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Wyld Mutation Tables

Positive Mutations

Pox [1 Mutation Point]: (3d10)

03 *                     none / GM's choice
04 Third Eye             +1 Awareness
05 Sonar                 "see" underwater
06 Serpentine Tounge     ignore -2 for blindness
07 Night Vision          see in darkness
08 Enhanced Sense        +2 Awareness
09 Fogsense              ignore visibility penalty
10 Kinsense              sense related beings
11 Elongated Limb        attack gains R Tag
12 [Element] Adapt.      special
13 [Element] Adapt.      special
14 [Element] Adapt.      special
15 [Element] Adapt.      special
16 [Element] Adapt.      special
17 Lesser Brachiation    Move half s. in Trees 
18 Hooves                Kicks +2B dmg
19 Claws/Fangs           Unarmed +1 L dmg
20 Colour                cosmetic
21 Bioluminescence       glow up to 10y
22 Fur/Scales            +1 Surv., +1 L/B Soak    
23 Bark/Leafes           +1 Surv., +1 L/B Soak
24 Tail                  +2 Athletics
25 Wolf's Pace           +2 Dex for movement
26 Small                 +1 DV; -2HL less
27 Large                 (+1 Str/Sta) add 0HL
28 Longevity             doubles lifespan
29 Gatekeeper            always know nearest route to Cecylene
30 Blurred Fate          +2 dif to divine Fate

Afflictions [2 Mutation Points]: (3d10)

01 *                     none/GM's choice
02 Exalted Healing       special
03 Chakra Eye            see Spirits
04 Special Sense         sense Pheromones, etc.
05 Toxin                 5L/action, 2, -/-, -2
06 Chameleon             +1 Survial, +2 Stealth
07 Frog Tounge           Punch/Grapple 3y rng
08 Prehensile Tail       Limb at -2 Str -1 Dex
09 Scorpion's Tail       add. piercing attack
10 Tusks/Sharkteeth      unarmed +2 L dmg
11 Great Hooves          Kicks +2L dmg
12 Thick Skin            +2 L/B Soak
13 Inexaustible          immune to fatigue
14 Gazelle's Pace        +4 Dex for movement
15 Tiny                  +2 DV; -1, -2HL less
16 Huge                  (+2 Str, Sta) add 0HL
17 Impossible Joints     +2 Athletics/Stealth
18 Omnidexterity         never offhand pen
19 Great. Brachiation    move full s. in Trees
20 Gills                 roll, breathe water
21 Shark Sense           sense E of beings
22 Alt. Metabolism       +2 Resistance
23 Changing Color        change tone at will
24 Creepers/Vines        as Rope weapons
25 Natural Perfume       opponent -1 MDV
26 Shared Mind           +1/+2 to co. attacks
27 Shadow Shroud         +2 Stealth or 2 auto
28 Strength of Heart     Virtue mod MDV +/-2
29 Wyld Assimilation     Addiction to Story
30 Ancient of Days       quadruples lifespan

Blights [4 Mutation Points]: (2d10)

02 *                     none/GM's choice
03 Enlightened Ess.      Essence Pool = E*10
04 Lidless D. Eye        Sorcerers Sight
05 Hideous Maw           secound large mouth
06 Acidic Pustules       for dmg one die acid
07 Quills/Thorns         special attacks
08 Tentacels             d10/2 T. at -3 De
09 Armored Hide          +4 Surv., +4 L/B Soak
10 Glider                fly at Sta*3y/action
11 Cheeta's Pace         move Horse Relay sp
12 Wall Walking          move Dex+8y/action
13 Magical Attunem.      attune any MM
14 Serpentine Hair       poison bite 3y rng
15 Prehensile Hair       +3 Str at grapples
16 Miniscule             +3 DV; -1, 2-2HL less
17 Giant                 (+3Str, Sta)add HL
18 Songbird's Voice      +3 Perf., 100 y Rng
19 Mark of Favor         magical birthmark
20 Hope For Might        all caps are +1

Abominations [6 Mutation Points]: (2d10)

02 *                     none/GM's choice
03 Hive                  living host to vermin
04 Fog Carrier           Aura of envir. dmg
05 Multiple Heads        extra head, special
06 Wings                 fly at 2*Dash sp.
07 Spider Legs           add limbs + wall walk
08 Multiple Limbs        extra set of limbs, s.
09 Stone Body            +6L/B Soak, Atr mod
10 Serpent's Body        +4 Dex move, grapple
11 Fish Body             +2 move underwater
12 Terrifying Mane       10y rng add "limb"
13 Dragons Breath        10y rng breath attack
14 [Element] Body        special, Aura of envir. dmg
15 Ordination of Lies    1 auto succ to Man
16 Ordination of Pain    1 auto succ to torture
17 Heart of Chaos        middlem Wyld source
18 Gargantuan            +4Str, Sta; add HL
19 Awakened Essence      (Ex5+WPx2+Virtues)
20 Immortal Flesh        reg. dmg in 6-Sta d

Negative Mutations

Deficiencies [-1 Mutation Point]: (2d10)

02 *                     none/GM's choice
03 Broken Fate           d10/day; botch dif+1
04 Atrophy               -1 in one Attribute
05 Disgusting Scent      -2 ext pen on Social
06 Disturbing Voice      -2 int pen on Social
07 Hungry                25% more food
08 Lost Sense            loose one sense
09 Mouth Tentacles       very weak pre. limbs
10 Rotundity             -1 Dex, mass increase
11 Second Mouth          talks unasked sometimes
12 Temperature S.        Survival dif +1
13 Ugly                  -2 App
14 Mood Swings           mood at Moonphase
15 Climate Sensitive     -1 int pen in wrong climate
16 Allergy               strong allergy
17 Patterned Skin        cosmetic, recogniz.
18 Derangement           special
19 Weak-willed           1 permanent WP less
20 Small                 (-1 Str/Sta)-2HL less

Debilities [-2 Mutation Points]: (d10)

01 *                     none/GM's choice
02 Lame                  legs become useless
03 Slow Healing          doubles healing times
04 Deterioration         Attr decr. 1/month
05 Fragile               every 2nd B dmg L
06 Delusions             see/hear irreal thing
07 Diet                  restr. to special food
08 Wyld Addiction        loose WP if not in W.
09 Eyes of Madness       Val dif 2 or flee
10 Derangement           special

Deformities [-4 Mutation Points]: (2d10)

01 *                     none/GM's choice
03 Decomposing           Sta roll every week
04 Short Life            ages twice as fast
05 Surrendering Flesh    never heal A/L dmg
06 Wracking              act. Mutation 1L dmg
07 C. of Darkness        prone to Holy Charms
08 Plague Carrier        passes on disease
09 Walk. Blasphemy       dmg to holy symbols
10 Ongoing Mutation      mutation changes all few weeks
11 Aura of Power         anima-like effect
12 Featureless Face      -1 Cha, Man, App
13 Heart Blood Addic.    special
14 M. Plague Carrier     spread magical dis.
20 Derangement           special

Derangements [-(variable) Mutation Points]: (d10)

   Derangement            Book   Page
01 *                      none/GM's choice
02 Amnesia                Wyl    149
03 Cannibalism            Lun    209
04 Delusion               Wyl    149
05 Hallucinations         Wyl    149
06 Megalomania            Lun    210
07 Obsession              Wyl    149
09 Phobias                Lun    210
10 Sociopathic Detachment Lun    210