necessity.
–1 		The generative act is performed under threat or against the Promethean’s will (coercion).
–1 		The creator practices Centimani, the Refinement of Flux.
–1 		The generative act is performed within the boundaries of a fifth-stage Wasteland.
–2 		The creator has suffered the ravages of Torment within the last month.
–2 		A mortal suffering from Disquiet caused by the creator is present at any point during the 
                fourth or fifth steps.
–2 		The creator is a Construct from non-organic materials.
+1 		Per point of Vitriol the creator spends to aid the generative act.
+1 to +3 	The creator has studied the actual notes of a mortal demiurge. The only notes that might 
                possibly be available in modern times, however, are those belonging to Victor Frankenstein. 
                Their discovery would be priceless to any Promethean or occultist. Still, the Storyteller 
                could introduce into his chronicle an Egyptian artifact that contained the secret wisdom of Isis, 
                a Babylonian stele recording the dark magics of Ishtar, a tract on “sculpting” by Pygmalion, 
                and even an oral Siberian folktale embedded with the secrets of Tengri.

Modifiers by Creation Ritual[edit]

Modifier 	Condition
–2 		The creator has never seen this particular ritual being performed.
–3 		The ritual is being created or modified significantly rather than being used as taught.
+1 		The ritual contains aspects of at least one traditional generative ritual. (Note: This 
                is not cumulative. There are not additional bonuses for combining aspects of more than 
                one type of generative ritual.)

Modifiers by material of Vessel[edit]

Modifier        Condition
–3 		Generative material is formed by individual without Crafts Skill.
–4 		Generative material is anything but a human corpse.
+1 		Predominant generative material is favored by Lineage (see sidebar).

Modifiers by quality of Vessel[edit]

Modifier        Condition
–1		for each week of decomposition; for each month only if kept on ice.
–2 		The corpse belongs to one of the Redeemed, a former Promethean who had attained Mortality.

Modifiers based on quality of Vessel craftsmanship[edit]

Modifier	Successes 	
–3		1–5 		
–2		6–10 		
–1		11–15 		
+0		16–20 		
+1		21–25 		
+2		26–30 		
+3		31+