From Anu Anu RPG
Litonia Race: Gnome Class: Druide(6), Ranger(1) Lv: 7 Alignement: Neutral Sprachen: Common, Gnome,Sylvan.
Str: 8 -1 Dex: 12 +1 Sta: 14 +2 Int: 14 +2 Wis: 19 +4 Cha: 14 +2
Skills (Mod):
Diplomacy : = Ranks + (Cha) + Class Handle Animal : = Ranks + (Cha) + Class Heal : = Ranks + (Wis) + Class Intimidate : = Ranks + (Cha) + Class Knowledge (Arcana) : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Knowledge (Geography) : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Knowledge (History) : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Knowledge (Local) : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Knowledge (Nature) : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Knowledge (Nobility) : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Knowledge (Planes) : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Knowledge (Religion) : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Knowledge (Tactics) : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Linguistics : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Perception : = Ranks + (Wis) + Class Ride : = Ranks + (Dex) + Class Spellcraft : = Ranks + (Int) + Class Stealth : = Ranks + (Dex) + Class Survival : = Ranks + (Wis) + Class Use Magic Device : = Ranks + (Cha) + Class
Nature Bond Animal Companion Wild Empathy +10 Nature Sense Woodland stride Trackless Step Resist Natures Lure Wild Shape 2/day 6h ( Animal:Tiny,Small,Medium ,Large Elemental:Small Favored Enemy Undead
Eternal Hope Gnomes rarely lose hope and are always confident that even hopeless situations will work out. Gnomes with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair effects. Once per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, the gnome may reroll and use the second result. This racial trait replaces defensive training and hatred. Gnome Magic: Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. Gnomes with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the gnome's Charisma modifier.
Fort Save: +6 Ref Save: +4 Will Save: +5 Initiative: 0 Speed: 30 Armor Class: 18 () Meele-AB: +5 Ranged-AB: +5
Weapon: Langschwert (Masterwork + Cold Iron) Damage: 1d8 Critical: 19-20/x2 Special:
Armor: Lamellar, Leather Armor Bonus: 4 Max Dex Bonus: 3 Check penalty: 2 Spell Failure: 20%
Druiden zauber] LVL0:4 0 grad
LVL1:3+1 1 grad
LVL2:3+1 2 grad
LVL3:2+1 3 grad
Animal Compenion
Alonso Race: Allosaurus
HP: 50/50 [60]
Attribute: Str: 18 Dex: 14 Sta: 14 Int: 7 Wis: 10 Cha: 11
Skills (Mod): Intimidate : = Ranks + (Cha) + Class Perception : = Ranks + (Wis) + Class Stealth : = Ranks + (Dex) + Class Sense Motive : = Ranks + (Wis) + Class Survival : = Ranks + (Wis) + Class Swim : = Ranks + (Str) + Class Fort Save: +6 Ref Save: +3 Will Save: +4 Initiative: 2 Speed: 30 Armor Class: 22 Meele-AB: +9 (-2 when Power Attack) Ranged-AB: +7
Weapon: Zweihänder Damage: 2d6 Critical: 19-20/x2 Special: