Gruppen Inventar
From Anu Anu RPG
Revision as of 22:58, 23 August 2012 by (talk)
1000 gp Kopfgeld für die Gebrüder Wallace 150 gp von Idrianerhassern
320 gp Kredit bei Pip & Pop's
4x Small Pistol á 200, 4x Belt Holster á 5 gp Small Pistol (selbstschuss) 250 gp 2x Balanced Doublebarrel Rifle á 900 gp 8x Hunting Rifle 400 á gp Khadoran Battleaxe 20 gp Rapier 20 gp Slip Dagger Harness + Dagger 20 gp 2x Bandolier 12 Schuss á 75 gp Ammo Box (50 shots à 10 gp für Hunter's Rifles) 500 gp 2x Riflers pounds Pulver á 50 gp
2x Chain Shirt á 100 gp 2x Studded Leather á 25 gp 8x Leather á 10 gp 2x Armored Greatcoat á 75 gp 8x Greatcoat á 20 gp Alchemist's Beard 250 gp
5x Midlunder Horses á 200 gp, 5x Pack Saddle á 15 gp 2 Light Horses á 75 gp 2x Reinforced Trek Wagon (Light Armor Plating; AC 13, 40 HP, Hardness 10, Speed 35, Cover +2) 225 gp
Zigarren-etuis, medium 2 gp 2x Calm Emotions á 25 gp 2x Box of Hearthblend Clipper Cigars á 6 gp Deck of Cards 1 gp Streichhölzer 5 gp Accordeon 35 gp 10x Leather Boots á 1 gp 10x Wide-rimed Hat á 1 gp Chaps 4 gp 2x Goggles á 4 gp Crate of Uiske Bottles (8 Bottles á 4 gp) 34 gp Food Crates (70 portions worth of rations) 35 gp Decken & Geschirr für 5 Leute 10 gp
Doc's praxis - Destille
Die Braddock Mine - Alchemistiche Kohle - 4x Fässer Lampenöl á 2,5 gp - Portable Steam Engine 500 gp - Handpumps 300 gp - 11x Miner's Pick á 8 gp - 2x Mine Cart - 2x Muli