MLP Feats

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General Feats

  • Best Friends Forever: The pony gains a +1 morale bonus on attacks and skill checks made while within 15 feet of a specific ally, chosen when this feat is taken. You can buy this feat multiple times an its effect stacks per additional ally, up to a maximum +3 morale bonus.
  • Dashing Strike: The pony gains +1 to attack and damage for every 20 feet traveled in the same round that an attack is made.
  • Pony Friend (Ex): The pony gains an affinity to animals, granting the pony an animal companion (see Druid class). The pony has an effective druid level of 1/2 current character level. If the Pony already had an animal companion, or later acquires the ability, their effective druid level is now equal to their character level if higher than their current effective druid level. A paladin pony with the special mount class feature may not gain this feat, or will lose their animal companion (out of jealousy) upon acquiring a special mount.
  • Sweet Pony Talker: +1/2 character levels luck bonus to diplomacy checks made against other ponies (including unicorns and pegasi).

Bloodline Feats

  • Apple Family: (Requirements: Earth Pony)
  • Dark Pony: (Requirements: )
  • Hay Family: (Requirements: Earth-, or Unicorn Pony)

Generosity Feats


Honesty Feats

Flaw: Finds it impossible to tell lies or half truths. Omission is fine but makes you uneasy.

Kindness Feats


Laughter Feats


Loyalty Feats

Flaw: Can’t leave friends behind in combat.

Magic Feats


Earth Pony Feats

Pegasus Pony Feats

Unicorn Pony Feats