MLP Feats

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General Feats

  • Best Friends Forever (Ex) [General]:

You got another pony with whom everything just goes a little better than without.

Benefit: The pony gains a +1 morale bonus on attacks and skill checks made while within 15 feet of a specific ally, chosen when this feat is taken.
Special: You can buy this feat multiple times an its effect stacks per additional ally, up to a maximum +3 morale bonus.
  • Cohort (Ex) [General]:

You are the sort of person that others want to follow, and you have recruited a cohort.

Prerequisite: Minimum 6th-level character.
Benefit: You have a loyal companion who assists you. The cohort is a heroic character of a level equal to your character level minus 5. The cohort is considered part of your party, and gets an equal share of the experience points gained through adventuring. The cohort advances normally as he or she goes up levels. If anything happens to your cohort, you can recruit a new one. This takes 4d4 weeks. If your previous cohort left because of injury or death, your next cohort begins 1 level lower than normal. For example: If your first cohort perished during an adventure, your second cohort will be a heroic character of a level equal to your character level minus 6. If that cohort becomes too injured to continue aiding you, your third cohort would begin at a level equal to your character level minus 7.
Special: Discuss your intentions with the GM before selecting this feat. The GM may prefer to generate your cohort or may want to approve a cohort you generate before he allows the character into the campaign. He may place some restrictions on the cohort’s development (banning the cohort from taking certain advanced or prestige classes, for example).
  • Collector (Ex) [General]:

You spend so much time and money on one of your hobbies that you have become an expert on the subject.

Prerequisites: Trained in Knowledge (specific hobby).
Benefit: Select a single hobby or pastime (comic books, baseball cards, noir films, and so forth). You gain a +5 bonus on Wealth checks to see if you have an object related to your hobby on hand. You may attempt these checks for items with a purchase DC of 12 or lower.
Normal: On-hand Wealth checks can normally only be made for items with a purchase DC of 10 or lower.
Special: You must still get your GM’s permission to attempt the Wealth check, and the GM is the final arbiter of the purchase DC for all items.
  • Deep Pockets () []:

You are able to manage your finances so that buying items is less impactful on your budget.

Prerequisites: Financial Wizard.
Benefit: After succeeding at Wealth check to purchase an object, you may subtract half your Reputation bonus (round down) from the item’s purchase DC for the purpose of determining how much your current Wealth bonus is lowered. For example, a character with a Wealth bonus of +4 and a Reputation bonus of +6 makes a successful Wealth check to buy an item with a purchase DC of 17. Normally this would cause the character’s Wealth bonus to drop by 1d6 + 1 points. (1d6 because 17 is 12 points higher than his current Wealth bonus, and +1 because the purchase DC was higher than 15).
  • Extra Second Wind () []:

You tend to come back from the edge of oblivion more often.

Prerequisite: Trained in the Endurance skill.
Benefit: You can catch your second wind one additional time per day, but you can still only catch a second wind once per encounter (see Second Wind).
Normal: A hero can catch his or her second wind once per day.
Special: A non heroic character that takes this feat for the first time can catch a second wind once per day. You can take this feat multiple times; each time you take this feat, you can catch a second wind one additional time per day.
  • Financial Wizard () []:

You have a knack for financial matters and a sense for good investments.

Prerequisites: Trained in Profession.
Benefit: If you succeed while making a Profession check to regain Wealth after reaching a new level, your current Wealth bonus increases by +1. For every 5 points by which you exceed the DC, you gain an additional +2 to your Wealth bonus.
Normal: Normally you gain only an additional +1 for every 5 points by which you exceed the DC.
  • Growth Spurt () [General]:

You have had a sudden burst of growth, increasing your size.

Prerequisites: GM approval.
Benefit: Your size category increases by one, with all the attendant bonuses and penalties that brings with it. Any natural weapons you have will be larger now as well, and so will deal greater damage, following the usual progression.
Special: GM approval is required for this feat. You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. This feat is always a bonus feat—it does not take up an available feat slot.
  • Haggle () []:

You are a shrewd bargainer, able to secure deals that no one else could.

Prerequisite: Dishonest or Honest Trait.
Benefit: When purchasing or selling equipment, you may attempt a Bluff or Diplomacy check with a DC equal to the item’s purchase DC. If you are successful, you may raise or lower the item’s purchase DC by 1 point.
  • Higher Knowlege () [General]:

You are well educated in the Art of Magic.

Prerequisite: First Hoof Knowlege Talent
Benefit: When this Feat is learned you gain 2+ Interligence Bonus spell slots you have to distributed between the unlocked spell grades.
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Its effects stack. Each time you take this feat, increase your Bonus spell slots. If Interligence Bonus is change later Bonus spells are calculated with the new bonus.
  • Improved Damage Threshold () []:

You are harder to take down by physical means.

Benefit: You increase your damage threshold by 5 (see Damage Threshold).
Normal: A creature without this feat has a damage threshold equal to its Fortitude Defense plus its size modifier (+5 for Large, + 10 for Huge, +20 for Gargantuan, or +50 for Colossal).
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Its effects stack. Each time you take this feat, increase your damage threshold by 5.
  • Indomitable Personality () []:

Your powerful personality helps you cope with attacks that assault your will.

Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can add your Charisma bonus to your Will Defense as a reaction; this benefit lasts until the end of your next turn.
  • Lucky () []:

Things just happen to fall your way.

Benefit: When spending an action point to improve a d20 roll, instead of adding +1d6 to the roll, you may instead choose to reroll the d20. The second result must be used, regardless of whether it is better or worse than the original result.
Special: You may use this feat a number of times per day equal to your character level divided by 4 (minimum 1).
  • Multilingual () [General]:

You were raised in a culture or household where more than one language was spoken. As a result you have fluency in all those languages.

Prerequisite: GM approval.
Benefit: You gain specific additional Speak Language and Read/Write Language abilities without having to spend skill points. Exactly which languages you get is up to the GM and is based on the country, culture, or neighborhood in which you were raised.
Normal: A character is usually fluent in only one language and must spend skill points to be able to speak, read, or write additional languages.
Special: GM approval is required for this feat. You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. This feat is always a bonus feat—it does not take up an available feat slot.
  • Pony Companion (Ex) [General]:

Your Pony has an animal that loyally follows it where-, and whenever it can.

Prerequisites: Animal Handling trained skill
Benefit: The pony gains an affinity to animals, granting the pony an animal companion. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the popny on her adventures as appropriate for its kind. The animal companion selected from the following list: Bat, Beaver, Cat, Dog, Duck, Ferret, Flamingo, Frog, Hedgehog, Mouse, Rabbit, owl, Raccoon, Skunk, Songbird, Squid, Squirrel, Turtle. Additionally, the animal gains the "cute" template, which generally makes the animal much more adorable and amenable to petting.
Special: Should the animal be lost or perish, the pony will suffer a -2 sadness penalty to all checks for 48 hours.
  • Quick Draw () []:

You can draw and holster objects, or weapons from prepared places with startling quickness.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: You can draw or holster an object, or weapon from an accessible place on your body as a swift action instead of as a move action.
  • Self Improvement (Ex) [General]:

Through dedicated training or study, you have improved your physical or mental abilities.

Benefit: Raise one ability score permanently by +1.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
  • Shake it off () []:

You have learned to shake off debilitating conditions.

Prerequisites: Constitution 13, trained in the Endurance skill.
Benefit: You can spend two swift actions instead of three swift actions to move + 1 step along the condition track (see Conditions, page 148).
Normal: It takes three swift actions to move +1 step along the condition track.
  • Signature Skills (Ex) [General]:

You consider certain skills so important that you continue to develop their use even when they have nothing to do with your current vocation.

Benefit: Select two skills that can be used untrained or one skill that has the trained only restriction. You can now consider the skill or skills permanently to be class skills. The skills you select must be class skills at the time you take this feat.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times; each time it applies to a different skill or skills.
  • Skill Focus () [General]:

One of your skills is particularly well honed.

Benefit: You gain a +5 competence bonus on skill checks made with one trained skill of your choice.
Special: This feat may be selected multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different trained skill.
  • Skill Training () [General]:

You are considered trained in a new skill.

Benefit: Choose one untrained skill from your list of class skills. You become trained in that skill.
Special: Th is feat may be selected multiple times. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different class skill.
  • Vehicle Specialization () [General]:

You are proficient with a specific type of vehicle. Benefit: Choose a vehicle type (aircraft, carts, cycles, water vehicles, military vehicles, or other vehicles). When you are in control of a vehicle of the specified type, you gain a +2 competence bonus on skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws involving the vehicle.

Combat Feats

  • Armor Proficiency (heavy) () []:

You are proficient with heavy armor (see Table 8-7: Armor) and can wear it without impediment.

Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (light). Armor Proficiency (medium).
Benefit: When you wear heavy armor, you take no armor check penalty on attack rolls or skill checks. Additionally, you benefit from all of the armor's special equipment bonuses (if any).
Normal: A character who wears heavy armor with which she is not proficient takes a -10 armor check penalty on attack rolls as well as skill checks made using the following skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Endurance, Initiative, Jump, Stealth, and Swim. Additionally, the character gains none of the armor's special equipment bonuses.
  • Armor Proficiency (light) () []:

You are proficient with light armor (see Table 8-7: Armor) and can wear it without impediment.

Benefit: When you wear light armor, you take no armor check penalty on attack rolls or skill checks. Additionally, you benefit from all of the armor's special equipment bonuses (if any).
Normal: A character who wears heavy armor with which she is not proficient takes a -2 armor check penalty on attack rolls as well as skill checks made using the following skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Endurance, Initiative, Jump, Stealth, and Swim. Additionally, the character gains none of the armor's special equipment bonuses.
  • Armor Proficiency (mediun) () []:

You are proficient with medium armor (see Table 8-7: Armor) and can wear it without impediment.

Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (light).
Benefit: When you wear medium armor, you take no armor check penalty on attack rolls or skill checks. Additionally, you benefit from all of the armor's special equipment bonuses (if any).
Normal: A character who wears medium armor with which she is not proficient takes a -5 armor check penalty on attack rolls as well as skill checks made using the following skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Endurance, Initiative, Jump, Stealth, and Swim. Additionally, the character gains none of the armor's special equipment bonuses.
  • Brilliant Defense () []:

You think quickly enough on your feet to stay alive in dangerous situations.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 13.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can add your Intelligence bonus to your Reflex Defense as a reaction; this benefit lasts until the start of your next turn.
  • Buck Kick () [Combat]:
Benefit: If the steed is stationary, it can kick with its hind feet, making a single attack at +I to hit. This kick deals 2d8 + the Strength Bonus of the animal in damage. The target of a successful rear Kick must make a Fort Save at DC 15 + the Strength Bonus of the steed or be knocked back 10 feet.
  • Bull Rush () []:

You can shove your opponents around the battlefield to gain a tactical advantage.

Prerequisite: Strength 13, base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: After making a successful melee attack against an opponent up to one size category larger than you, you can choose to move that opponent 1 square in any direction as a free action. You can't bantha rush an opponent that's being grabbed or grappled, and you can't bantha rush your opponent into a solid object or another creature's fighting space.
  • Coordinated Attack () []:

You are skilled at coordinating your attacks with your allies.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: You are automatically successful when using the aid another action to aid an ally's attack or suppress an enemy as long as the target is adjacent to you or within point blank range.
Normal: You must make an attack roll against a Reflex Defense of 10 to gain the benefits of the aid another action.
  • Dashing Strike (Ex) [Combat]:
Prerequisites: Power Attack
Benefit: The pony gains +1 to attack and damage for every 20 feet traveled in the same round that an attack is made.
  • Dodge () []:

You are adept at dodging blows.

Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 .
Benefit: During your turn, you designate an opponent and receive a + 1 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense against attacks from that opponent. You can select a new opponent on any action. A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most other types of bonuses.
  • Exotic Weapon Proficiency () []:

Choose an exotic weapon (see Exotic Weapons). You understand how to use that type of exotic weapon in combat.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.
Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it takes a -5 penalty on attack rolls.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different weapon.
  • Far Shot () []:

You are better at shooting great distances.

Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: When you use a ranged weapon against targets at short, medium, or long range, the range category is considered one less. In other words, you take no penalty on ranged attack rolls against targets at short range, a -2 penalty on ranged attack rolls made against targets at medium range, and a -5 penalty on a ranged attack rolls made against targets at long range.
Normal: When making a ranged attack roll, a character takes a -2 penalty against targets at short range, a -5 penalty against targets at medium range, and a -10 penalty against targets at long range.
  • Fight in Harness () [Combat]:
Benefit: Despite the dangers of fighting while harnessed to a chariot, wagon, or cart, sometimes a Pony must defend itself on the battlefield or from natural predators under such circumstances. With this feat, the steed takes no negative penalties for fighting in a harness.

Normal: An animal attempting to fight in a harness without this Feat suffers a -4 penalty to all attack rolls, loses its Dexterity Bonus, and must make a Reflex Save each round it attempts to fight. Failure causes its to take 1d6 points of damage in addition to any harm done it by its attacker.

  • Improved Bull Rush () []:

When using the Bull Rush feat, you push your opponent add ition al squares away from you.

Prerequisites: Bull Rush, Strength 15, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When making a Bull Rush, you push your opponent a number of additional squares away from you equal to half your Strength modifier (round down, minimum 2 squares pushed total).
Normal: When using Bull Rush, you normally push your opponent only 1 square away from you.
  • Inmproved Defenses () []:

You are skilled at fending off attacks of many forms.

Benefit: You gain a + 1 bonus to your Reflex Defense, Fortitude Defense, and Will Defense.
  • Improved Disarm () []:

You are skilled at disarming opponents in melee combat.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Melee Defense.
Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on any melee attack roll made to disarm an opponent. In addition, if you fail to disarm your opponent, he doesn't get to make a free attack against you.
Normal: See the normal disarm rules.
  • Mobility () []:

You are skilled at moving past opponents and avoiding opportunistic attacks.

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Dodge.
Benefit: You get a +5 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or into a threatened area (see Attacks of Opportunity). A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.
  • Pin () []:

You are skilled at immobilizing grappled foes.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: If you succeed on a grappling attack and your opponent fails the opposed grapple check, your opponent is automatically pinned until the start of your next turn. A pinned creature can't move or take any actions while pinned, and it loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Reflex Defense.
Special: You cannot use the Pin and Trip feats during the same round.

You can use the Pin and Crush feat in the same round, however.

  • Point Blank Shot () []:

You are skilled at making well-placed shots with ranged weapons at point blank range.

Benefit: You get a + 1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within point blank range (see Table: Weapon Ranges).
  • Power Attack () []:

You can make exceptionally powerful melee attacks.

Prerequisite: Strength 13.
Benefit: On your action, before making an attack roll, you may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage applies until the start of your next turn.
Special: If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls. You can't add the bonus from Power Attack to the damage dealt against an object or vehicle.
  • Powerful Charge () []:

You can charge with extra force.

Prerequisites: Medium or larger size, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you charge, you gain an additional +2 bonus to your melee attack roll. If your melee attack hits, you deal additional damage equal to one-half your leve l.
  • Precise Shot () []:

You are skilled at timing your ranged attacks so that you don't hit your allies by mistake.

Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: You can shoot or throw a ranged weapon at an opponent engaged in melee combat with one or more of your allies without tak ing the standard -5 penalty (see Shooting or Throwing into a Melee).
  • Rapid Shot () []:

You can make two quick shots with a ranged weapon as a single attack.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, proficient with weapon.
Benefit: When using a ranged weapon, you may fire two shots as a single attack against a single target. You take a -2 penalty on your attack roll, but you deal + 1 die of damage with a successful attack.
Special: Using this feat fires two shots and can only be done if the weapon has sufficient ammunition remaining. If you do not have Strength 13 or higher, increase the penalty to attacks to -5, when using this feat with non-vehicle weapons. The effects of this feat do not stack with the extra damage provided by other feats.
  • Rapid Strike () []:

You can make two quick strikes with a melee weapon as a single attack.

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, base attack bonus +1, proficient with weapon.
Benefit: When using a melee weapon, you may make two strikes as a single attack against a single target. You take a -2 penalty on your attack roll, but you deal + 1 die of damage with a successful attack. If you do not have Dexterity 13 or higher, increase the penalty to attacks to -5, when using this feat with non-light weapons. The effects of this feat do not stack with the extra damage provided by other feats.
  • Trip () []:

You are skilled at tripping grappled foes.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: If you succeed on a grappling attack (see grappling) and your opponent fails the opposed grapple check, it falls prone in its space and is no longer considered grappled.
  • Weapon Finesse () []:

You are especially skilled at using weapons one that can benefit as much from Dexterity as from Strength.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: When using a light melee weapon, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls.
  • Weapon Focus () []:

Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group. You are especially good at using these weapons. You can choose unarmed strike or grapple for your weapon for purposes of this feat.

Prerequisite: Proficient with selected exotic weapon or weapon group.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected exotic weapon or weapon group.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new exotic weapon or weapon group.
  • Weapon Proficiency () []:

You are proficient with a particular kind of weaponry.

Benefit: Choose one of the following weapon groups: advanced melee weapons, heavy weapons (which includes vehicular weapons), pistols, rifles, or simple weapons. You are proficient with all weapons of the selected group. For more information on weapon groups, see Equipment - Weapons.
Normal: If you wield a weapon with which you are not proficient. you take a -5 penalty to your attack rolls.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different weapon group. You cannot take exotic weapons as a weapon group; instead, you must select the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to gain proficiency with a specific exotic weapon.

Aerial Combat Feats

Element Feats

Generosity Feats

Honesty Feats

  • Unwavering Resolve () []:

You are not easily swayed by the words of others, and can see through deceptions thanks to your keen mind.

Prerequisites: Trained in Perception.
Benefit: You gain a +5 insight bonus to will defense agains Deception and Persuasion checks.

Kindness Feats

  • Routined Skill () []:

Your cautious nature provides a bonus to accomplishing extremely dangerous tasks. You are steady and confident with the things you really do well.

Benefit: Once per encounter you can take 10 when rushed on a single skill check for a skill you are trained in, unless the skill description explicitly forbids it. Alternatively you can take 20 when using a skill you are trained in at half the normal time required:
Normal: Taking 20 normally requires 20 times the amount of time needed by a regular skill check.
  • Soothing Kindness () []:
Benefit: The character is able to restore Fatigue to other characters for the expenditure of 1 Harmony point. The character must be able to touch his or her target. The character restores 1d6 Fatigue per two character levels.

Laughter Feats

  • Adaptable Talent () []:

You're a multitalented being, capable of pulling all kinds of tricks out of your sleeve.

Benefit: Choose one talent that you meet the prerequisites for, from a class you possess. Once per day, after at least 6 hours of rest, you can choose to swap out one of your current talents for the talent you chose for this feat. The talent you swap out cannot be the prerequisite for any other talent you have. You can swap back to your original talent after at least 6 hours of rest.
  • Bad Feeling () []:

You have developed an innate ability to sense when things are going badly, and thus can prepare yourself for the worst.

Benefit: You can always take a move action during a surprise round, even if you are surprised. If you are not surprised, you can take this move action in addition to any other actions you are normally allowed to take in the surprise round.
  • Catastrophic Avoidance (Ex) [General]:

Your luck is such that catastrophe occurs less frequently for you when you are engaged in stressful situations.

Benefit: Once per skill challenge that has a chance of catastrophic failure, this failure occurs only if you fail a skill check by 15 or more. In addition, when a catastrophic failure occurs, you accrue one failure in the skill challenge, not two.
  • Heightened Prescient Sense () []:

Prerequisites: Prescient Sense (Talent) You have learned to interpret the signs correctly.

Benefit: The number of your Known Triggers of the Prescient Sense Talent increases by 3.

Loyalty Feats

  • Stay Up () []:

You can go on in spite of damage dealt to you

Prerequisites: Trained in Endurance
Benefit: Once per encounter, when you would normally take damage from an attack, you can instead choose to get half damage and move -1 step along the condition track.
  • Wary Defender () []:

Even in the heat of battle you can bolster yourself against nearly anything that comes your way.

Benefit: When you use the fight defensively option, you gain a +2 competence bonus to your Fortitude Defense and Will Defense until the beginning of your next turn.

Magic Feats

  • Bonus Spell Slot () []:
Benefit: The Pony receives one extra spell per day for a spell level, up to the highest level spell they can cast.
  • Improved Magic Defense (Su) [Element]:

Your ability to avoid the effects of some spells increases.

Prerequisites: The ability to cast arcane or divine spells, Magic Defense.
Benefit: You have spell resistance equal to 10 + your caster level. It never interferes with your own spells or incantations, and you can voluntarily lower your spell resistance at any time. This replaces the spell resistance granted by Magic Defense, it does not augment it.
  • Magic Defense (Su) [Element]:

Some spells cast against you simply fail to work.

Prerequisite: The ability to cast spells.
Benefit: You have spell resistance equal to 5 + your caster level. It never interferes with your own spells or incantations, and you can voluntarily lower your spell resistance at any time.

Class Feats

Artisan Feats

  • Gearhead () []:

You have a natural aptitude for machines and mechanics.

Benefit: Once per encounter you can make Crafts or Mechanics checks more quickly than normal. A check requiring a full-round action can be attempted as a standard action, a check requiring a standard action can be attempted as a move action, a check requiring a move action can be attempted as a swift action, a check requiring multiple swift actions can be reduced to one sift action. Checks requiring more than a full-round action ca be attempted in half the time required at a -10 penalty.
  • Improved Manipulation () []:
Prerequisites: Dexterity 15+.
Benefit: The penalty for using your mouth or hooves to perform skills is reduced by 2. Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, and its effects stack. This can never give a character a bonus to using their hooves; it can only remove a penalty.

Athlete Feats

  • Acrobatic Dodge () []:

When you react to an attack, your acrobatics training improves your mobility.

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Dodge, Mobility, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), trained in the Acrobatics skill.
Benefit: Once per encounter, as a reaction, if a melee attack misses you, you can immediately move into an adjacent square without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Special: You must be aware of the attacker to benefit from this feat. You can use this feat a second time during the encounter by spending a

Harmony Point.

  • Burst of Speed () []:

You are capable of incredible bursts of speed.

Prerequisites: trained in Endurance.
Benefit: As a move action, you can move up to twice your speed, at the end of your movement, you move -1 step along the condition track.
  • Cross-Training () []:

You are fanatically dedicated to improving some aspects of yourself, while being willing to let other aspects atrophy.

Benefit: Raise two different physical ability scores permanently by +1 each and lower any one ability score permanently by –2.
  • Feat of Strength () []:

You draw on inner reserves of physical power to perform great feats of strength, such as lifting heavy objects, leaping great distances, or hauling yourself upward a hill while weighted down by a heavy load.

Prerequisites: Strength 15.
Benefit: Once per encounter as a full-round action, you may take 20 on a single Strength check, or Strength-based skill check (you must be trained in that skill), even if you are distracted, or threatened.
Normal: You may not take take 20 while distracted, or threatened, or in a single round.
Special: After using this feat for the first time in a given encounter, make a DC 15 Endurance check (as a free action). If the check succeeds, you can use this feat once more during the same encounter.
  • Great Leap () []:
Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Dexterity 13+.
Benefit: The pony has a +4 Bonus to all Jump checks, and the ability to Take 10 whenever jumping mundane obstacles.
  • Increased Stamina () []:
Benefit: When the character takes this Feat, it can run twice as long per day without suffering any negative effects. This Feat can be taken twice. Its effects are cumulative.

Commoner Feats

  • Expert Advice () []:

You are widely published, and widely known, in an activity or area of knowledge. Choose a single skill for this feat to affect; you may not choose Initiative, Profession, Read/Write Language, or Speak Language.

Prerequisites: Trained in the skill selected.
Benefit: When making checks with the selected skill, you may use your Reputation bonus instead of the usual ability modifier.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take it, you select a different skill.
  • Heavy Burden () []:
Prerequisites: Strength 15+.
Benefit: This Pony is used to the burdens of life and has been trained to bear them with as little trouble as possible. A steed with this Feat understands how to economize its movements and use its stamina most effectively, even on long trips or when overburdened. The character can carry half again its normal burden without penalty.
  • Heavy Load () []:

You are used to hurling heavy cargo.

Prerequisites: Strength 15+.
Benefit: The character’s carrying capacity is calculated as if his Strength score were four points higher than it actually is.
  • Star Employee () []:

You are a dedicated worker, and people recognize and reward your extra effort.

Prerequisites: Reputation bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain +1 to your Reputation bonus, +1 to your current Wealth bonus, and can make one skill from your starting occupation’s skill list a permanent class skill.

Diplomat Feats

  • Cut the Red Tape () []:

You know how to work the bureaucratic system to get information you need.

Prerequisite: Trained in the Knowledge (bureaucracy) skill.
Benefit: You can use your Knowledge (bureaucracy) modifier instead of your Gather Information modifier when making Gather Information checks. If you are entitled to a Gather Information check reroll, you can reroll your Knowledge (bureaucracy) check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations). You are considered trained in the Gather Information skill for the purposes of this check.

Entertainer Feats

  • Stage Presence (Ex) [Class]:

You shine when the spotlight is on you.

Prerequisites: Charisma 13.
Benefit: Pick one Perform skill—Perform (stand-up), for example. You may add your Reputation bonus whenever you make a check with that skill.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time it applies to a different category of the Perform skill.

  • Smooth Pony (Ex) [Class]:
Benefit: Twice per day you can add your dexterity modifier to any charisma based skill check you attempt.
  • Sweet Pony Talker (Ex) [Class]:

You have a special talent to sell anypony a bundle of hay.

Benefit: +1/2 character levels luck bonus to diplomacy checks made against other ponies.

Guard Feats

  • Code of Honor (Ex) [Class]:

You have a sterling reputation among the members of a particular organization or group.

Prerequisites: At least one allegiance.
Benefit: Select one allegiance your character already has formed. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on all social checks when dealing with characters who have the same allegiance. You gain a –4 circumstance penalty on these same checks when dealing with characters who have the opposed allegiance.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; each time it applies to a different allegiance.

Ranger Feats

  • Favored Terrain () []:
Benefit: Dedicated Heroes with this talent can select a particular type of terrain as their preferred area of expertise. While in this favored terrain, the Dedicated Hero gains a +2 bonus to all Climb, Knowledge (earth and life science), Survival, and Navigate checks. The six terrain types are plains, hills, forest, marsh, mountains, or desert. This bonus stacks with that gained from the Nature Sense talent.
  • Scent () []:
Benefit: Heroes with this ability have so honed their sense that they gain improved olfactory powers. Their keen awareness allows them to detect and interpret even the slightest aromas in the air, effectively gaining the scent ability.
  • Sure-Footed () [General]:
Benefit: With this Feat, the Pony no longer needs to make Dexterity checks to perform simple maneuvers on difficult terrain. It can simply Take 10 on all low jumps, flat-out runs, or other common maneuvers while on even marshy or rocky terrain.
  • Trackless Step () []:
Prerequisites: Sure-Footed, Woodland Stride.
Benefit: A Dedicated Hero with this talent leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired.
  • Woodland Stride () []:
Prerequisite: Any two Scout Talents.
Benefit: The character with this talent may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.

Scholar Feats

  • Elder's Knowledge () []:

You have gained the wisdom of elders, whether through your own experiences or by learning from their instruction.

Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Knowledge [Pony lore]).
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can substitute a Knowledge (Pony lore) check for a Wisdom or Wisdom related check.
  • Experienced Surgeon () []:

You spent so much time at surgery, that patching up wounded has become second nature to you.

Prerequisites: Trained in Heal, Surgery.
Benefit: You can perform Surgery on a number of patients equal to your Intelligence bonus (minimum 2) simultaneously. You make Heal checks for each individual as normally.
  • Linguist () [Class]:

You are a master linguist.

Prerequisite: Multilingual.
Benefit: Whenever you encounter a new language, either spoken or written, you can make an Intelligence check (for spoken) or Decipher Script check (for written) to determine if you can understand it. The DC for the check depends on the situation: DC 5 if the language is in the same group as a language you have as a Read/Write Language or Speak Language skill; DC 20 if the language is unrelated to any other language you know; and DC 25 if the language is ancient or unique (Antelopian Hieroglyphs, or the Buffaloes Voice of Thunder). With this feat, you can glean enough meaning from a conversation or document to ascertain the basic message, but this feat in no way simulates actually being able to converse or fluently read and write a given language.
  • Recall () []:

You know a lot of details in your area of knowledge, but don't always remember them immediately.

Prerequisites: Trained in at least one Knowledge skill.
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any check for a Knowledge skill that you are trained in, using the better result.
  • Surgery () []:

You can perform complex surgical procedures

Prerequisites: Trained in Heal.
Benefit: You can return health to a badly wounded living being. A surgical procedure takes 1 hour of uninterrupted work, after which you must make on a DC 20 Treat Injury check. If the check succeeds, the pattient is safe and will recover normally.
  • Surgical Expertise () []:

You can perform skillful surgical procedures quickly.

Prerequisites: Trained in Heal, Surgery.
Benefit: You can perform surgery in 10 minutes.
Normal: Performing surgery typically takes 1 hour (see the Heal skill).

Scoundrel Feats

  • Master of Disguise () []:

You are adept at creating convincing disguises in remarkably short periods of time.

Prerequisites: Trained in the Deception skill, Charisma 13.
Benefit: You gain a +5 insight bonus to your Deception check when creating a deceptive appearance or a forged document. In addition, you can rush the process by taking a penalty of -2 to the Deception check.
Normal: When you rush the creation of a deceptive appearance or forged document, you take a -10 penalty to your Deception check.

Species Feats

Earth Pony Feats

Pegasus Pony Feats

Unicorn Pony Feats

  • Befriend Magical Item () []:
Benefit: A unicorn may spend 6 hours studying a magical item, during which time they must make a use magic device check. If they succeed in using the device during this time, the item is becomes their friend. Later uses of the item require no further Use Magic checks. Should the item be lost or stolen, however, the unicorn will suffer a -2 saddness penalty to all skill checks for 24 hours.
  • Bonus Spell Slot () []:
Benefit: The unicorn receives one extra spell per day for a spell level, up to the highest level spell they can cast.
  • Excellent Pupil () []:
Benefit: The character gains 1 extra skill point, add one skill of your choice as a class-skill.
  • Friendship is Magic () []:
Benefit: Allies may assist a unicorn (via the assist other action) in casting a spell, regardless of whether or not the ponies assisting know how to use magic - the unicorn simply benefits from their cheerleading. The assisted spell is cast with +1 effective caster level per assisting ally, maximum bonus of character level / 3, miniumum 1, rounded down.
  • Signature Spell () []:

You are so familiar with a mastered spell that you can spontaneously cast it, converting other prepared spells into that spell.

Prerequisite: Spell Mastery ability.
Benefit: Each time you take this feat, choose a spell that you have mastered with Spell Mastery. You may now convert prepared arcane spells of that spell’s level or higher into this signature spell.
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new spell that meets the prerequisites.

Buffalo Feats

  • Battering Ram () [Combat, Species]:
Prerequisites: Power Attack.
Benefit: With this feat, the Buffalo may use its charge attack against a door, wall, or other stationary object. The Buffalo deals 3d8 plus its Strength Bonus in damage to the object per round of the assault. It also adds any other bonuses derived from attacking an immobile object.
  • Call Stampede () [Combat, Species]:

You can call on your fellow beasts to flatten everything in sight.

Prerequisites: 5th level; Charisma 13+.
Benefit: You can let out a thundering below once a week that calls the nearest herd of any herd animals to stampede through your location, nearly destroying everything in sight. The herd arrives in 3d10 minutes. Roll a d4 to determine from which direction the stampede arrives. The ground will begin to shake and the rumble will be heard for several turns before the stampede arrives. The herd cuts a swath of destruction starting from the edge of the map and continuing to the opposite edge. This tide of destruction is 20 feet wide plus an additional 5 feet for each 3 of your character levels, centered on your location at the time you made the call. The front edge of the wave moves 160 feet per turn until it leaves the map, with the tail edge following 6d6 feet behind. For each turn a creature, character, or object is within the area of the stampede, they must make a Reflex and a Fortitude save versus a DC of 15. For each save failed, the target takes 2d6 damage, with a successful save reducing this by half. All movement within the stampede area (except flying) is restricted; no run or charge actions can be taken unless the target is under freedom of movement or a similar spell. This ability can only be used above ground in a climate or region similar to your home territory.
  • Massive Blow () [Combat]:
Prerequisites: Improved Charge
Benefit: By hurling its entire body upon its attacker, the quadruped character is able to knock its opponent off guard, pushing the target back with incredible force as per a Bull Rush. This attack does not require a charge but does count as a Full Attack Action. When the character performs a Massive Blow, it does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity from the defender, and it may push the target back 1O feet rather than 5.

Griffon Feats

  • Snatch () [Flight]:
Prerequisite: Flight, Strength 17+
Benefit: The steed has the ability to snatch flightless opponents off the ground and carry them into the sky. When attacking from the air, the animal makes a normal attack with its natural weapon. This attack must enable the steed to carry off the opponent. Thus, it must be a bite, a claw, or some other attack that would enable the steed to get ahold of its opponent. If the attack is successful, the steed may immediately make a Grapple check as a Free Action and without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. If the Grapple is also successful, the steed snatches the target off the ground and may carry it away. The target of this attack must be at least one size smaller than the creature making the Snatch.

Camelid Feats

  • Camel’s Endurance () [Species]:
Prerequisite: Camelid or Dromedan
Benefit: Heroes with this feat can survive on only half as much water as a normal person needs.
  • Water-Finding () [Species]:
Prerequisite: Camelid or Dromedan
Benefit: Camels have an instinctive ability to find water, even if it is beneath rocks or other natural barriers. A camel with this Feat can be given a command to find water and will then proceed to the nearest source of freshwater (within one day’s travel).

Bloodline Feats