MLP Outfits

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OutfitCostWill BonusWits BonusSkill BonusMax. Dex bonusSpeed PenaltyWeightSpecial
Misc Garderobe
Frontier Outfit40 Bits+1+2* (see special)+4- +1 Endurance bonus in appropriate terrain
Pony-Rug10 Bits+1+1--- -
Raincoat25 Bits+0+0* (see special)+2- +1 Survival bonus under severe weather conditions
Stealth Outfit30 Bits+0+0* (see special)+5- +1 Stealth bonus at night or in appropriate terrain
Winter Outfit25 Bits+0+0* (see special)+2- +1 Survival bonus under cold weather conditions
Casual Garderobe
Artisan's Coat75 Bits+1+2--- +1 Social Rating bonus
Cloak +0+3/+1-+4- use value after slash if worn over other outfit
Explorer's Outfit50 Bits+1+3--- contains 5 tiny bags for objects
Leisure Outfit50 Bits+2+1--- -
Professional Outfit150 Bits+1+5* (see special)+3- +1 Equipment bonus on appropriate Profession checks
Scholar's Robes80 Bits+0+3-+4- +1 Social Rating bonus
Sports Outfit90 Bits+1+2* (see special)-- +1 Equipment bonus on appropriate Athletics checks
Refined Garderobe
Exclusive Garderobe

Refined Garderobe

  • Gala Outfit

Exclusive Garderobe

  • Wedding Dress
  • Designer Dress


  • Clerical Trappings
  • Courtly Trappings
  • Noble Trappings
  • Royal Trappings
  • Uniform Trappings


  • Ribbon, Prize
  • Ribbon, Enchanted


ArmorCostFort BonusRef BonusSkill BonusMax. Dex bonusSpeed PenaltyWeightArmor Type

Light Armor

  • Caparison, Light
  • Caparison, Padded
  • Cervidan Harness
  • Light Royal

Medium Armor

  • Breastplate
  • Ceremonial
  • Medium Royal

Heavy Armor

  • Full Plate
  • Heavy Royal


  • Wing Shield A wing shield can be made of wood (cost 20 gp, weight 5 lbs.) or steel (cost 60 gp, weight 6 lbs.). Each shield grants a +1 armor bonus to your Fortitude Defense. It takes a full round action to attach or detach a wing shield. You cannot fly while using a shield in this manner.

Sports Equipment

ArmorCostFort BonusRef BonusSkill BonusMax. Dex bonusSpeed PenaltyWeightArmor Type
Armor		DR	    Fort Bonus	Max. Dex Bonus	Skill Penalty	Speed	Weight	Cost
College Jacket	DR – 1/B	-		+4		0	30	3 lbs.	$120
Sport Padding	DR – 2/S	-		+6		0	30	15 lbs	$200
  • Athletic Outfit An Athletic Outfit counts as basic sports equipment and may be used by everypony.
  • Coach Outfit A Coach Outfit counts as special sports equipment which may only be used, if the character has the Coach feat.
  • College Jacket

This basic impromptu armor offers a little protection against slashing or piercing damage.

  • Referee Outfit A Referee Outfit counts as special sports equipment which may only be used, if the character has the Referee feat.
  • SCUBA Suit

This suit is the very latest development in Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. With a SCUBA Suit and a successful Athletics skill check roll (DC 15), a human can safely descend as much as 30 metres beneath the surface (in Earth-standard gravity). For every 20 metres beyond that mark, the DC of the Athletics skill check increases by five. Even the most skilled divers, however, cannot descend much past 100 metres, as the pressure of the water past that point is simply too much for the human body to bear. Obviously, tolerable depths vary depending upon the gravity of the area. A standard SCUBA Suit includes a one hour air supply. A SCUBA Suit counts as special sports equipment which may only be used without penalty, if the character has the appropriate sports proficiency feat.

  • Sport Padding

A number of impromptu armors, such as football pads and a baseball catcher’s pads, that offer similar protection and game statistics. These paddings count as advanced sports equipment which may only be used without penalty, if the character has the appropriate sports proficiency feat.

  • Squirrel Suit A Squirrel Suit counts as special sports equipment which may only be used without penalty, if the character has the appropriate sports proficiency feat.
  • Swimsuit A Swimsuit counts as basic sports equipment and may be used by everypony.