Thauma Tunes

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Legendary Songs, Tunes and Hymns

Mortal Music

  • Song of Deckand's Labour

Dif 3, Raises Endurance or Morale of Unit by 1 for 1h or replenishes 1 point of Loyalty.

  • The Shepherds Whistled Tune

Dif 3, Summons all animals previously marked as part of the herd.

Terrestrial Music

  • Band Hymn

Dif 6, Summons the Small God of the Band (E = Band's Reputation)

  • Special Occasion Improvisation

Dif 7 (-Party's Magnitude), Summons the Small God of the Party (E = Party's Magnitude)

  • Endowment of [Spirit] Tune

Dif 7, Gives Blessing of specific Spirit and conveys one or more minor taboos.

  • The Path of the Dragon Dance

Dif 7; As long as dance continues increased Essence respiration of performers by 1m/h during party.

  • The Impossible to Remember Dance

Dif 7; As long as the Band stays the center of attention, all difficulties of Temp rolls are increased by 1.

  • Tune of Burning Feather

Dif 7; Target(s) must make Temp roll or succumb to overindulgence of intoxication.

  • Immaculate Chant

Dif 7, Add. Cost 1WP; The following Social attack gains the Holy descriptor.

Celestial Music

  • Heart Song

Dif (own MDV, or highest MDV); song reveals Motivtion, Intimacies and aome Stats (Virtues, WP, highest Skill)

  • Song of Perfection in Life

Dif (highest MDV+2); all listeners regain 1 WP

  • Perfected Song

Dif (highest MDV+2), Add. Cost 1WP; Blessing of the Gods of Music, "Starpower", all further played music in the same and next scene count as supernatural social attacks; comes with Taboo to play perfected (dif raises to 5); if Taboo is broken more than invokers Essence times the Blessing ends.

  • Song of Emerald Ending

Dif 7, 5 succ, Add. Cost 1WP; Ends target Terrestrial Circle magic in effect.

Lost Tunes

  • Tree Singers Song

Dif 7, Add. Cost 1WP; All targets become inactive through paralyzation for 1 long tick.

  • Song of Mornings First Light

Dif 7, 5 succ, Add. Cost 1WP; Ends target Shadowland Circle magic in effect.

  • Cantata of Empty Voices

Dif 7, 5 succ, Add Cost 1HL; Summons an audience of Ghosts. May never be played before a mortal audience.

  • The Workshop Song

Dif 7, 5 succ, Add. Cost 1WP; as Solar Charm "Words as Workshop Method"

  • Terrifying Battle Song

Dif 7, (highest MDV) succ; Each foe within (Ex5) yards whose MDV does not surpass the performes successes incurs a -1 internal penalty to all actions and all actions add 1 to their speed from fear-induced hesitation. or a unit of max Magnitude 2 gains -1 to Attack and Morale ratings. The Performer may spend 1WP to prolong the duration for 1 scene. As long as the effect is active the performers suffer a -1 penalty to number of dice gained from channeling trough Compassion or Temperance.

  • Inspiring Battle Hymn

Dif 7, 10 succ; The Performers and all allies within (Ex5) yard gain +1 to attack, +1 MDV, or a unit of max Magnitude 2 gains +1 to Attack and Morale ratings. The Performer may spend 1WP to prolong the duration for 1 scene. As long as the effect is active the performers suffer a -1 penalty to number of dice gained from channeling trough Valor or Conviction.

  • Haunting Heart-Rending Melody

Dif 7, 10 succ, Add. Cost: 1WP; Supenaturaly implants an Emotional Influence into the targets about something that must be present at the moment the effect is activated. The emotion returns every time the target is confrnted with that thing again. Spending 1WP enables the target to supress the effect for one scene. If the target has done so three times, the Influence is broken.

Solar Music

  • Secret Tunnel (trough the Mountain)

Dif 7, 15 succ, Add. Cost 1WP;

Hidden Bonus Tracks of the First Age:

  • Grand Hymn of Serenity

Dif 7, 15 succ, Add. Cost 5WP; The Song ends every essence using ability in half a mile with the excption of Third Circle Sorcery.

  • Luna's Lament

Dif 7, 15 succ, Add. Cost 5L HL; ???

  • Theme of the Unconquered Sun

Dif 7, 15 succ, Add. Cost ; ???