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  • VORMUND (Markus Ettlinger, covert)
Affiliations: Solo D8, Buddy D6, Team D10
Distinctions: Hauptmann Deutschland, Kinetic Absorber, Terrorist Hunter
Power Sets:
Enhanced Durability D8, Enhanced Reflexes D8, Enhanced Stamina D8, Enhanced Strength D8
SFX: Absorption. On a successful reaction to a kinetic-based attack, add your opponent's effect die to your next
Genetic Supersoldier roll.
SFX: Human Shield. When a nearby ally or friend takes physical stress, you may step up that stress to take it
yourself instead.
SFX: Second Wind. Before you take an action including a Genetic Super-Soldier power, you may move your physical
stress die to the doom pool and step up the Genetic Super-Soldier power for this action.
Limit: Patriot. Earn 1 PP if you step up emotional stress inflicted by government forces or popular opinion by +1.
Swingline D8, Weapon D8
SFX: Grenades. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a D6 and keep an additional effect die.
SFX: Non-Lethal Weapons. When using Weapon to inflict a complication on a target, add a D6 and step up your effect die.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Weapon Harness to gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.
Specialties: Athletic Expert D8, Combat Master D10, Covert Expert D8, Military Master D10, Vehicle Expert D8
  • Milestones:
1 XP - 
3 XP - 
10 XP - 
1 XP - 
3 XP - 
10 XP -