Category:Monster Angeln

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Herzlich wilkommen, da wo das Wasser tief und trübe wird ;-) Monster Angeln ist ein kleines d20-basiertes "MMO-RPG" zum totschlagen von Monstern und langweiligen Minuten. Alles was man dazu braucht ist ein d20 (3.5) Character (SRD oder Iron Kingdoms) der Stufe 3, der es sich zur Profession gemacht hat seinen Lebensunterhalt nicht etwa mit wilden Abenteuern, sondern mit Angeln zu verbringen. Das Angeln in den Gewässern der Iron Kingdoms ist jedoch nicht minder gefährlich oder lukrativ als ein Leben am Rande der Schlachtfelder. Du hast die Wahl ob Du in egelverseuchten Sümpfen mit exotischen Kreaturen, fischreichen und reissenden Strömen und Flüssen, oder gar als Walfänger auf hoher See deinen Grossen Fang versuchst...

  • Web XP

Es gibt mal wieder Web-XP für kleine online-Beiträge zur Kampagne.

  • Kurze Beschreibung des Characters mit Alter (100 XP)
  • Ausführliche Beschreibung des Characters (250 XP)
  • Bild vom Character oder einem seiner Retainer (100 XP)
  • jeder Beitrag zur Character-Entwicklung (kurze Recap eines Catchs aus Sicht des Chars oder mini-Solostory) (100 XP)
  • Charactersheet (100 XP)
  • Inventory (50 XP)


  • Chris - Jabot Gournrake, Trollkin Scout lvl 3; Total Successes: 6/25, Total XP: 6.400, Total Gold: 217 gp


Difficulty: 20 (Darfellan -3)


01-05: D10: 1-5 nothing, 6-9 block of ice, 10 standard treasure roll
06-10: Seal (CR 1/3; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
11-15: Sea Lion (CR 1; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
16-20: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
21-25: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
26-30: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
31-35: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
36-40: Dire Sea Lion (CR 3; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
41-45: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
46-50: Polar Bear (CR 4; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
51-55: Crystal Ooze (CR 4; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
56-60: Orca (CR 5; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
61-65: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
66-70: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
71-75: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
76-80: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
81-85: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
86-90: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
91-95: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
96-00: roll again twice, additional standard treasure roll


Difficulty: 25


01-05: D10: 1-5 nothing, 6-9 tangle of guts, 10 standard treasure roll
06-10: (CR 1/2; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
11-15: Bloodbloater Swarm (CR 1; Fiend Folio 16; Equipment Advantage: Pole Net)
16-20: Shark (CR 1; Monster Manual 279; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
21-25: Brine Zombie (CR 1; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
26-30: Pelagian Makara (CR 1; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
31-35: Waterlost (CR 2; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
36-40: Large Shark (CR 2; Monster Manual 279; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
41-45: Bile Thrall (CR 3; Monsternomicon II 120; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
46-50: Huge Shark (CR 4; Monster Manual 279; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
51-55: (CR 5; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
56-60: Bloat Thrall (CR 6; Monsternomicon II 120; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
61-65: Revenant (CR 7; Monsternomico II 130; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
66-70: (CR 8; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
71-75: Dire Shark (CR 9; Monster Manual 64; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
76-80: (CR 9; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
81-85: Legendary Shark (CR 10; Monster Manual 138; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
86-90: (CR 10; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
91-95: Megalodon (CR 11; Monster Manual II 147; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
96-00: roll again twice, additional standard treasure roll


Difficulty: 25


01-05: D10: 1-5 nothing, 6-9 tangle of seaweed, 10 standard treasure roll
06-10: Barracuda (CR 1/2; Stormwrack 166; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
11-15: Manta Ray (CR 1; Monster Manual 276; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
16-20: Small Water Elemental (CR 1; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
21-25: Squid (CR 1; Monster Manual 281; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
26-30: Octopus (CR 1; Monster Manual 276; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
31-35: Hippocampus (CR 2; Stormwrack 153; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
36-40: Medium Water Elemental (CR 3; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
41-45: Dire Barracuda (CR 4; Stormwrack 147; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
46-50: Yellyfish Swarm (CR 5; Stormwrack 161; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
51-55: Large Water Elemental (CR 5; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
56-60: Baleen Whale (CR 6; Monster Manual 282; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
61-65: Huge Water Elemental (CR 7; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
66-70: Cachalot Whale (CR 7; Monster Manual 283; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
71-75: Giant Octopus (CR 8; Monster Manual 276; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
76-80: Sea Drake (CR 9; Monsternomicon II 58; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
81-85: Kelp Angler (CR 9; Fiend Folio 113; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
86-90: Greater Water Elemental (CR 9; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
91-95: Kraken (CR 12; Monster Manual 162; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
96-00: roll again twice, additional standard treasure roll


Difficulty: 15


01-05: D10: 1-5 nothing, 6-9 old boot, 10 standard treasure roll
06-10: Drowner Fish (CR 1/3; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
11-15: Eel (CR 1/2; Stormwrack 166; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
16-20: Devil Fish (CR 1/2; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
21-25: Dragonfish (CR 1; Monsternomicon 42; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
26-30: Eyeburn Eel (CR 1; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
31-35: Flotsam Ooze (CR 2; Fiend Folio 17; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
36-40: Dire Eel (CR 3; Stormwrack 147; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
41-45: Russalka (CR 3; Monsternomicon; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
46-50: Serpentine (CR 3; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
51-55: (CR 4; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
56-60: (CR 4; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
61-65: (CR 5; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
66-70: (CR 6; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
71-75: Boatman (CR 7; Monsternomicon; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
76-80: Aboleth (CR 7; Monster Manual 8; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
81-85: Hull Grinder (CR 8; Monsternomicon 98; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
86-90: Dracodile (CR 9; Monsternomicon 40; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
91-95: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
96-00: roll again twice, additional standard treasure roll


Difficulty: 20 (Gobber -5, Trollkin -2)


01-05: D10: 1-5 nothing, 6-9 tangle of roots, 10 standard treasure roll
06-10: Cane Leech (CR 1/2; Stormwrack 154; Bait Advantage: Blood, Equipment Advantage: none, Special: kept at bay by Cane Leech Repellant)
11-15: Cane Leech Swarm (CR 1; Stormwrack 162; Bait Advantage: Blood, Equipment Advantage: none, Special: kept at bay by Cane Leech Repellant)
16-20: Snapping Turtle (CR 1; Stormwrack 168; Bait Advantage: )
21-25: Bog Trog (CR 1; Monsternomicon 18; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
26-30: Swamp Shambler (CR 2 Witchfire Trilogy 59; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: , Special: kept at bay by Shambler Talisman)
31-35: Crocodile (CR 2; Monster Manual 271; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
36-40: Gatorman (CR 2; Monsternomicon 74; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
41-45: Swamp Squid (CR 2; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
46-50: Growler Lizard (CR 3; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
51-55: Leechman (CR 3; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
56-60: Giant Crocodile (CR 4; Monster Manual 271; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
61-65: Kari Dragon (CR 5; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
66-70: (CR 6; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
71-75: Blackhide Gator (CR 7; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
76-80: (CR 8; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
81-85: Giant Swamp Squid (CR 9; Monster Manual 281; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
86-90: Ironback Spitter (CR 9; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
91-95: Kelpie (CR 10; Fiend Folio 117; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
96-00: roll again twice, additional standard treasure roll
  • Swamp Squid

CR 2; Large Animal; HD 2d10 (11 HP); Ini +3; Spd Swim 30 ft.; AC +12; Atk +2 melee (0, tentacle grab, or 1d4, bite); Special Attack: Improved Grab; AL always N; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 6; Skills: Hide +8, Move Silent +5; Note: Squid cannot attempt a bite attack, unless it has grappled the victim, may make Ink Cloud effect 3 times per day (obscures vison and -4 Con for 1d3 min unless Fort Save DC 16); Treasure: Ink Glands (20 gp), 1d6 Glowing Glands (5 gp each)


Difficulty: 20


01-05: D10: 1-5 nothing, 6-9 old boot, 10 standard treasure roll
06-10: Anura Warrior (CR 1/2; Monsternomicon II 10; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
11-15: (CR 1/2; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
16-20: Rakklethorn Toad (CR 1; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
21-25: Dire Piranha (CR 1; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
26-30: Glowing Frog (CR 1; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: Pole Net)
31-35: (CR 2; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
36-40: Poisonous Frog Swarm (CR 2; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: Pole Net)
41-45: Giant Water Beetle (CR 3; see below; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
46-50: Piranha Swarm (CR 4; Stormwrack 162; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
51-55: Anura Croaker Twin (CR 4; Monsternomicon II 10; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
56-60: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
61-65: (CR ; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
66-70: (CR 6; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
71-75: Aboleth (CR 7; Monster Manual 8; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
76-80: (CR 8; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
81-85: (CR 9; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
86-90: (CR 10; ; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
91-95: Painted Tatzylwurm (CR 11; Monsternomicon II 150; Bait Advantage: , Equipment Advantage: )
96-00: roll again twice, additional standard treasure roll

Special Rules

  • Water Dangers

Any character can wade in relatively calm water that isn’t over his head, no check required. Similarly, swimming in calm water only requires skill checks with a DC of 10. Trained swimmers can just take 10. (Remember, however, that armor or heavy gear makes any attempt at swimming much more difficult. See the Swim skill description in the PHB for more details.) By contrast, fast-moving water is much more dangerous. On a successful DC 15 Swim check or a DC 15 Strength check, it deals 1d3 points of nonlethal damage per round (1d6 points of lethal damage if flowing over rocks and cascades). On a failed check, the character must make another check that round to avoid going under. Very deep water is not only generally pitch black, posing a navigational hazard, but worse, it deals water pressure damage of 1d6 points per minute for every 100 feet the character is below the surface. A successful Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 for each previous check) means the diver takes no damage in that minute. Very cold water deals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage from hypothermia per minute of exposure.

  • Suffocation

A character who has no air to breathe can hold her breath for 2 rounds per point of Constitution. After this period of time, the character must make a DC 10 Constitution check in order to continue holding her breath. The save must be repeated each round, with the DC increasing by +1 for each previous success. When the character fails one of these Constitution checks, she begins to suffocate. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she suffocates. Slow Suffocation: A Medium character can breathe easily for 6 hours in a sealed chamber measuring 10 feet on a side. After that time, the character takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage every 15 minutes. Each additional Medium character or significant fire source (a torch, for example) proportionally reduces the time the air will last. Small characters consume half as much air as Medium characters. A larger volume of air, of course, lasts for a longer time.

  • Drowning

Any character can hold her breath for a number of rounds equal to twice her Constitution score. After this period of time, the character must make a DC 10 Constitution check every round in order to continue holding her breath. Each round, the DC increases by 1. When the character finally fails her Constitution check, she begins to drown. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hp). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she drowns. It is possible to drown in substances other than water, such as sand, quicksand, fine dust, and silos full of grain.

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