Talk:MLP Feats
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Bloodline Feats
- Apple Family () []:
- Prerequisites: Earth Pony
- Benefit:
- Special: Available at character generation only.
- Hay Family () []:
- Prerequisites: Earth-, or Unicorn Pony
- Benefit:
- Special: Available at character generation only.
- Royal Blood () []:
- Prerequisites: Earth-, or Unicorn Pony
- Benefit:
- Special: Available at character generation only.
- Arcane Mane () []:
- Prerequisites: Stablemaster permission.
- Benefit: Access to special Spell list.
- Special: Available at character generation only.
- Elemental Mane () []:
- Prerequisites:
- Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
- Special: Available at character generation only.
- Rainbow Mane () []:
- Prerequisites:
- Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
- Special: Available at character generation only.
- Shadow Mane () []:
- Prerequisites: Stablemaster permission.
- Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
- Special: Available at character generation only.
- Shining Mane () []:
- Prerequisites: Stablemaster permission.
- Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
Magic Feats
- Telekinetic Battle () []:
- Prerequisites:
- Benefit: You can attack without penalty with objects you can lift with telekinesis.
- Magical Mimic () []:
- Prerequisites:
- Benefit: Can mimic the spell of another caster. You must be able to cast spells of that Grade. 2 Harmony Points. You can learn a spell after you have mimicked it.
Animal Feats
- Stampede (Ex): A frighted herd of cows flee as a group away from the source of danger. They automatically make an Overrun check over anything Large or smaller in their way. This Overrun also deals 1d10 damage per 5 cows in the herd (Reflex save DC 17 half damage). The DC is Constitution-based.
- Thunderous Moo (Ex): A cow engaged in combat can moo every 3 rounds. This moo (Fortitude save DC 18), causes the Deafened condition for 3 rounds to all foes up to 15 feet (3 squares) who hear it.
- Ultimate Bull Rush (Ex): Because cows are bulls, they are supreme at bull rushing. This ability serves as a regular Improved Bull Rush feat, except the Strength bonus to bull rushing is +7 instead of +4, and it also deals 1d6 damage.
- Produce Milk (Ex): Cows can produce two waterskins worth of milk each day. In order to produce milk, a cow must have had proper food and water the day before and must be milked. Milk provides as much nourishment as water and heals 1 HP per drink.
- Thick Hide (Ex): The cow gains +1 natural bonus to Fort Defense and DR 1 from its thick leather hide.
Other Feats
- Regeneration () []:
- Prerequisites:
- Benefit: 1 Harmony Point. Restores HP every Round equal to Caster’s Wis. Mod.
- I Don’t Want to Fight () []:
- Prerequisites:
- Benefit: The quickest fight is the one never started. Loyalties can end aggression with a stern look or word. 1 Harmony Point.
- Shake It Off () []:
- Prerequisites:
- Benefit: Damage Reduction 1/-. You can take this feat multiple times.
- Skillful Recovery: When you select this talent, choose one skill. Whenever you fail a skill check with that skill, you gain one temporary Harmony Point. That Harmony Point can only be spent to add to a skill check with the skill you chose for this talent. If the Harmony Point is not spent by the end of the encounter, it is lost. For the purposes of this talent, failing a skill check means failing to get the minimum possible result from the skill check. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different skill to gain the benefits of this talent.
- Prerequisite: Trained in the chosen skill.
- Contingency Plan: Once per encounter, if you fail an attack roll, a skill check, or the use of a talent that requires an opposed check, you can move your speed as a reaction.
- Idealist: Your confidence empowers you, giving you the ability to withstand the harmful influence of others. You can add your Charisma bonus in place of your Wisdom bonus to your Will Defense.
- Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
- Lead by Example: Your bravery and skill inspires others to follow your lead. Once per encounter, when you successfully deal damage to an enemy, you can choose to grant all allies a + 1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls and + 1 die of damage on non-area attacks against that target for the remainder of the encounter.
- Acrobatic Ally (Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Strength 13): You move an ally around with ease and accuracy by giving him or her a leg up or a helpful toss. You can hoist or toss an ally of your size or smaller up to 2 squares. You and your ally must act on the same initiative number and start in adjacent squares. If you succeed on a DC 20 Acrobatics check as a standard action, your ally ends up in a sq uare of your choosing up to 2 squares above or away from you. This counts as a free action for your ally and ends your turn . Your ally can then continue his or her turn. If you fail your check, both you and your ally immediately become prone in your square. Your turn is ended, but your ally can take his or her turn normally. This can provoke attacks of opportunity against either character.