Bob, Agent of...

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  • BOB, AGENT OF... ()
Affiliations: Solo D4, Buddy D10, Team D8
Distinctions: Blogger, "Liberated" Hydra Agent, Nice Guy (Poor Pilot)
Power Sets:
Danger Sense D6, Nervous Reflexes D6, Run Away Speed D6, Slacker's Stamina D6, Strategic Invisibility D6
SFX: Advanced Surrender. Use two or more Survival Instinct powers in your dice pool, at –1 step for each additional power.
SFX: Hiding Places 301. When using Strategic Invisibility to create assets, add D6 and step up effect die by +1.
SFX: Tactics of Retreat. Shutdown highest-rated Survival Instinct power to step up another Survival Instinct power by +1. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.
SFX: Save One's Bacon. Ignore physical stress or trauma results. Instead gain D6 physical stress.
SFX: Stupendous Luck. Spend 1 PP to add Danger Sense (or step up by +1 if already in your pool) and reroll all dice when taking an action.
Limit: Sluggard. Earn 1 PP to step up emotional stress inflicted by employers demanding work by +1.

 Hydra Armor D6, 
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Hydra Arsenal and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.
Specialties: Athletics Rookie D6, Covert Expert D8, Crime Amateur D4, Tech Amateur D4, Vehicle Amateur D4
  • Milestones:
1 XP - When you actively avoid work.
3 XP - When you hide during an action scene instead of fighting.
10 XP - When you rise above rank and file in your organization, or decide to leave the organization, due to danger to life and limb.
1 XP - When you argue with Deadpool.
3 XP - When you get shot by Deadpool.
10 XP - When you become Deadpool's equal Partner, or decide to leave Deadpool, due to danger to life and limb.