Elyssa of Hawthorne

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Revision as of 02:21, 10 November 2007 by (talk) (New page: Category:Iron Kingdoms Category:NPC ==Ancient Adept Elissa of Hawthorne== :Level: 10 :Alignement: True Neutral :Race: Awakened Construct (Iron Maiden) :Class: Iron Maiden CR 7 :Cl...)
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Ancient Adept Elissa of Hawthorne

Level: 10
Alignement: True Neutral
Race: Awakened Construct (Iron Maiden)
Class: Iron Maiden CR 7
Class: Clockwork Adept Lvl 3
STR    20   +5       INT    12    +1
DEX    11   0        WIS    13    +1
CON    -    *        CHA     4    -3


(27 free)

x Balance              *(Dex) 0 + 7 + =     7
x Climb                *(Str) 5 + 7 + =     13
x Craft [Armor]        *(Int) 1 + 5 + =     6
x Craft [Clockwork]    *(Int) 1 + 5 + =     6
x Hide                 *(Dex) 0 + 7 + =     7
x Intimidate           *(Cha) -3 + 3 + 5 =  5
x Jump                 *(Str) 5 + 2 + =     7
x Knowledge [History]   (Int) 1 + 9 + =     10
x Knowledge [Religion]  (Int) 1 + 4 + =     5
x Listen               *(Wis) 1 + 3 +  =    4
x Move Silent          *(Dex) 0 + 7 + =     7
x Sense Motive         *(Wis) 1 + 3 + =     4
x Spot                 *(Wis) 1 + 3 +  =    4    


Hit Points (55):
                     Armor  Dex   Size   Misc
Armor Class:  = 24 +   0  +  0  +   0  +  14

Fort Save:      = * + 3 + 
Ref Save:     5 = 0 + 5 + 
Will Save:    5 = 1 + 4 +  

Base Attack: +12    Speed: 30    Initiative: +4

Melee Att:      17 = (Str) 5 + 12 + 
Ranged Att:     12 = (Dex) 0 + 12 + 
Grapple Att:    17 = (Str) 5 + 12 + 


- Weapon Proficiency [Simple Weapons]
- Weapon Proficiency [Martial Weapons]
- Exotic W. Proficiency [Fighting Claws]
- Exotic A. Proficiency [Construct Body]

- Improved Initiative
- Lightning Reflexes
- Run
- Tracking

- Spikeskin
- Improved Grab
- Impale
- Resistances (Fire, Electro 20)
- Special Healing
- Awakened Construct


Domains: Mechanika

All Spells are used to power own Devotional Engine.
Spells per Day
 0    1    2    3    4    5    6
 3    2    -    -    -    -    -


- Soul-Node "Brain"
- Medium Avatar Clock "Heart"
- Devotional Engine "Stomach"
- Special Awakening Runeplate
- Retractable Spikes
- Retractable Claws