Alien: The Arrival
From Anu Anu RPG
Revision as of 13:58, 31 May 2009 by (talk)
Brainstorming Media: Akte X, Alien, Predator, Alien vs Predator, Species, Dreamcatcher, Hellraiser, Grey, Rosswell, UFO (1970'er Serie), Men in Black, Mars Attacks, Die Dreibeinigen Herrscher, Krieg der Welten, Stargate
Species (Origin Splat)
- Abyssal Intruder (Cthulloide interdimensionale Horrorwesen mit Cenobiten-artig veränderten, gestohlenen Menschenkörpern)
- Influence:
- Ban:
- Numen:
- Special:
- Gray (Roswell Aliens; entführen Menschen um Tests an ihnen zu machen; kontrollieren menschliche (Klon-)Körper durch Implantate)
- Ban: must leave Evidence of visit to Fallen World; can use other Numina only with appropriate technological item
- Influence: Travel
- Numen: Impossible Technologies
- Special: starting Influence +1 (max Rank +2)
- Trinid (Tripods; Dreiglidrige Galaktische Eroberer, die Menschen mit Hilfe ihrer telepatischen Fähigkeiten kontrollieren)
- Influence:
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- Special:
- Xenoid (Alien-/Species-artige Symbio-Parasiten; bilden Symbiontenkult-Hives mit infizierten Menschen, die von Brutköniginnen geleitet werden)
- Influence:
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- Special:
- '
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Convents (Interest Splat)
- Colonist Project (wollen Erde mehr oder minder friedlich kolonisieren; meist verfolgt jede Spezies ihr eigenes Kolonisationsprojekt mit ihren jeweiligen Mitteln und Absichten)
- Conservationist Council (wollen Erde in ungestörtem Zustand erhalten, zumindest bis die Menschen von allein Interdimensionalreisen zu Stande bringen; beobachten und messen die Entwicklung der Erde und versuchen Alien-Einflüsse zu verhindern oder zu vertuschen)
- Invaders (wollen die Erde erobern und ihre Ressourcen ausbeuten, egal ob mineralisch, biologisch oder spirituell; meist einhergehend mit der totalen Unterwerfung der Menschheit)
- Recreationist Moveent (sehen Erde als Tourismusziel, Free-for-all Vergnügungspark oder Hinterweltlerplaneten mit dem ohnehin egal ist, was damit geschieht, solange man seinen Spass haben kann; hinterlassen gerne Kornkreise als planetare Graphiti)
- Hunter's Guild (Jagen auf der Erde, meist Menschen aus Sport oder Trieb, manchmal aber auch andere, auf die Erde geflohene Aliens für Kopfgeld oder Ehre; leben oft nach dem sogenannten "Hunter's Codex")
Castes (Subsplat)
Abyssal Intruders
- Accamoth
- Additional Ban:
- Numen:
- Gulmoth
- Additional Ban:
- Numen:
- Idigam(oth)
- Additional Ban:
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- Qlipoth
- Additional Ban:
- Numen:
- Additional Ban:
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- Bounty Hunter
- Additional Ban:
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- Renegade
- Additional Ban:
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- Scientist
- Additional Ban:
- Numen:
- Technician
- Additional Ban:
- Numen:
- Telepath
- Additional Ban:
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- Traveler
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- Artisan
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- Diplomat
- Additional Ban:
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- Soldier
- Additional Ban:
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- Worker
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- Psionic
- Additional Ban:
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- Traitor
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- Brood Mother
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- Drone
- Additional Ban:
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- Mutant
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- Outcast
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- Synapt
- Additional Ban:
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- Warrior
- Additional Ban:
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Sample Characters
- Grey Traveler
Pow: 3 Fin: 6 Res: 3 Rank: 2 Influences: Travel 4 Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power, Abduct (UFO), Fetter (Unitool), Living Fetter (Implantation Probe), Pathfinder (Visor), Spiritual Vision (Visor), Thief (Unitool) Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technological item. Ini Mod: 9 Size: 3 Speed: 12 (F3) Unarmed: 9 B Probe: 10 L Defense: 6 Armor: -/- Corpus (6): Willpower (6): Essence (15):
- Grey Technician
Pow: 3 Fin: 6 Res: 3 Rank: 2 Influences: Travel 2, Technology 2 Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power, Fetter (Unitool), Fortify Material (Unitool), Left-Handed Spanner (Unitool), Magnetic Disruption (Unitool), Mechanical Posession (Unitool), Platonic Element (Versatility Engine) Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technological item. Ini Mod: 9 Size: 3 Speed: 12 (F3) Unarmed: 9 B Unitool: 8 L Defense: 6 Armor: -/- Corpus (6): Willpower (6): Essence (15):
- Grey Telepath
Pow: 4 Fin: 5 Res: 3 Rank: 2 Influences: Travel 2, Arcanum [Mind] 2 Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power, Animal Control (Telepahic Device), Chorus (Implant), Compulsion (Telepahic Device), Hallucinations (Telepahic Device), Posession (Telepathic Device), Telepathy (Implant) Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technological item. Ini Mod: 9 Size: 3 Speed: 12 (F3) Unarmed: 9 B Probe: 10 L Defense: 6 Armor: -/- Corpus (6): Willpower (6): Essence (15):
- Grey Scientist
Pow: 4 Fin: 6 Res: 2 Rank: 2 Influences: Travel 2, Dimensional Science 2 Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power, Gauntlet Breach (Dimensional Engine), Gauntlet Control (Dimensional Engine), Platonic Element (Versatility Engine), Reaching (Dimensional Engine), Spiritual Vision (Dimensional Engine), Versatile Energies (Versatility Engine) Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technological item. Ini Mod: 10 Size: 3 Speed: 13 (F3) Combat 1: Combat 2: Defense: 6 Armor: -/- Corpus (5): Willpower (8): Essence (15):
- Grey Bounty Hunter
Pow: 3 Fin: 5 Res: 4 Rank: 2 Influences: Travel 2, Hunt 2 Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power x2, Abduct (UFO), Accelerate (Acceleration Device), Sense Prey (Visor), Spirit Prowess (Acceleration Device), Blast (Beam Weapon), Freeze (Beam Weapon) Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technolofical item; Grey Bounty Hunters adhere to the 'Codex', a special code of Honor never to end a Hunt until the Contract is solved. Ini Mod: 8 Size: 3 Speed: 11 (F3) Unarmed: 8 B Beam W.: 10 L Defense: 5 Armor: 4 Corpus (7): Willpower (8): Essence (15):
- Grey Renegade
Pow: 3 Fin: 5 Res: 4 Rank: 2 Influences: Travel 3, Deception 1 Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power, Abduct (UFO), Blast (Beam Weapon), Siphon (Implantation Probe), Spirit Venom (Implantation Probe), Spirit Prowess (Implant), Thief (UFO) Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technological item. Ini Mod: 8 Size: 3 Speed: 11 (F3) Unarmed: 9 B Probe: 10 L Defense: 5 Armor: 4 Corpus (7): Willpower (8): Essence (15):