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Revision as of 17:35, 17 November 2012 by (talk) (New page: Category:Star Wars SAGA Category:The Periphery Runs Category: NSC * '''EV-0X''' :EV-Series Supervisor Droid CL 3 Medium droid (3rd-degree) non heroic l/noble 3 Force Points...)
- EV-0X
- EV-Series Supervisor Droid CL 3
Medium droid (3rd-degree) non heroic l/noble 3 Force Points: 0 (3) Init + 1; Perception +3
Languages: Basic, Binary, Huttese, Gand, 1 unassigned
Defenses: Ref 13 (flat-footed 13), Fort 12, Will 16 Hp 10; Threshold 12 Speed: 6 squares (walking)
Melee: unarmed +1 (ld3) Ranged: by weapon + 1 Base Atk: +2; Grp +1 Attack Options: Coordinated Attack, Demand Surrender
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 9, Con -, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 12
Special Qualities: Bully, Droid traits
Talents: Demand Surrender, Presence
Feats: Coordinated Attack, Droid Focus (5th - degree). Linguist, Skill Focus (Mechanics, Persuasion), Skill Training (Knowledge [technology], Mechanics)
Skills: Knowledge (technology) +9, Mechanics + 14, Perception +3, Persuasion + 13, Use Computer +9
Systems: heuristic processor, walking locomotion, 2 hand appendages, internal comlink, vocabulator, credit reader, hidden holster, weapon detector
Availability: Licensed; Cost 14 ,130 credits
- Bully - As a swift action, when trying to intimidate a target, the EV-Series supervisor droid can reroll its Persuasion check and keep the better result.
- Coordinated Attack (1 swift action, l/turn)
The EV-Series supervisor droid grants its allies a +2 bonus to attack rolls made against an enemy that is adjacent to the droid or within point blank range of the droid.
- Demand Surrender (1 swift action, l/encounter)
The EV-Series supervisor droid demands surrender from an opponent that has been reduced to one-half of its hit points or fewer, by making a Persuasion check against the opponent's Will Defense.
- Improve Access (2 swift actions, l/turn)
The EV-Se ries supervisor droid makes a Use Computer check against the target computer's Will Defense to improve the computer's attitude toward it.
- Issue Routine Command (1 swift action, l/turn)
The EV-Series supervisor droid issues a routine command to a computer that has a friendly attitude toward it.