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Marvel Universe Organizations

Hero Organizations

OrganizationDefining MeritBenefitsPrerequisites
AvengersStatus (• to •••••)(•) Reserve Member; Avengers Comunicard (Power Item ••)Morality 6+,
(•••) Branch Member; (Active) Three additional dots Allies [specific Avengers Branch Team], (Passive) Avengers Skycycle (Power Item •••)
(•••••) Main Team Member; Access To Avengers Mansion (Base N/A)
S.H.I.E.L.D.Status (• to •••••)(•) Agent; S.H.I.E.L.D. Standard Issue Uniform (Costume ••)Morality 5+, Registration with S.H.I.E.L.D.
(•••) Special Agent; Three additional dots in either Allies [S.H.I.E.L.D.], Archive [S.H.I.E.L.D.], Super Vehicle [S.H.I.E.L.D.], or Super Armory [S.H.I.E.L.D.] or any combination thereof
(•••••) Division Chief; Access to LMD Technology (Artificial Retainer •••), Prescription of Infinity Formula (Power Item •••),

Enigma Organizations

OrganizationDefining MeritBenefitsPrerequisites
ZodiacStatus (• to •••••)(•) two additional dots Costume [Zodiac]

Villain Organizations

OrganizationDefining MeritBenefitsPrerequisites
A.I.M.Status (• to •••••)(•) A.I.M. Uniform (Costume ••)Morality max. 6, Give Scientific Information to A.I.M.
(•••) One additional dot Costume, Two additional dots in either Power Item, Super-Lab [A.I.M.], Super Vehicle [A.I.M.], or Super Armory [A.I.M.] or any combination thereof
Brotherhood of Evil MutantsStatus (• to •••••)(•) Morality max. 6, Mutant Origin
HYDRAStatus (• to •••••)(•) Agent; HYDRA Uniform (Costume ••), HYDRA Brainwashing (-2 to Interrogation and Mental influence attempts)Morality max. 5, Give Blackmail-Information to HYDRA
(•••) Special Agent; Three additional dots in either Henchmen [HYDRA], Super-Lab [HYDRA], Super Vehicle [HYDRA], or Super Armory [HYDRA] or any combination thereof
(•••••) Section Chief;
The HandStatus (• to •••••)(•)