Computer & Electronics

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  • Cellphone (Res •)
Dur: 1, Siz: 0, SL: 1
Equipment Modifiers: Computer -3, other Mental Skills -3, Online Research -3
Basic Security Setup: 3
Notes: Modern cell phones have digital cameras and basic notetaking functions along with their phone and messaging capabilities. A decent price plan (affordable with Resources • or higher) offers large numbers of free minutes. In addition to allowing instant communication, modern cell phones can access the Internet (Computer Network •). (from Hunter the Vigil Core)
  • Smartphone (Res ••)
Dur: 1, Siz: 1, SL: 2
Equipment Modifiers: Computer -2, other Mental Skills -2, Online Research -2
Basic Security Setup: 3
Notes: Smartphones can run third-party programs in addition to whatever the phone manufacturer bundles with it. A smartphone also offers all the communications benefits of a cell phone. (from Hunter the Vigil Core)
  • Sat Phone (Res •••)
Dur: 2, Siz: 1, SL 3
Equipment Modifiers: Computer -3, other Mental Skills -3, Online Research -3
Basic Security Setup: 5
Notes: A sat phone bypasses major carriers and receives its signal directly from orbiting satellites. The advantages of this are that a character can use such a phone in extreme locations (mountaintops, distant forests, deserts). Plus, these phones feature little of the interference that normal cell/digital phones receive. Indoors, they default to cellular coverage. Sat phones can also provide satelite-based internet connections (Computer Network • to •••), but high-speed connections are very expensive (Cost +•). (from WoD Armory)
  • Wi-Fi Hotspot (Res •)
Dur: 1, Siz: 1, SL: 1
Notes: Enables wireless access to an existing Computer Network.


  • Portable Computer (Res ••• to ••••)
Dur: 2, Siz: 1-2, SL: 2
Equipment Modifiers: Computer 0 to +1, other Mental Skills 0 to +1, Online Research 0 to +1
Basic Security Setup: 5 (+ Computer Network)
Notes: While they’re portable, these computers can’t get an Internet connection just anywhere. With a data card or a connected cell phone, she can get online anywhere that has signal in the air. Laptops that give no bonus (but no penalty) cost ••. A better model that adds +1 to Computer rolls, as well as Academics or Occult rolls for research purposes, costs •••. High-end models cost ••••, offer the same bonus, and are only Size 1. (from Hunter the Vigil Core)
  • Desktop Computer (Res •• to ••••)
Dur: 2, Siz: 3, SL: 2
Equipment Modifiers: Computer +1 to +3, other Mental Skills +1 to +3, Online Research +1 to +3
Basic Security Setup: 5 (+ Computer Network + Security)
Notes: With an always-on Internet connection, a character’s desktop becomes a place where he can store and access information that he may need, giving him access to useful research wherever he is. He can also host community web sites, etc. A cheap desktop computer (Cost ••) gives a +1 bonus to all Computer rolls, as well as Academics and Occult research rolls. A machine that adds +2 to Computer and Research rolls and that can host a web site is more expensive (•••), and a powerful machine with a wide range of software adds +3 to applicable rolls but costs ••••. The penalty for unskilled use of Mental Skills is reduced to -1. (from Hunter the Vigil Core)
  • Server (Res ••• to •••••)
Dur: 2, Siz: 3-5, SL: 5-7
Equipment Modifiers: Computer +2 to +3, other Mental Skills +1 to +3, Online Research +2 to +3
Basic Security Setup: 5 to 10 (+ Computer Network + Security)
Notes: Dedicated Servers are the professional backbones of larger computer networks. They contain Programs and Data like smaller desktop computers, but have much more available memory and processing power than their smaller counterparts, for usualy multiple people access the server, its programs and data from their desktops. Servers are of cause also frequently used to host internet websites and other online services.

Computer Spirits

  • Computer (Ram-Eaters, Sithul Uddu)

Background: Startled awake by the wash of feeling surrounding the earliest punch-card computers, processing-Gafflings have been a part of the Shadow for more than 100 years in one form or another. However only in the past 50 years have these often solitary technology-spirits grown to a power level that has encouraged their growth past the Gaffling level. Following the exponential surge in technology in the past 20 years, computer-spirits are now found even at the greater Jaggling level, and rumors speak of silicon Incarnae and entities that take the form of a network of symbiotic Jagglings all serving a common purpose. Computer-spirits dislike dealing with anything but other highly technological spirits. They consider themselves superior to all but the most powerful spirits, but often they learn the hard way that they are powered by the same Essence that fuels the most primitive and elemental of spirits. Computer-spirits tend to gather near urban centers, though they also have the potential to exist wherever someone possesses and uses a computer. Description: Computer-spirits often appear as a manifestation of the particular computer they represent. Those dedicated to specific purposes may also take the form of a more symbolic version thereof. Computer-spirits rarely deign to take human form, considering humans to be a tool for them, rather than the other way around. Storytelling Hints: Computer-spirits know everything that was known by the spirits they feed off. Because of this, most develop a taste for dataspirits and other sources of knowledge-based Essence. The constant evolution of technology also has its effect on computer-spirits’ demeanors: they are voracious predators, constantly trying to consume and evolve to keep one step ahead of obsolescence. Werewolves may find that they are constantly attempting to prevent these curious spirits from tapping across the Gauntlet into the material world in their search for new technology and information.

Pow 9, Fin 9, Res 7
Rank: 3
Influences: Computers •••
Numina: Blast (electricity), Chorus, Drain*, Machine Possession*, Material Vision, Reaching, Revelation*
Ban: Computer-spirits often carry a ban that makes them unable to avoid a properly worded command. Others can only communicate via binary code or other computer languages.
Size: 3
Speed: 18
Ini: 16
Def: 9
WP: 16
HL: 10
Essence: 20
  • Data (Binary Butterflies, Thismin Thimma)

Background: Data-spirits are weak knowledgespirits that exist primarily as fodder for more powerful spirits. Computer-spirits feed voraciously on these lesser Gafflings, though other spirits may find their modest pools of Essence “tasty” as well. Data-spiritsusually carry only one or two useful facts. They tend to gather near computer-spirits, as if cognizant of their probable fate and accepting of it. Description: Technology-linked data-spirits may appear as a blinking cursor, while those gathered near a school may resemble sheets of notebook paper. Regardless of their appearance, data-spirits emit an aura of knowledge and savvy. However, they are usually uninspiring conversationalists since their knowledge base is limited to only one or two topics, and, even in those areas, their knowledge on these subjects is specific and limited. Storytelling Hints: Uratha may attempt to glean information from data-spirits, although finding precisely the correct Gafflings carrying the information they seek may be more difficult than they expect. As well, werewolves may discover that the data-spirits they have relied on to store “facts” or “evidence” may become the victim of other, hungry spirits, resulting in corrupt or missing documents.

Pow 2, Fin 1, Res 2
Rank: 1
Influences: Data •
Numina: Revelation*, Gauntlet Breach, Materialize
Bans: Data-spirits are often unable to disobey commands given by computer or other technology-spirits.
Size: 1
Speed: 5
Ini: 3
Def: 2
WP: 4
HL: 4
Essence: 10

Misc Computer Equipment

  • Keystroke Logger (Res •)
Dur: 1, Siz: 1, SL: 2
Notes: This piece of hardware requires physical access to a subject’s computer. A keystroke logger is no bigger than a person’s thumb; to use the logger, a character inserts it between the keyboard plug (USB or PS/2) and the computer port. Anything typed on the keyboard is captured in this device, which can be retrieved by the user by later plugging it into the character’s own PC. Of course, she must find a way to stealthily apply and remove the device, but once done, she can see a text-file transcript of everything the subject typed – BIOS passwords, system logons, emails, letters. Employing and retrieving the small device require separate Wits + Computer rolls.
  • USB-Memory Fingertip Replacement (Res • or ••)
Dur: 1, Siz: 1, SL: 1
  • Wi-Fi Sniffer (Res • or ••)
Dur: 1, Siz: 1, SL: 1
  • USB-Crypto-Key (Res •• or •••)
Dur: , Siz: , SL:
  • Larynx (throat) Mic Headset (Res ••)
Dur: , Siz: , SL:
  • Headup Display Headset (Res ••)
Dur: , Siz: , SL:
  • Data Glove (Res ••)
Dur: , Siz: , SL:
  • Neural Interface Actuator (Res ••)
Dur: , Siz: , SL:
  • Veicle Headup Display (Res •••)
Dur: , Siz: , SL:
  • Motion-Capture Interface (Res •••)
Dur: , Siz: , SL:
  • BUG Modular Gadget Factory (Res •••)
Dur: , Siz: , SL:

  • E-Textile Components (Res •)
Dur: 1, Siz: -, SL: 1
Notes: Intersewable Circuits (LilyPad Components: Mainboard, XBee Network Connection, Power Supply, Power Connector, Light Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Intersewable Solar Panel, Conductive Thread; LilyPad Slide Switch, Button Board, Soft-Fabric Buttons, Buzzer, LEDs, Intersewable Antenna, Protoboard)


Generic Programs

  • Operating System
Cost: variable
(Pow: 4, Fin: 4, Res: 5; Rank 2; Influence [System] •••, Size 3)
Notes: mandatory for computer systems; may modify Performance and Security
Examples: MS-DOS (Res •, Performance -1, Security -2), Windows (Res ••, Performance +0, Security +0), Linux (Res 0, Performance +0, Security +1, Prerequiste: Computer 2), Mac-OS (Res •••, Performance +1, Security +1)
  • Application
Cost: Res • to ••
(Pow: 2, Fin: 2, Res: 3; Rank 1; Influence [Service] ••, Size 2)
Notes: add computer's equipment bonus to assigned Skill.
Examples: Online-Encyclopedia (Academics), Text Processor (Expression), CAD-Software (Crafts), Navigation System (Drive), Music Software (Expression), Search Engine (Investigation), Diagnostic Application (Medicine), Astrology Program (Occult), Personal News Service (Politics), Scientific Software (Science), Community Network (Socialize)
  • Database
Cost: Res • to ••
(Pow: 3, Fin: 2, Res: 2; Rank 1; Influence [Data] ••, Size 2)
Notes: stores information on up to rating specific topics.
Examples: Wiki (Ghost Hunting), Scientific Database (Mathematics, Algorythms), Media Archive (Electronic Manifestation Phenomena, Audio, Video), Translator (Language English, German, French)
  • Agent
Cost: Res
(Pow: 2, Fin: 3, Res: 2; Rank 1; Influence [Task] ••, Size 2)
Notes: Software that is able to perform certain preprogrammed tasks as independent actions with a dice pool equal to their Pow + Fin + Influence.
Examples: Data-Miner (Investigaton), Spyware (Computer or Larceny), Remote Control (Computer or Drive), Game-Bot (Computer)
  • Virus
Cost: Res
(Pow: 3, Fin: 2, Res: 2; Rank 1; Influence [] ••, Size 2)
Notes: Virtual Combat Pool 7, Ini 5, Def 2, 4 HL; may either reduce other Equipment- or Network bonus by -2, install remote tunnel, or hide and transfer information after successful attack on Operating System.
Examples: E-Mail-Attachement Virus, Malware, Trojan, Worm
  • Entertainment Software
Cost: Res •
(Pow: 2, Fin: 3, Res: 2; Rank 1; Influence [Entertain] ••, Size 2)
Notes: -1 XP discount on appropriate Skill Specialties
Examples: Media Player (Academics or Expression), MMO-Game (Computer or Socialize), Action-Shooter (Firearms)

Sample Programs

  • Spyware (Res ••)

Spyware is usually something one inadvertently downloads when using a computer connected to the Internet. Such accidental installation may occur because of tracking cookies to software that “bombs” your system with advertisements while watching your every move. Some spyware, however, can be installed by a third party in an effort to monitor someone’s computer use. Spyware not only records keystrokes but actually captures every visual movement of the user. The “spy” can see every website the target visited, every document typed, every chat session. The user must install the software upon a subject’s PC. Once installed, the spyware collects all the information, and even transmits this information automatically to the hacker, provided that the infected system is connected to the Internet. Installing the spyware might mean that a character needs physical access to the target computer, but savvy hackers can forcibly push such software over a network connection (wired or wireless), or even through a Trojan attachment via email. Assume that such installation requires a contested hacking attempt requiring 7 succ. Spyware adds a +2 bonus to this roll. (from WoD Armory)

  • Thermal Imaging Mod (Res ••)

One hunter developed software that turns a smartphone’s camera into a thermal camera. While staring at the screen of a phone isn’t exactly acceptable behavior at a society dinner, it does allow hunters to spot the strange thermal pattern of vampires in a crowded room. The latest version takes two pictures, one in the normal spectrum and one thermal, adding two dice to any rolls made to identify a vampire for what it is. Werewolves have a slightly higher heat signature; a hunter using the camera can make a Wits + Occult roll to identify one for what it is. (from Hunter the Vigil Core)

  • Speaker Overload Mod (Res ••)

Another program overloads the external speaker, producing highpitched noise designed to disorient werewolves and creatures with heightened senses. If a target with heightened senses isn’t expecting it, he loses his next action, though using it more than three times destroys the speaker and may damage the gadget’s other electronics. (from Hunter the Vigil Core)

  • Voice Disguiser (Res •• to •••)

Sometimes an individual may desire to change his voice. Perhaps a boss wishes to act like a secretary, or maybe a teenager plans to make prank phone calls. Other, darker reasons persist as well. A pedophile may hope to sound like another child, or a Spirit-Ridden mortal may no longer feel comfortable with his own voice. A voice changer doesn’t allow the user to sound like a specific person, but it likely affords him the chance to sound like a type of person. The device may modulate his voice to make it sound deeper, more womanly, even pre-pubescent. Voice changers offer a +2 bonus to a user’s Subterfuge rolls when attempting to disguise his voice. A listener may attempt a Wits + Composure roll to recognize that the voice is being modulated. Success on the roll allows the listener to know that the voice was changed, and an exceptional success allows her to identify the person behind the modulation. If the listener fails the Wits + Composure roll, she fails to identify the speaker or the masquerade. High-end software voice modulators are available, which cost •••, but offer a +3 to the roll. These software packages require a Wits + Computer roll to set up properly. (from WoD Armory)

Sample Networks

  • Private Webserver (equivalent to 30 XP)
Equipment Modifiers: Computer +3, other Mental Skills +3, Online Research +3
Network: •• (+1)
Security Setup: 6 (+0 from Edifice Security, -1 from Operating System)
    • Windows Operating System ••
    • Website ••
    • Various Entertainment Software ••

  • Provider Webserver (equivalent to 60 XP)
Equipment Modifiers: Computer +5, other Mental Skills +5, Online Research +5
Network: ••• (+2)
Security Setup: 15 (+1 from Edifice Security, +1 from Operating System)
Admin: Int + Computer 8 (Rote Action 9-again), Wit + Computer 7
    • Linux Operating System •
    • Multiple Websites ••••
    • Provider Database ••

  • Company Intranet (equivalent to 80 XP)
Equipment Modifiers: Computer +5, other Mental Skills +5, Online Research +5
Network: •••• (+2)
Security Setup: 17 (+3 from Edifice Security, +0 from Operating System)
Admin (day only): Int + Computer 7 (Rote Action 8 again), Wit + Computer 7
    • Corporate Windows Operating System ••
    • Simple Encryption ••
    • Company Website •
    • Company Database ••••
    • Hidden Entertainment Software ••

  • University Network (equivalent to 110 XP)
Equipment Modifiers: Computer +5, other Mental Skills +5, Online Research +5
Network: ••••• (+3)
Security Setup: 19 (+2 from Edifice Security, +2 from Operating System)
Admin (day only): Int + Computer 10, Wit + Computer 7
    • Modified Unix Operating System ••
    • Multiple Websites ••••
    • Administrative Databases •••
    • Scientific Databases •••••
    • Various Entertainment Software •••

  • Reuters FTN (equivalent to 110 XP)
Equipment Modifiers: Computer +4, other Mental Skills +4, Online Research +4
Network: ••••• (+3)
Security Setup: 23 (+5 from Edifice Security, +3 from Operating System)
Admin: Int + Computer 8 (Rote Action 9-again), Wit + Computer 8 (Rote Action 9-again)
    • Custom Reuters Operating System •••
    • Complex 128 bit Cryptograpy •••
    • Financial Transfer Database •••••
    • ••••

  • State-of-the-Art Data Fortress (equivalent to 140 XP)
Equipment Modifiers: Computer +6, other Mental Skills +6, Online Research +6
Network: ••••• (+3)
Security Setup: 23 (+5 from Edifice Security, +3 from Operating System)
Admin: Int + Computer 11 (Rote Action 9-again), Wit + Computer 11 (Rote Action 8-again)
    • Custom Operating System •••
    • Complex 128 bit Encryption •••
    • Database •••
    • Defensive Agent •••
    • Tracer Agent ••••
    • Honeypot Database with Virus •••

  • Virtual Adept Data Sanctum (equivalent to 170 XP)
Equipment Modifiers: Computer +8, other Mental Skills +8, Online Research +8
Network: ••••• (+3)
Security Setup: 20 (+2 from Sanctum Security, +3 from Operating System)
Supernatural Admin: Int + Computer 12 (Rote Action 8-again), Wit + Computer 11 (Rote Action 9-again)
    • Custom Arcantric Operating System •••••
    • Arcantric Database ••••• (Virtual Scriptorium Depth 2, Prime, Forces, Matter)
    • Arcantric Simulator •••••
    • Arcantric Defensive Agent ••••

Computer Rules


Dice Pool: Int + Computer + equipment vs (System Security or Int + Computer + equipment)
Action: Extended and contested (5-10+ successes; each roll represents 30 min)

The hacker needs to accumulate a number of successes equal to the network's basic security setup. The sysadmin (if any) needs to accumulate a number of successes equal to the hacker's Int + Computer to kick him out of the system.

Roll Results:

  • Dramatic Failure: kicked out of the network and can't access again for 24 hours. If sysadmin contests task, make another Int + Computer roll to determine if admin manages to trace hacker / hacker brushes aside admins efforts and penetrates network.
  • Exceptional Success: Your character has found vulnerability he can exploit; one-dice (cumulative) bonus to subsequent rolls.


Dice Pool: Wit + Computer + equipment (- Proxy Servers)
Action: Extended (Intruders Int + Computer; each roll represents 10 min)

The Admin may only take a maximum of rolls equal to the number of the intruder's rolls.

Roll Results:

  • Dramatic Failure: Admin gets wrong location.
  • Exceptional Success: Admin gets region of log-in; when intruder comes online again and scores and exceptional sucess Admin gets to know exact location.

Encrypting or Decrypting Data

Dice Pool: Int + Investigation or Computer
Action: Extended (5+ successes dependent on volume of information, each roll represents 30 min.)

Ciphers count as a kind of “information armor” when it comes to uncovering the underlying message. A simple homespun code such as a Caesar cipher (no Cost) subtracts one success from attempts to uncover the information, standard computer cryptography programs (Res •••) substract two, and top-of-the-line military technology (Res •••••) substracts three successes from the attacker’s attempt — and can’t be cracked without time and powerful computers.

Roll Results:

  • Dramatic Failure:
  • Exceptional Success:

Possible Penalties: Bureaucratic Communication (-1), Military Code (-2), Obscure Information (-4)

Coding Programs

Dice Pool: Int + Computer + equipment
Action: Extended (5+ successes, each roll represents 30 min.)

Basic Program Setup: Pow: 1, Fin: 1, Res: 1; Rank 1; Influence [] ••, Size 2; distribute 5 points between Pow, Fin and Res, choose Influence and a funtional effect for the Program (see Generic Programs for examples).

Additional Successes can be used for increases in Pow, Fin and Res on a one by one basis, three successes can imbue additional Special Functions (Numina), five additional successes can increase the Programs Rank by one.

Roll Results:

  • Dramatic Failure:
  • Exceptional Success:

Suggested Equipment: High-performance computer (+1 to +3), broadband Internet access (+1), disk of scripts (+2), system passwords (+3) Possible Penalties: Outdated computer system (-2), slow Internet connection (-3)