MLP Social Hazards

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Sometimes it happens that a shocking event has impact on the psyche, such an event is referred to as Social Hazard.

  • Bad News: A Bad News Social Hazard occurs for example when a friend or relative have a serious accident or after major disappointments. Technically it is treated as a Social Maneuver from the Stablemaster against the involved characters. The exact effect of the maneuver should determine by the stablemaster.
CRArgument SizeExampleAttackDamage
1/2Tinylittle disappointment-51d4
1Smalla small misfortune-21d6
2Mediuminjured friend+02d6
4Largebroken promise+24d6
8HugeLoss of livelihood+58d6
12GargantuanLoss of a close relative or Special Somepony+1012d6
20ColossalWatched helplessly how all suffer and Die+2020d6
  • Pressure: Pressure occurs when several negative factors come together. For example, exam stress caused by lack of preparation and uncertainty.