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Alles noch provisorische Wunschwerte ;) Dong, Spieler: Deichman


Physical Social Mental
Str: 2 Cha: 1 Per: 3
Dex: 3 Man: 5 Int: 3
Sta: 2 App: 5 Wit: 3
Dawn Zenith Twilight
Archery: 0 Integrity: 3 Craft: 0
Martial Arts: 0 Performance: 5 Investigation: 1
Melee: 0 Presence: 5 Lore: 1
Thrown: 0 Resistance: 0 Medicin: 0
War: 0 Survival: 2 Occult: 0
Night Eclipse Craft
Athletics: 1 Bureaucracy: 5 CraftAir: 0
Awareness: 1 Linguistics: 3 CraftEarth: 0
Dodge: 1 Ride: 3 CraftFire: 0
Larceny: 3 Sail: 0 CraftWater: 0
Stealth: 0 Socialize: 3 CraftWood: 0
More Craft
CraftMagetech: 0 CraftGenesis: 0 CraftShaping: 0
Backgrounds Mertis&Flaws Arts&Sciences
Artefakt: 3 Legendary Att. (Dex) Flametounge
Manse: 3 Wanted 4
Addiction 1
Other Traits
Willpower Health Essence
? 1*0/2*-1/2*-2/1*-4/1*Inc./2*Dying 2
Compassion: 2 Temperance: 5 Personal: 23
Conviction: 3 Valor: 2 Peripheral: 52
Combat Pools
Form Atk (S/A/D/R) DV/PV/Soak (B/L/A)
Human 5/?/?B/2 ?/?/?B/?L


Name Cost Mins Type Keywords Duration Prerequisite
2. Presence EXCELLENCY 2m/suc Instant Excel. Effect
1. Dex EXCELLENCY 1m/d Instant Excel. Keywords Effect
3. Dex EXCELLENCY 4m/Att *2 Instant Excel. Keywords Reroll/Att *2
Name Cost Duration Type Keywords Effect
Name Cost Duration Type Keywords Effect
Name Cost Duration Type Keywords Effect
Name Cost Duration Type Keywords Effect
Name Cost Duration Type Keywords Effect
Name Cost Duration Type Keywords Effect
HIDE OF THE CUNNING HUNTER 2m Indef. Ref. Combo Versteckt Tattoos
WASP STING BLUR 2m/tick Inst. Ref Combo, Fury Speed min. 3
Name Cost Duration Type Keywords Effect