Sports Styles

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  • Sport Style: Iron Man/Marathon (• to ••••)
Prerequisites: Sta •••, Athletics ••

Athletic Speed

Adds +1 Spe to all running/swimming/hiking moves; Stacks with 'Fleet of Foot' Merit.

•• Athletic Endurance

Replace Str by Athlethics when determining the Base Speed of the Character.

••• Routined Movements

The character gains the effect for rote actions toall running/swimming/hiking attempts

•••• Breaking Free

After the character has suceeded on three or more fatigue roll he may choose to commit one point of Willpower and automaticaly succeed on any further further fatigue roll for the rest of the scene.

  • Sport Style: Fussball (• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Athletics ••, Speed 5


Der Character erhält +1 Speed wie im Merit "Fleet of Foot". Der bonus addiert sich, falls der Character bereits das Merit "Fleet of Foot" besitzt.

•• Ballgefühl

Der Character erhält einen +1 Bonus auf alle Aktionen mit einem Fussball

••• Sprinttraining

Der Character kann seinen Speed für einen turn verdoppeln; Cost: 1 WP

•••• Torschuss

Der Character ignoriert bis zu -2 Abzüge für gezielte Treffer mit einem Fussball.

••••• Elfmeter

  • Sport Style: Fussball-Taktiken (• to ••••)


•• Manndeckung

••• Druck nach Vorne

•••• Hinten Zu

  • Sport Style: Base Jumping (• to ••••)
Prerequisites: Res •••

Cost of Effort

character does not have to spend the usual WP to make a jump

•• Pulling the Line




  • Sport Style: Discus/Javelin (• to •••)

Step and Stance

•• Strong Arm

+1 Str bonus on throwing attempts with one arm. Designate which arm the merit is used with.

••• Expert's Arc

extends range of throwing attempt with aerodynamic projectiles by one quarter

  • Sport Style: Pearldiver (• to ••••)
Prerequisites: Sta ••, Athletics •••

Consider depth

Reduce Enviromental Penalitys under Water in amount of the FS




  • Sport Style: TEK-Diving (• to •••)
Prerequisites: Dex •••, Athletics ••

Consider depth

Reduce Enviromental Penalitys under Water in amount of the FS

•• Oxigen syncrisis

Double posible Diving deepth

••• Equiptment Analysis

+1 Equiptment Bonus. Need 1 hour Preperation