WoD Merits

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  • Soothing Voice (••, or ••••)

+1/+3 bonus on Hypnosis rolls, like Striking Looks merit in normal conversations, or when performing vocal.

  • Forged License (•, ••, or ••••)
Prerequisites: -

suggests certain rating of fake Status or civil integrity character does not have; casual inspections (Wit + Com) or invextigation attempts gain a bonus to their dice pool equal to the sugested Status or civil integrity minus the rating of the forged document or license. Examples: (•) Library pass, puplic club membership card, (••) License Plates,

  • Henchmen (• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Morality stat lower than 7 - (Rating), Resources Merit equal to rating.

Noncombatants with a Morality Stat (7 - Rating) lower than regular people. Staff that won't ask questions, when tasked with dubious things to do.

Technocratic Merits:

  • Factory (••, ••••, or •••••)
Prerequisites: Resources Merit higher than rating.

As Workshop Merit, with one descriptor at rating ••, two at rating ••••, three at rating •••••. Reduces time per roll for regular items to 30 min and for simple items to 5 min. Provides the prerequisites to manufacture complex items (microelectronic components, complex chemical products, etc.) in a timeframe of 1 hour per roll.

  • Multi-Milionaire (• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Resources •••••

Character may buy Resources Merit above five dots (6th dot 18 XP, 7th dot 21 XP, 8th dot 24 XP). For every dot above five the character needs to buy a corresponding dot Multi-Millionaire.

  • New World Order Lawyer (••)
Prerequisites: Profession [Lawyer], Bureaucratic Navigator.

  • Trailer (•• to •••••, special)

Portable Edifice with directly built-in other Edifice features.