Wand, Rod & Staff

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  • Certamen Wand (Imbued Item ••••)
Imbued Spells: Prime ••• Squaring the Circle, sensory range, Cost 1 Mana, , Dice Pool: Gnosis + Occult + 3.

Projects Circle for Duell Arcane.

  • Wand of Damokles (Imbued Item ••••)
Imbued Spells: Fate ••• Monkey's Paw, sensory range, Cost 1 Mana, Covert, Dice Pool: Gnosis + Occult +3.

Reduces targets mundane Armor bonus by succ.

  • Unforging Staff (or Hammer) (Imbued Item ••••)
Imbued Spells: Matter ••• Alter Integrity, sensory range, Cost 1 Mana, Covert, Dice Pool: Gnosis + Craft (Str + Weaponry) +3.

Reduces target weapon's or object's Dur by succ.

  • Destroyer Staff (Imbued Item ••••)
Imbued Spells: Death ••• Destroy Object, touch, Cost -, Covert, Dice Pool: Gnosis + Craft +3.

Succ in excess of touched objects Dur inflict A dmg.

  • Telekinetic Rod (or Bow) (Imbued Item ••••)
Imbued Spells: Forces ••• Telekinetic Strike, sensory range, Cost -, Vulgar, Dice Pool: Gnosis + Athletics (Str + Archery) +3.

Shoots ripple of force at target; inflicts succ. B dmg.

  • [Spirit-Staff] (Imbued Item ••••)
Imbued Spells:
  • [Space-Staff] (Imbued Item ••••)
Imbued Spells:
  • [Fate-Staff] (Imbued Item •••••)
Imbued Spells:
  • [Spirit-Staff] (Imbued Item •••••)
Imbued Spells:
  • Bone Wand (Imbued Item •••••)
Imbued Spells: Death ••• Bone Arrow contingent, sensory range, Cost 1 Mana, Vulgar, Dice Pool: Gnosis + Occult +4. Death •• Touch of the Grave persistent.

Shoots ephemeral arrow at target; inflicts succ. B dmg. Pysicaly interact with ghosts or objects in Twilight

  • Caduceus Staff (Imbued Item •••••)
Imbued Spells: Space ••• Ranged Blow, sensory range, Cost 1 Mana, Vulgar, Dice Pool: Str + Weaponry +4. Space •• Follow Trough persistent.

Make close combat attack with Staff as aimed spell ranged attack. Pass Magical Portals.

  • Staff of Psychic Bite (Imbued Item •••••)
Imbued Spells: Mind ••• Psychic Assault, Space •• Sympathy, sympathetic range, Cost 1 Mana, Covert, Dice Pool: Gnosis + Intimidation (Str + Weaponry) +4

Inflicts succ. B dmg sympatheticaly.

  • Celestial Fire Staff (Imbued Item •••••)
Imbued Spells: Prime ••• Celestial Fire, sensory range, Cost 1 Mana, Vulgar, Dice Pool: Gnosis + Occult + 4; mount for Atlantean Fire Chrystal.

Shoots ball of magical fire at target; inflicts succ. B dmg, or L dmg with Atlantean Fire Chrystal.

  • Thunderbolt Wand (Imbued Item •••••)
Imbued Spells: Forces •••• Thunderbolt, sensory range, Cost 1 Mana, Vulgar, Dice Pool: Gnosis + Athletics +5.

Shoots lightning at target; inflicts succ. L dmg.

  • Rod of Desintegration (Imbued Item •••••)
Imbued Spells: Matter •••• Annihilate Matter, sensory range, Cost 1 Mana, Vulgar, Dice Pool: Gnosis + Occult +5.

Inflict succ dmg directly to target objects Structure.