MLP Classes

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Hit Die: 1d6
Harmony Points: gain a number of harmony points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: (8 + Int modifier) {d12}. {1} Appraise, {2} Concentration, {3} Craft (any), {4} Initiative, {5} Knowledge (any), {6} Mechanics, {7} Perception, {8} Persuasion, {9} Profession (any), {10} Sense Motive, {11} Use Magic, {12} Racal Skill, or DM's choice.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +3.
Starting Feats:

Table: The Artisan

Class Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Class Features	Reputation
1st            +0      +1	+1	+1	 Talent		+2
2nd            +1      +2	+2	+2	 Feat		+3
3rd            +1      +2	+2	+2	 Talent		+3
4th            +2      +3	+3	+3	 Feat		+4
5th            +2      +3	+3	+3	 Talent		+4
6th            +3      +3	+3	+3	 Feat		+5
7th            +3      +4	+4	+4	 Talent		+5
8th            +4      +4	+4	+4	 Feat		+6
9th            +4      +5	+5	+5	 Talent		+6
10th           +5      +5	+5	+5	 Feat		+7
11th           +5      +5	+5	+5	 Talent		+7
12th           +6      +6	+6	+6	 Feat		+8
13th           +6      +6	+6	+6	 Talent		+8
14th           +7      +7	+7	+7	 Feat		+9
15th           +7      +7	+7	+7	 Talent		+9
16th           +8      +7	+7	+7	 Feat		+10
17th           +8      +8	+8	+8	 Talent		+10
18th           +9      +8	+8	+8	 Feat		+11
19th           +9      +9	+9	+9	 Talent		+11
20th           +10     +9	+9	+9	 Feat		+12

Talent Trees

  • Artistry
  • Function
  • Jury-Rig

Bonus Feats


Hit Die: 1d8
Harmony Points: gain a number of harmony points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: (6 + Int modifier) {d12}. {1} Acrobatics, {2} Climb, {3} Concentration, {4} Drive, {5} Endurance, {6} Fly, {7} Heal, {8} Initiative, {9} Jump, {10} Knowledge (related), {11} Perform, {12} Swim.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.
Starting Feats:

Table: The Athlete

Class Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Class Features	Reputation
1st            +1      +1	+2	+0	 Talent		+2
2nd            +2      +2	+3	+0	 Feat		+3
3rd            +3      +2	+3	+1	 Talent		+3
4th            +4      +3	+4	+1	 Feat		+4
5th            +5      +3	+4	+1	 Talent		+4
6th            +6      +3	+5	+2	 Feat		+5
7th            +7      +4	+5	+2	 Talent		+5
8th            +8      +4	+6	+2	 Feat		+6
9th            +9      +5	+6	+3	 Talent		+6
10th           +10     +5	+7	+3	 Feat		+7
11th           +11     +5	+7	+3	 Talent		+7
12th           +12     +6	+8	+4	 Feat		+8
13th           +13     +6	+8	+4	 Talent		+8
14th           +14     +7	+9	+4	 Feat		+9
15th           +15     +7	+9	+5	 Talent		+9
16th           +16     +7	+10	+5	 Feat		+10
17th           +17     +8	+10	+5	 Talent		+10
18th           +18     +8	+11	+6	 Feat		+11
19th           +19     +9	+11	+6	 Talent		+11
20th           +20     +9	+12	+6	 Feat		+12

Talent Trees

  • Endurance
  • Agility
  • Team Sport

Bonus Feats


Hit Die: 1d6
Harmony Points: gain a number of harmony points equal to + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: (6 + Int modifier) {d12]. {1} Appraise, {2} Craft (any), {3} Drive, {4} Endurance, {5} Gather Information, {6} Initiative, {7} Knowledge (related), {8} Mechanics, {9} Perception, {10} Persuasion, {11} Profession (any), {12} Sense Motive.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.
Starting Feats:

Table: The Commoner

Class Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Class Features	Reputation
1st            +0      +1	+1	+1	 Talent		+0
2nd            +1      +2	+2	+2	 Feat		+0
3rd            +2      +2	+2	+2	 Talent		+1
4th            +3      +3	+3	+3	 Feat		+1
5th            +3      +3	+3	+3	 Talent		+1
6th            +4      +3	+3	+3	 Feat		+2
7th            +5      +4	+4	+4	 Talent		+2
8th            +6      +4	+4	+4	 Feat		+2
9th            +6      +5	+5	+5	 Talent		+3
10th           +7      +5	+5	+5	 Feat		+3
11th           +8      +5	+5	+5	 Talent		+3
12th           +9      +6	+6	+6	 Feat		+4
13th           +9      +6	+6	+6	 Talent		+4
14th           +10     +7	+7	+7	 Feat		+4
15th           +11     +7	+7	+7	 Talent		+5
16th           +12     +7	+7	+7	 Feat		+5
17th           +12     +8	+8	+8	 Talent		+5
18th           +13     +8	+8	+8	 Feat		+6
19th           +14     +9	+9	+9	 Talent		+6
20th           +15     +9	+9	+9	 Feat		+6

Talent Trees

  • Jack of all trades
  • Professional
  • Socialite

Bonus Feats


Hit Die: 1d6
Harmony Points: gain a number of harmony points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: (6 + Int modifier) (d12). {1} Appraise, {2} Deception, {3} Gather Information, {4} Heal, {5} Handle Animal, {6} Initiative, {7} Knowledge (any), {8} Perception, {9} Perform, {10} Persuasion, {11} Sense Motive, {12} Racial Skill or DM's choice.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +3.
Starting Feats:

Table: The Diplomat

Class Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Class Features	Reputation
1st            +0      +1	+0	+2	 Talent		+1
2nd            +1      +2	+0	+3	 Feat		+2
3rd            +1      +2	+1	+3	 Talent		+2
4th            +2      +3	+1	+4	 Feat		+3
5th            +2      +3	+1	+4	 Talent		+3
6th            +3      +3	+2	+5	 Feat		+3
7th            +3      +4	+2	+5	 Talent		+4
8th            +4      +4	+2	+6	 Feat		+4
9th            +4      +5	+3	+6	 Talent		+5
10th           +5      +5	+3	+7	 Feat		+5
11th           +5      +5	+3	+7	 Talent		+5
12th           +6      +6	+4	+8	 Feat		+6
13th           +6      +6	+4	+8	 Talent		+6
14th           +7      +7	+4	+9	 Feat		+7
15th           +7      +7	+5	+9	 Talent		+7
16th           +8      +7	+5	+10	 Feat		+7
17th           +8      +8	+5	+10	 Talent		+8
18th           +9      +8	+6	+11	 Feat		+8
19th           +9      +9	+6	+11	 Talent		+9
20th           +10     +9	+6	+12	 Feat		+9

Talent Trees

  • Etiquette
  • Leadership
  • Negotiation

Bonus Feats


Hit Die: 1d6
Harmony Points: gain a number of harmony points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: (6 + Int modifier) {d12}. {1} Appraise, {2} Acrobatics, {3} Concentration, {4} Deception, {5} Initiative, {6} Knowledge, {7} Perception, {8} Perform, {9} Persuasion, {10} Profession, {11} Sense Motive, {12} Use Magic.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.
Starting Feats:

Table: The Entertainer

Class Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Class Features	Reputation
1st            +0      +0	+2	+1	 Talent		+2
2nd            +1      +0	+3	+2	 Feat		+3
3rd            +2      +1	+3	+2	 Talent		+3
4th            +3      +1	+4	+3	 Feat		+4
5th            +3      +1	+4	+3	 Talent		+4
6th            +4      +2	+5	+3	 Feat		+5
7th            +5      +2	+5	+4	 Talent		+5
8th            +6      +2	+6	+4	 Feat		+6
9th            +6      +3	+6	+5	 Talent		+6
10th           +7      +3	+7	+5	 Feat		+7
11th           +8      +3	+7	+5	 Talent		+7
12th           +9      +4	+8	+6	 Feat		+8
13th           +9      +4	+8	+6	 Talent		+8
14th           +10     +4	+9	+7	 Feat		+9
15th           +11     +5	+9	+7	 Talent		+9
16th           +12     +5	+10	+7	 Feat		+10
17th           +12     +5	+10	+8	 Talent		+10
18th           +13     +6	+11	+8	 Feat		+11
19th           +14     +6	+11	+9	 Talent		+11
20th           +15     +6	+12	+9	 Feat		+12

Talent Trees

  • Inspiration
  • Performance
  • Presence

Bonus Feats


Hit Die: 1d10
Harmony Points: gain a number of harmony points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: (4 + Int modifier) {d10}. {1} Drive, {2} Endurance, {3} Fly, {4} Gather Information, {5} Heal, {6} Initiative, {7} Jump, {8} Perception, {9} Persuasion, {10} Sense Motive.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.
Starting Feats:

Table: The Guard

Class Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Class Features	Reputation
1st            +1      +2	+1	+0	 Talent		+0
2nd            +2      +3	+2	+0	 Feat		+0
3rd            +3      +3	+2	+1	 Talent		+1
4th            +4      +4	+3	+1	 Feat		+1
5th            +5      +4	+3	+1	 Talent		+1
6th            +6      +5	+3	+2	 Feat		+2
7th            +7      +5	+4	+2	 Talent		+2
8th            +8      +6	+4	+2	 Feat		+2
9th            +9      +6	+5	+3	 Talent		+3
10th           +10     +7	+5	+3	 Feat		+3
11th           +11     +7	+5	+3	 Talent		+3
12th           +12     +8	+6	+4	 Feat		+4
13th           +13     +8	+6	+4	 Talent		+4
14th           +14     +9	+7	+4	 Feat		+4
15th           +15     +9	+7	+5	 Talent		+5
16th           +16     +10	+7	+5	 Feat		+5
17th           +17     +10	+8	+5	 Talent		+5
18th           +18     +11	+8	+6	 Feat		+6
19th           +19     +11	+9	+6	 Talent		+6
20th           +20     +12	+9	+6	 Feat		+6

Talent Trees

  • Armor
  • Authority
  • Sentinel

Bonus Feats


Hit Die: 1d8
Harmony Points: gain a number of harmony points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: (6 + Int modifier) {d12}. {1} Climb, {2} Craft (related), {3} Endurance, {4} Handle Animal, {5} Initiative, {6} Jump, {7} Knowledge (related, {8} Perception, {9} Profession (related), {10} Stealth, {11} Survival, {12} Swim.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.
Starting Feats:

Table: The Ranger

Class Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Class Features	Reputation
1st            +1      +1	+1	+1	 Talent		+1
2nd            +2      +2	+2	+2	 Feat		+2
3rd            +3      +2	+2	+2	 Talent		+2
4th            +4      +3	+3	+3	 Feat		+3
5th            +5      +3	+3	+3	 Talent		+3
6th            +6      +3	+3	+3	 Feat		+3
7th            +7      +4	+4	+4	 Talent		+4
8th            +8      +4	+4	+4	 Feat		+4
9th            +9      +5	+5	+5	 Talent		+5
10th           +10     +5	+5	+5	 Feat		+5
11th           +11     +5	+5	+5	 Talent		+5
12th           +12     +6	+6	+6	 Feat		+6
13th           +13     +6	+6	+6	 Talent		+6
14th           +14     +7	+7	+7	 Feat		+7
15th           +15     +7	+7	+7	 Talent		+7
16th           +16     +7	+7	+7	 Feat		+7
17th           +17     +8	+8	+8	 Talent		+8
18th           +18     +8	+8	+8	 Feat		+8
19th           +19     +9	+9	+9	 Talent		+9
20th           +20     +9	+9	+9	 Feat		+9

Talent Trees

  • Farmer
  • Herder
  • Scout

Bonus Feats


Hit Die: 1d6
Harmony Points: gain a number of harmony points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: (8 + Int modifier) (d12). {1} Appraise, {2} Concentration, {3} Craft, {4} Gather Information, {5} Heal, {6} Initiative, {7} Knowledge, {8} Mechanics, {9} Perception, {10} Profession, {11} Use Magic, {12} Racial Skill or DM's choice.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +3.
Starting Feats:

Table: The Scholar

Class Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Class Features	Reputation
1st            +0      +1	+0	+2	 Talent		+1
2nd            +1      +2	+0	+3	 Feat		+2
3rd            +1      +2	+1	+3	 Talent		+2
4th            +2      +3	+1	+4	 Feat		+3
5th            +2      +3	+1	+4	 Talent		+3
6th            +3      +3	+2	+5	 Feat		+3
7th            +3      +4	+2	+5	 Talent		+4
8th            +4      +4	+2	+6	 Feat		+4
9th            +4      +5	+3	+6	 Talent		+5
10th           +5      +5	+3	+7	 Feat		+5
11th           +5      +5	+3	+7	 Talent		+5
12th           +6      +6	+4	+8	 Feat		+6
13th           +6      +6	+4	+8	 Talent		+6
14th           +7      +7	+4	+9	 Feat		+7
15th           +7      +7	+5	+9	 Talent		+7
16th           +8      +7	+5	+10	 Feat		+7
17th           +8      +8	+5	+10	 Talent		+8
18th           +9      +8	+6	+11	 Feat		+8
19th           +9      +9	+6	+11	 Talent		+9
20th           +10     +9	+6	+12	 Feat		+9

Talent Trees

  • Healer
  • Organizer
  • Researcher

Bonus Feats


Hit Die: 1d6
Harmony Points: gain a number of harmony points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: (8 + Int modifier) {d12}. {1} Appraise, {2} Acrobatics, {3} Deception, {4} Gather Information, {5} Initiative, {6} Knowledge (related), {7} Perception, {8} Persuasion, {9} Profession, {10} Sense Motive, {11} Stealth, {12} Racial skill or DM's choice.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.
Starting Feats:

Table: The Scoundrel

Class Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Class Features	Reputation
1st            +0      +0	+2	+1	 Talent		+0
2nd            +1      +0	+3	+2	 Feat		+0
3rd            +2      +1	+3	+2	 Talent		+1
4th            +3      +1	+4	+3	 Feat		+1
5th            +3      +1	+4	+3	 Talent		+1
6th            +4      +2	+5	+3	 Feat		+2
7th            +5      +2	+5	+4	 Talent		+2
8th            +6      +2	+6	+4	 Feat		+2
9th            +6      +3	+6	+5	 Talent		+3
10th           +7      +3	+7	+5	 Feat		+3
11th           +8      +3	+7	+5	 Talent		+3
12th           +9      +4	+8	+6	 Feat		+4
13th           +9      +4	+8	+6	 Talent		+4
14th           +10     +4	+9	+7	 Feat		+4
15th           +11     +5	+9	+7	 Talent		+5
16th           +12     +5	+10	+7	 Feat		+5
17th           +12     +5	+10	+8	 Talent		+5
18th           +13     +6	+11	+8	 Feat		+6
19th           +14     +6	+11	+9	 Talent		+6
20th           +15     +6	+12	+9	 Feat		+6

Talent Trees

  • Evasive
  • Fortune
  • Trickster

Bonus Feats