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  • A Treatise Upon Virtue

Originally, this was the traveling spellbook of one of the first students of the Order of Illumination, one Jefferies Applewien. While there are certainly higher-order resources and greater spellbooks, this particular book is well-rounded and well-known enough that the Order feels safe in giving it out to new initiates. This book is the handbook given out to Order of Illumination wizards upon completing their training. Its 100 parchment pages are filled with Applewien's personal account, research notes, schemata and diagrams. Bound in a white leather cover, with a Sunburst of Morrow embossed in gold on the cover. Inside is a storehouse of prayers, arcane lore, and knowledge about the enemies of Morrow.

Language: Caspian
Special Features: Primarily a spellbook, it contains the following wizard spells: 1st: detect evil, sanctuary, protection from evil, detect undead. 2nd: aid, see invisibility. 3rd: holy smite, shield other, spiritual weapon, magic circle against Evil. 4th: dispel evil, dimensional anchor. 5th: mark of justice. This book also grants a +1 bonus to all legends and lore checks to research necromancy and infernalism. However, it is written even more convolutedly then most wizard's books, and the DC for learning spells from it are at +5. Most Order of Illumination wizards have used this for their textbook for years, so do not suffer this penalty.
Value: 6965 (15 gp for the book, +4950 gp for the spells, +2000 gp for the knowledge), but good luck getting a buyer who is willing to upset the Order.
Details: 3lb. Hardness 2, 1 hp
  • The Liber Mechanika of Tomas

The author of this tome is only known though a passing mention in one of the anecdotes he records, though there is some debate as to whether that is even his real name. The outside of this book is a heavy iron sheet, held together with iron bands. A hasp with a good lock (DC 30) holds it shut. Inside is standard parchment sheets crammed full of drawings, notations, and oil stains. A good portion of the pages are simply unreadable. Many have been torn out. But a patient reader can gain quite a few interesting benefits.

Language: Ordic
Special Features: Primarily a spellbook, it contains the following arcane mechanik spells: 1st: grease, gear barrage. 2nd: resist energy. 3rd: greater magic weapon, magic vestment 4th: polarization. While it does have a number of spells recorded, it also contains a number of drawings, schemata, gear ration calculations, and other useful things for the mechanically minded. This book also grants a +1 bonus to all legends and lore checks to research mechanka and mechanica.
Value: 3410 (210 gp for the book, +80 gp for the lock, +700 gp for the spells, +2500 gp for the knowledge).
Details: 7 lb. Hardness 7, 6 hp
  • The Manual of Ked Dram Duran

Ked Dram was a mage who had a fascination with the twisted mutations found in the sewers and passages beneath Corvis. If it burrowed, levitated, squelched, or dragged itself along chances were Ked had classified it in his book. It's said that he met his end while trying to study the mutated leech colonies that dwell in the fetid canals of the Undercity of Corvis. Amidst pools of glowing sewage and half-dissolved rat bones he was finally found. His scabby, blood-drained corpse was covered with toothy mawed monstrosities. The Manual of Ked is a large tome covered in a slick purple and green hide cover. It smells faintly of some sort of chemical, and the cover itself is slick to the touch. If left in the dark, it glows slightly, giving off enough sickly green light to read the pages.

Language: Cygnaran
Special Features: Ked Dram Duran's manual contains Common lore on any aberration that can be found in or near the city of Corvis. While what creatures this entails is up to the DM to decide, the book does contain information on the anatomy and abilities of many other aberrations as well. The gruesome diagrams and frantically scribbled writings bestow a +3 bonus on legends and lore checks to research aberrations
Value: 6250 (250 gp for the book, +6000 gp for the knowledge).
Details: 4 lb. Hardness 4, 5 hp
  • Toben's Guide to Revenants and Reanimates, 8th edition

This book can be found on the bookshelves of many an adventurer. Although it has been reprinted many times, the information is fairly useful, if not completely accurate. This common tome offers the occasional insight into the behavior of the risen dead. Traditional wards and swamp folk charms against these creatures are detailed to some degree.

Language: Cygnaran or Khadoran
Special Features: The Guide details methods and means to deal with all sorts of undead. This book grants a +1 bonus to all legends and lore checks to research undead.
Value: 1015 gp (15 gp for the book, +1000 gp for the knowledge).
Details: 3 lb. Hardness 2, 1 hp
  • Chronicles of the Troll Hunter

The chronicler Karl Gauss first began retelling the tales of Sargov Cromme, a man tougher then steel and deadlier then a razorbat swarm. Sargov is a hero of the people of Khador. A statue of him can be found in the city of Korsk, his left foot poised on the massive head of Groane the Grim. Groane was a legendary dire troll that Cromme killed in a savage struggle that lasted a month – or so the tales say. A troll hunter and self-styled adventurer, Sargov generated endless tall tales for Gauss to retell. Most of these tales have become more preposterous over the years. However, in this collection of myths there are some truths about the trolls of the Iron Kingdoms.

Language: Khadoran
Special Features: This lavishly illustrated book contains tales of all sorts of fantastic whimsy. Although the truth of the matter is probably far more bloody and grim, this book paints a picture of heroic struggles against vicious monsters. This book has no special quirks, but the lore it contains on trolls is oddly accurate. This book bestows a +2 bonus on legends and lore checks regarding trolls, except for trollkin, which Cromme did not cross paths with much.
Value: 2515 gp (15 gp for the book, +2500 gp for the knowledge).
Details: 3 lb. Hardness 2, 1 hp
  • Librum Mekanecrus

This infamous tome has been recorded destroyed many times in history. New copies keep turning up at random, despite this. It is rumored to contain many blasphemous machines, the most notable of which is the Deathjack. By combining mechankial knowledge with ancient Orgoth rites, these machines flare to unholy life. Bound in blackened iron, locked (DC 35), and written on vellum(?) in brownish ink(?).

Language: Orgoth
Special Features: By far, the most valuable knowledge is the rites needed to create a Deathjack. Horrible and profane to the extreme, they also drain 1500 XP, and require (amongst other things) a functioning steamjack of high quality, a living sacrifice, and days of rituals and spells. (GMs are encouraged to make this very expensive and problematic to get)
Value: impossible to calculate. Good luck getting that evil cultist to sell you his copy, by the way.
Details: 5 lb. Hardness 7, 8 hp
  • Tharmar's Enkheiridion

At first perusal, this appears to be a standard copy of the Enkheiridion, the holy book of the Morrowan and Tharmarite religions. Written so that the right hand pages are white paper with black ink (Morrow's pages), and the left hand pages black with silver ink (Tharmar's pages, properly read by turning the book upside down and starting from the “back”). It details the tale of the Twins on their path to Ascension The book is unique, complex, and difficult to understand even for those who spend their lives in study of it. On closer examination, the Tharmarite journal has been added to, several provisos and addendums have been added. This is a copy of the “complete” work utilized by the Tharmarite sects.

Language: Caspian (with some Telgesh in the new sections)
Special Features: The other version of this book can be found in all Morrowan churches. Books similar to this can be found among any sizable cult of Tharmarites, or in the possession of Her devout. This book (with a DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check) grants a +2 to all legends and lore checks regarding Tharmar, her cultists, or any topic related to them. The book also has a permanent protection from good effect upon it.
Value: 7810 gp (210 gp for the book, +2500 gp for the knowledge, +5100 for the protection spell).
Details: 8 lb. Hardness 4, 6 hp
  • The Enduring Books of Cygnaran Lore and Tradition, Volume IV

Published in 565, this series of tomes is considered to be the premier source of all things historical in Cygnaran history, in Cygnar. Other kingdoms find it trite, and horribly biased if not outrightly offensive. This particular volume details the reign of King Malagant the Grim, his ill-fated marriage, and the fall of the Eternals.

Language: Cygnaran
Special Features: The books in this series all provide a +2 bonus to all legends and lore checks regarding Cygnaran history. Each volume covers a particular time period, however, so not having a particular volume will provide no bonus.
Value: 2515 gp (15 gp for the book, +2500 gp for the knowledge).
Details: 3 lb. Hardness 2, 1 hp


  • Published in Cygnar:
    • The Corvis Chronicle
    • The Mercir Messenger
    • The Voice of Sul
    • Weekly Newes (Caspia & Ceryl editions)
  • Published in Ord:
    • The Ordic Observer
    • The Shipman's Tower (published out of Berck)
  • Published in Khador and Occupied Llael:
    • The Korsk Korrespondant
    • The Rhydden Beacon
    • The Vladovar Broadsheet
  • Published in the Protectorate of Menoth:
    • The Imer Proclamation