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Revision as of 22:25, 21 October 2007 by (talk) (New page: Category:Exalted ===Wyld Mutation Tables=== ====Pox [1 Mutation Point]: (d20)==== 01 * none/GM's choice 02 Third Eye +1 Awareness 03 Sonar ...)
Wyld Mutation Tables
Pox [1 Mutation Point]: (d20)
01 * none/GM's choice 02 Third Eye +1 Awareness 03 Sonar "see" underwater 04 Serpentine T. ignore -2 for blindn. 05 Night Vision see in darkness 06 Enhanced S. +2 Awareness 07 Fogsense ignore visibility pen. 08 [Element] Adapt. special 09 Hooves Kicks +2B dmg 10 Claws Unarmed +1 L dmg 11 Fangs Unarmed +1 L dmg 12 Colour cosmetic 13 Changing Color change tone at will 14 Bioluminescence glow up to 10y 15 Fur/Scales +1 Surv., +1 L/B Soak 16 Tail +2 Athletics 17 Wolf's Pace +2 Dex for movement 18 Small -1 Str, Sta; -2HL less 19 Large +1 Str, Sta; -0HL 20 Longevity doubles lifespan
Deficiencies [1 Mutation Point]: (d12)
01 * none/GM's choice 02 Allergy strong allergy 03 Atrophy -1 in one Attribute 04 Disgusting Scent -2 ext pen on Social 05 Disturbing Voice -2 int pen on Social 06 Hungry 25% more food 07 Lost Sense loose one sense 08 Mood Swings mood at Moonphase 09 Rotundity -1 Dex, mass incr. 10 Second Mouth talks unasked somet. 11 Temperature S. Survival dif +1 12 Ugly -2 App
Afflictions [2 Mutation Points]: (d20)
01 * none/GM's choice 02 Exalted Healing special 03 Chakra Eye see Spirits 04 Special Sense s. Pheromones, etc. 05 Toxin 5L/action, 2, -/-, -2 06 Chameleon +1 Survial, +2 Stealth 07 Frog Tounge Punch/Grapple 3y rng 08 Prehensile Tail Limb at -2 Str -1 Dex 09 Scorpion's Tail add. piercing attack 10 Tusks/Sharkteeth Unarmed +2 L dmg 11 Great Hooves Kicks +2L dmg 12 Thick Skin +2 L/B Soak 13 Inexaustible immune to fatigue 14 Gazelle's Pace +4 Dex for movement 15 Tiny -2 Str, Sta; -1, -2HL 16 Huge +2 Str, Sta; -0HL 17 Impossible Joints+2 Athletics/Stealth 18 Gills roll, breathe water 19 Wyld AssimilationAddiction to Story 20 Ancient of Days quadruples lifespan
Debilities [1 Mutation Points]: (d10)
01 * none/GM's choice 02 Lame legs become useless 03 Slow Healing doubles healing times 04 Deterioration Attr decr. 1/month 05 Fragile every 2nd B dmg L 06 Blindness loose sight totaly 07 Delusions see/hear irreal thing 08 Diet restr. to special food 09 Wyld Addiction loose WP if not in W. 10 Heart Blood Addic.special
Blights [4 Mutation Points]: (d20)
01 * none/GM's choice 02 Enlightened E. Essence Pool = E*10 03 Lidless D. Eye Sorcerers Sight 04 Hideous Maw secound large mouth 05 Acidic Pustules for dmg one die acid 06 Quills/Thorns special attacks 07-08 Tentacels d10/2 T. at -3 De 09-10 Armored Hide +4 Surv., +4 L/B Soak 11-12 Cheeta's Pace move Horse Relay sp. 13-14 Wall Walking move Dex+8y/action 15-16 Glider fly at Sta*3y/action 17 Giant +3Str, Sta; add HL 18 Miniscule -3Str, -2Sta, HL less 19 Prehensile Hair +3 Str at grapples 20 Serpentine Hair poison bite 3y rng
Deformities [4 Mutation Points]: (d8)
01 * none/GM's choice 02 Decomposing Sta roll every week 03 Short Life ages twice as fast 04 Surrend. Flesh never heal A/L dmg 05 Wracking act. Mutation 1L dmg 06 C. of Darkness prone to Holy Charms 07 Plague Carrier passes on disease 08 M Plague Carrier spread magical dis.
Abominations [6 Mutation Points]: (d12)
01 * none/GM's choice 02 Hive living host to vermin 03 Fog Carrier Aura of envir. dmg 04 Multiple Heads extra head, special 05 Wings fly at 2*running sp. 06 Spider Legs add limbs + wall walk 07 Multiple Limbs extra set of limbs, s. 08 Stone Body +6L/B Soak, Atr mod 09 Serpent's Body +4 Dex move, grapple 10 Fish Body +2 move underwater 11 Terrifying Mane 10y rng add "limb" 12 Dragons Breath 10y rng breath attack