
From Anu Anu RPG
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Generic Rote Actions

  • Teaching: Pre + [appropriate Skill]

Attribute-based Rote Actions

  • Gambling: Int + Com
  • Meditation: Wit + Com

Physical Rote Actions

  • Car-Pursuit: Dex + Drive
  • Chasing: Dex + Survival
  • Foraging: Wit + Survival
  • Tracking: Wit + Survival

Social Rote Actions

  • Writing: Int + Expression
  • Beten : Pres + Expression

Mental Rote Actions

  • Coding or Hacking: Int + Computer
  • Crafting: Int + Craft [Specialty]
  • Crime-Scene Investigation: Wit + Investigation
  • Library Research: Int + Investigation
  • Repair: Dex + Craft

Supernatural Rote Actions

  • Alchemy: Int + Occult
  • Analyze Relic: Wit + Occult
  • Formulate Ritual: Int + Occult
  • Perform Ritual: [specific Ritual pool]

Changeling Rote Actions

  • Oneiromancy:
  • Hedge-Spinning: Wyrd + Craft [Specialty]

Mage Rote Actions

  • Formulate Rote: Int + Occult

Vampire Rote Actions

  • Gedächtniss löschen Dominate:··

Werewolf Rote Actions

  • Perform Rites: Harmony


  • Concealing Traps: Wit + Larceny
  • Bypass Security: Dex + Larceny
  • Lockpicking: Dex + Larceny
  • Rigging Traps: Wit + Survival
  • Animal Training: Com + Animal Ken
  • Express Thesis: Int + Expression
  • Interrogation: Wit + Intimidation
  • Torture: Res + Intimidation
  • Cutting a Deal: Man + Persuasion
  • Brainwashing: Man + Persuasion
  • Carousing: Man + Socialize
  • Scavenging: Wit + Streetwise
  • Work the Black Market: Man + Streetwise
  • Library Research: Int + Academics
  • Decrypt Code: Int + Academics
  • Create Art: Com + Craft
  • Repair:: Dex + Craft
  • Solve Enigma Int + Investigation
  • First Aid: Dex + Medicine
  • Hospital Treatment: Int + Medicine
  • Break Encryption: Int + Science
  • Formulate Thesis: Int + Science