Timber Wolf

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Timber Wolf[edit]


Timberwolves are feral canines said to be made of entirely of wood. These creatures hunt in packs and live in thick forests where their own bodies blend into the surrounding plant life.

Medium Magical Beast
Fatigue: d+ ()
Speed: squares
Physical Base Bonus: +
Mental Base Bonus: +
Attack: Melee + ()
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Defenses: Fort , Ref , Will , Wit
Physical Threshold: , Social Threshold:
Abilities: Str 10 (+0), Dex 10 (+0), Con 10 (+0), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0)
Racial Features:
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:

Special Abilities[edit]


Timberwolves get their name because they resemble quadrepedal wolves covered in twisted bark and branches. They have narrow jaws filled with jagged thorn-like teeth, broad spade-like paws designed for gripping the terrain and running at high speeds after prey, glowing bright yellow eyes, and patches of thick green leaves making up their tails.

It is unknown what a Timberwolf is like on the inside. Some believe that they are just normal, non-sentient wolves or canids that have covered themselves in bark and leaves for some reason. Others believe that they are solid wood to the core and that their blood is green with chlorophyll. A few rumors even state that the Timberwolf is an unholy fusion of plant and animal, possessing both flesh and wood. One thing is certain though: Timberwolves are among one of the most frightening-looking monsters known to exist, and they have the deadly predatory instinct to back it up.


Unlike true sentient wolves, the Timberwolves are snarling, feral beasts. These creatures are very quick-moving and can easily keep pace with the fastest of ponies. They hunt in packs of roughly a dozen and are found exclusively within the region of Celestia's Influence. The highest concentrations of Timberwolves can be found in the Everfree Forest of Equestria, the Tramplevanian Alps, the Forsaken Forest, and the Eternal Forest surrounding Concordia and the World Tree.

Since they are creatures of wood, they fear thunder because it usually means lighting, which in turn can create fire (which can obviously burn them). This theory may explain why the Timberwolves howl before the start of the Zap Apple season: they are warning their kin to get out of the area before they risk being burned by the unpredictable surges of lighting.


  • Timberwolves can be repelled by loud noises, such as pots and pans being banged together. It's believed that they fear such noises due to their similarity to thunder. When they hear such noises, they will halt their pursuit of whatever their chasing and retreat to a safe position.
  • In Ponyville, the howling of the Timberwolves signals the first sign of the start of the Zap Apple Season.
  • Some Legends say that the origin is that in the past some lumber pony's tried to stop the growing of the Everfree Forest by cutting the trees down. But the curse of the wood animated the timber to hunt the Pony`s ho dared to cutting the trees.