Lucious Frostbourne

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Lucius Frostbourne, Infernal Gunmage[edit]

Level: 8 XP:
Alignement: Neutral Evil
Race: Human, Ordic
Class: Gunmage Lvl 4
Class: Gifted Lvl 4 (special spell list)
STR     8    -1        INT    16    +3
DEX    18    +4        WIS     8    -1
CON    14    +2        CHA    16    +3



x Bluff               *(Cha) 3 + 4 + =     7
x Concentrarion       *(Con) 2 + 5 + =     7
x Craft [Small Arms]  *(Int) 3 + 8 + =     11
x Decipher Script      (Int) 3 + 5 + =     8
x Diplomacy           *(Cha) 3 + 2 + =     5
  Disable Device       (Int) 3 + 2 + =     5
  Disguise            *(Cha) 3 + 3 + 2 =   8
  Escape Artist       *(Dex) 4 + 4 + =     8
x Gather Information  *(Cha) 3 + 2 + =     5
  Hide                *(Dex) 4 + 3 + =     7
x Knowledge [Arcana]   (Int) 3 + 10 + =    13
  Listen              *(Wis) -1 + 1 + 2 =  2
x Move Silent         *(Dex) 4 + 1 + =     5
  Search              *(Int) 3 + 3 + =     6
x Spellcraft           (Int) 3 + 5 + 2 =   10
  Spot                *(Wis) -1 + 1 + 2 =  2
x Use Magic Device     (Cha) 3 + 2 + =     5


Hit Points (35):
                     Armor  Dex   Size   Misc
Armor Class:  = 14 +   1  +  4  +   0  +    
Fort Save:    5 =  2 + 1 + 1 + 1
Ref Save:    10 =  4 + 5 + 1
Will Save:    5 = -1 + 5 + 1
Base Attack: +6    Speed: 30    Initiative: +4
Melee Att:       5 = (Str) -1 + 6 + 
Ranged Att:     11 = (Dex)  4 + 6 + 1
Grapple Att:     5 = (Str) -1 + 6 + 


- Wepon Proficiency [Simple Weapons]
- Exotic Wepon Proficiency [Small Arms]
- Armor Proficiency [Light Armor] 

- Combat Casting
- Point Blank Shot
- Quick Draw
- Gunslinger
- Brew Potion (Craft Arcane Cigar)

- Arcane Focus [Magelock Pistol]
- Bond with Magelock
- Reinforcing Runes
- Cast Rune Bullet
- Alertness [Magelock Ability]
- Spell Link
- Ranged Touch


Spells per Day
 0    1    2    3    4    5    6
 3    2    1    -    -    -    -
 0    1    2    3    4    5    6
 6    6    3    -    -    -    -
Spells Known
Lvl 0 Gunmage
- Arcane Mark
- Ghost Sound
- Gun Craft
- Mage Hand
- Ray of Frost
- Resistance

Lvl 0 Gifted
- Detect Magic
- Read Magic
- Acid Splash
- No Light
- Preserve Organ
- Touch of Fatigue

Lvl 1 Gunmage
- Arcane Loading
- Cause Fear
- Ray of Enfeeblement

Lvl1 Gifted
- Eldritch Bolt          (Inv)    deals 1d6 (+1d6/3CL) negative energy dmg.
- Breath of Night        (Inv)    as fog cloud spell (20 ft. radius).
- Miasmic Cloud          (Inv)    as obscuring mist spell, fatigues additionally (5 ft. radius).

Lvl 2 Gunmage
- Mirror Images
- Undetectable Alignment

Lvl 2 Gifted
- Dark One's own Luck    (Inv)    Add Cha mod to one Save for 24 h. (Complete Arcane p.133)
- Entropic Ward          (Inv)    Deflect ranged atks, leave no trail, prevent tracking (Complete Arcane p.134)


- Black Longcoat of Resistance
- Black Lather Belt and Holster
- Concealed Boot Holster (Tiny Magelock)
- Ammo Belt with -pouch (Eldritch Rune ammo)
- Necklace with Infernal Symbol
- Cigar Etui (1d6 Gun Craft Cigars)
- Cigar Etui (1d4 Breath of Night Cigars)
- Cigar Etui (1d4 Miasmic Cloud Cigars)
- Cigar Etui (1d3 Undetectable Alignm. Cigars)
- Disguise Kit

- Small Eldritch Magelock 1750 gp    2d6+1        19-20 x3     40    4 lb.        P    1S/DC8
- Tiny Magelock Pistol     500 gp    2d3+1        20 x3        20    3 lb.        P    1S/DC8