Alien: The Arrival

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Brainstorming Media: Akte X, Alien, Predator, Alien vs Predator, Species, Dreamcatcher, Hellraiser, Grey, Rosswell, UFO (1970'er Serie), Men in Black, Mars Attacks, Die Dreibeinigen Herrscher, Krieg der Welten, Stargate, Total Recall, Marvel Secret Wars (Comic Miniseries), Homeworld (Bücher odr Textadventures)

NWoD References: Gray Traveler (MtA Summoners p.31), Clones (PtC Strange Alchemies p.), The Creature (WoD Dogs of War p.), Living Web (WoD Antagonists p.)


  • Abducted: (Implanted or Infected); like Hithishu Spirit-Urged;
  • Abyss
  • Abyssal Intruder:
  • Alien:
  • Ancient:
  • Amalgam: Alien/Human, Alien/Animal or Alien/Artifact Hybrid; like Duguthim Spirit-Claimed; add Pow/Fin/Res to Attributes; Power Stat: Synthesis
  • Biotech:
  • Brood:
  • Gray (plur: Grey):
  • Hyperspace:
  • Hypertech:
  • Species:
  • UFO:
  • Verge:
  • Xenoid:



Aliens evolved into a state where their natural habitat is a portion of the immaterial realm humanity calls the Shadow. The Numen Hyperjump is used by all five alien species for travel between various realms connected by Hyperspace.

Interstellar Hyperspace (Supernal Realms) -> Abyss -> Intersolar Hyperspace (Shadow, contains 10 planetary realms) -> Planetary Hyperspace (Earth, Twilight, 7th realm)

First Stop in Solar Realm after Abyss is a Station in the Kuiper-Belt beyond the orbit of pluto

Hyperjumps must be calculated

Hyperspace Travel Story Seeds

  • Descencion along Planetary Courts
  • Path across Abyss ?

Why the Aliens can't (or just won't) invade Asgard

Although Aliens mechanicaly function as spirits they do not necessarily share the same state of existence. Stelar Hyperspace may share some qualities with the Shadow Realm in that it is surrounded by the Abyss, and ends in terestrial Planetary Hyperspace that is separated from Stellar Hyperspace (identic to earth's Twilght reflection) by the Gauntlet. Not only earth has a Planetary Hyperspace but all stellar Bodies of our solar system, which in turn are inhabited by alien forms of life, (which are known to the mages and shamans of human and metahuman society as spirits of the planetary courts) that are paradigmaticaly compatible enough to interact with the aliens of the five species, although seldomly in a peaceful manner.

The Great Incident

The history of al five Species traces back to the great Hyperspace Incident which ripped open the Abyss.

The Ancients theoretisize that some of them are older than others and suspect that the 'younger' Ancients could be the ones responsible for the Incident. No one knows for sure. The Great Incident created some kind of fallout that erased the memory of the entire species, which made a distinction between 'older' and 'younger' ancient impossible.

The Great incident cut the free evolutionary path of the Brood. Before the Incident their Hive Fleets travelled the reaches of Primal Wyld in the search of the the secrets of evolution.

The Great Fleets of the Gray just arrived from beyond time in Hyperspace when the Great Incident happened, which trapped them in temporal linearity.

The Xenoid claim to come from different Homeworlds, that where eradicated during the Great Incident. Only the few of their species that travelled trough Hyperspace survived the cataclysm.

The Philadelphia Experiment

The first human experiments with a Hyperdrive retroengineered from captured alient technology went horribly wrong.

The human scientist, inexperieced with hyperspace calculations, programmed the wrong coordinates intontheir Hyperdrive and the Ship was warped directly into the Abyss.

Character Generation

  • Step 1: Create Alien
    • Choose Species
    • Note Rank (2)
    • Select Attributes
    • Choose Influences (either two from Species, Subspecies, or Convent)
    • Choose Numina (one from Species, one from Subspecies, one from Convent or free choice for Renegade)
    • Determine Advantages
    • Determine Starting Essence
    • Determine Ban
  • Step 2: Create Amalgam
  • Step 3: Synthesize Alien Amalgamation
    • Record Power Stat: Synthesys
    • Select Aspects (7)

Merits: Alien Merits, Mutations (Ridden Aspects), Psionic Merits

Don't they really have Bodies ?

Ok, Aliens may mechanicaly work like spirits, but most of them really are of more substance than the conceptual beings dwelling in the Shadow reflection of the world. (The most Brood, Grey and Xenoids are Cryptids contrary to Abysals and Ancients (, with the exceptions of Ascended exemplars of their species))

Lets face it: to have a fully corporeal material body sucks if you want to move at relativistict speeds. Therefore most Alien Species have shed their truely material forms, or maybe never developed ones in the first place, to be capable of movement trough Hyperspace.

Species (Origin Splat)

  • Abyssal Intruder
(Examples: Cthulloides, Cenobites, Galactus)
Influence: Nightmares (Fate, Mind)
Ban: must adhere to given Pact or Oath
Starting Numina: Corpse Ride, Siphon
Special: Speed Species Factor 5, Size 2 to 4, non-humanoid form,
Common Numina: Create Anomaly, Derange, Essence Conversion, Harrow, Soul Snatch
Common Amalgams: Most Abyssals are not able to claim living Amalgams, although they are (un-)nataraly able to posess human or animal corpses (Revenants), which are consumed over time by their unnatural presence, but within which they even have the capability of using their dark Numina.

Binding Vow, Chain of Death, Corpse Ride, Countermagic, Create Anomaly, Damnation's Path, Dead Eyes, Dead Skin, Dement, Derange, Discorporation, Drain, Emotional Aura, Empower Host, Ensnare, Fearstruck, Final Strike, Ghost Eater, Hallucinations, Harrow, Hibernate, Morphic Form, Plague of the Dead, Psychic Torment, Rapture, Regenerate, Sense Character, Sleep Eater, Soul Harvest, Spirit Minions, Spirit Venom, Tendrils, Terrify, Terrifying Change, Usurp Vice, Whisper Chorus, Zombify

  • Ancient
(Examples: Atlanteans, Gatebuilder-Ancients, Elder Gods, Vorlons)
Influence: Knowledge (Time, Prime)
Ban: may not leave material evidence when visiting Earth
Starting Numina: Mortal Mask, Versatile Energies
Special: Speed Species Factor 5, bonus equal to Rank; Size 2 to 4, non-humanoid form,
Common Numina: Electrical Posession, Immunity [Material Weapons], Lament, Manipulate Energy, Unaproachable
Common Amalgams: Ancients seldom use Amalgam bodies, in favour of a more indirect approach, sometimes machines or cybernetic humanoid Amalgams created by Hypertech are used to interact directly with humans or other alien visitors.

Chorus, Compulsion, Countermagic, Discorporation, Emotional Aura, Essence Conversion, Fearstruck, Firestarter, Force Barrier, Freeze, Gauntlet Control, Ghost Sign, Ghost Speech, Heal, Innocious, Immunity [Material Weapons] Lament, Magnetic Disruption, Manipulate Energy, Mechanical Posession, Mortal Mask, Pathfinder, Phantasm, Rapture, Sense Character, Speed, Spirit Minions, Spiritual Vision, Telepathy, Terrify, Unapproachable Vesatile Energies, Wilds Sense

  • Brood

The Hive-Fleets of the Brood float deep within the vast reaces of Hyperspace. Their ever changing and evolving Civilization is bred by powerful Hive Mothers, led by Synapts with mysterious Psi-abilities, formed by wounderous and hideous Mutagents, maintained by restless Drones and protected by ferocious Warriors.

(Examples: The Alien, Species, Bugs, Tyranids, Wraith)
Influence: Mutation (Life, Death)
Ban: must ensure survival and evolution of species
Starting Numina: Symbyosis, Transmogrify Victim
Special: Speed Species Factor 5, Size 1, bonus equal to Rank; non-humanoid form,
Common Numina: Camouflage, Hibernate, Tendrils, Trill, Sense Prey
Common Amalgams: The Brood readily infect ephemeral and corporeal beings alike with their offspring but are only capable of amalgamating themselves sybioticaly into a biological host body. Brood favour human or animal hosts that are large enough to hide their monstrous alien form and express some desired genetic quakity most ofte adequate to the individual brood's function within its hive.
  • Abyssals:
  • Ancients:
  • Grey: acceptable geneticians, but also potential Hosts, their cloned humans are very interesting...
  • Xenoid: good sources of genetic material, sometimes even usable as hosts.
  • Humans: one of the best imaginable hosts all troughout Hyperspace.
  • Changelings:
  • Mages:
  • Prometheans:
  • Shapechangers:
  • Vampires:

Animal Control, Camouflage, Chorus, Clasp, Drain, Empower Host, Ensnare, Fearstruck, Final Strike, Gauntlet Breach, Hibernate, Howl, Morphic Form, Pathfinder, Regenerate, Seek, Sense Character, Sense Prey, Speed, Spirit Venom, Spiritual Vision, Stalwart, Swarm Form, Telepathy, Tendrils, Trill, Wilds Sense

  • Gray
(Examples: Asgard, Companions, Eldar, Roswell-Aliens, X-Files)
Ban: must leave evidence of visit to Earth; can use Numina only with appropriate technological item
Influence: Travel (Space, Spirit)
Starting Numina: Amalgamate, Impossible Technologies
Special: Speed Species Factor 5, Size 3 or 4, humanoid form, one starting Influence +1 (max Rank +2)
Common Numina: Accelerate, Magnetic Disruption, Materialize, Platonic Element, Threshold
Common Amalgams: With their advanced hypertchnological means the Grey have a unique access to cloned human bodies for amalgamation, a process thoroughly researched and refined by them. They also amalgamate abducted humans sometimes for specific tasks, or to deeply infiltrate human society. Their Amalgams, either genuine abducted humans, or synthetic clones, are controlled by tiny cranial implants which symbiothesize the minds of alien and host.

Accelerate, Chorus, Claim, Compulsion, Force Barrier, Fortify Material, Freeze, Gauntlet Breach, Gauntlet Control, Hallucinations, Hibernate, Left-Handed Spanner, Magnetic Disruption, Mana Conversion, Mechanical Posession, Mortal Mask, Pathfinder, Platonic Element, Posession, Regeneration, Revelation, Sense Prey, Spirit Venom, Spiritual Vision, Telepathy, Threshold, Versatile Energies

  • Xenoid
(Examples: Tripods, Silicoids, Mars-Attacks-Aliens)
Influence: Telekinesis, (Forces, Matter)
Starting Numina: Posession, Telekinesis
Special: Speed Species Factor 5; Size 2 to 4, natural Armor equal to Rank, non-humanoid form, lack of either speech, capability to move or manipulate things with hands
Common Numina: Compulsion, Manipulate Elements, Mechanical Posession, Regenerate, Telepathy
Common Amalgams: Xenoids utilize both humans and machines as Amalgams. While most Xenoids prefer highly evolved artifical construt bodies as human guises, some like to experience the 'real deal' and ride real human bodies, if only for short times. Xenoids often feel a little awkward within their Amalgam bodies, that are capable of strange concepts like speech or direct physical interaction. They often move or behave clumsy, or talk in strange ways if unacustomed to.

Common Numina for all Species: Abduct, Blast, Fetter, Living Fetter, Material Vision, Reaching, Savant, Siphon, Spirit Prowess, Thieve,

Convents (Interest Splat)

  • Colonist Project (wollen Erde mehr oder minder friedlich kolonisieren; meist verfolgt jede Spezies ihr eigenes Kolonisationsprojekt mit ihren jeweiligen Mitteln und Absichten)
Influence: Colonisation
Ban of Power:
  • Conservationist Council (wollen Erde in ungestörtem Zustand erhalten, zumindest bis die Menschen von allein Interdimensionalreisen zu Stande bringen; beobachten und messen die Entwicklung der Erde und versuchen Alien-Einflüsse zu verhindern oder zu vertuschen)
Influence: Conservation
Ban of Power: Erase evidence of other aliens;
  • Invaders (wollen die Erde erobern und ihre Ressourcen ausbeuten, egal ob mineralisch, biologisch oder spirituell; meist einhergehend mit der totalen Unterwerfung der Menschheit)
Influence: Invasion
Ban of Power:
  • Recreationist Moveent (sehen Erde als Tourismusziel, Free-for-all Vergnügungspark oder Hinterweltlerplaneten mit dem ohnehin egal ist, was damit geschieht, solange man seinen Spass haben kann; hinterlassen gerne Kornkreise als planetare Graphiti)
Influence: Recreation
Ban of Power:
  • Hunter's Guild (Jagen auf der Erde, meist Menschen aus Sport oder Trieb, manchmal aber auch andere, auf die Erde geflohene Aliens für Kopfgeld oder Ehre; leben oft nach dem sogenannten "Hunter's Codex")
Influence: Hunt
Ban of Power: Hunt honorably;
  • Renegades (Aliens die sich gegen die Werte seiner Ursprunsgesellschaft gestellt haben. Sie kännen aufgrund eines begangenen Tabubruchs oder Verbrechens, oder auch aus freiem Entschluss seinem Ursprung den Rücken zuzukehren, nie mehr zu ihrer Spezies zurückehren. Oft werden Renegades von ihrer eigenen Spezies wie Vogelfreie gejagt, daher versuchen einige von ihnen auf die Erde zu fliehen)
Special: excange one of the starting Bans of the character's Species against the Ban to never return to the aliens society of origin.

Subspecies (Subsplat)

Abyssal Intruders

  • Accamoth
Additional Ban: must provide Investment powers to pactees
Numen: Astral Sojourn
  • Gulmoth
Additional Ban:
  • Idigam(oth)
Additional Ban:
  • Qlipoth
Additional Ban:
Numen: Transmogrify Victim


  • Empath
Additional Ban:
Numen: Sense Character
  • Logician
Additional Ban:
  • Pragmatist
Additional Ban:
  • Progressionist
Additional Ban: must always be active in some form
Numen: Versatile Energies
  • Verloren
Additional Ban:


  • Brood Mother
Additional Ban: must create offspring
  • Drone
Additional Ban: must work for Hive
  • Mutagent
Additional Ban: must seek out new evolutionary ways
Numen: extra Mutation (Aspect)
  • Synapt
Additional Ban:
Numen: Chorus
  • Warrior
Additional Ban: may never surpress primal instincts
Numen: Regeneration


  • Companion
Size: 4
Additional Ban:
  • Eldritch
Size: 4
Additional Ban:
  • Predator
Size: 4
Additional Ban: Hunter's Codex
Numen: Sense Prey
  • Traveler
Size: 3
Additional Ban:


  • Psylon
Additional Ban:
Numen: Psionic Merit
  • Silicoid
Additional Ban:
  • Trinid
Size: 4
Additional Ban:
  • '
Additional Ban:

New Merits

  • Abducted Retainer (•• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Living Fetter Numen
Effect: Von Außerirdischen Entführte und implantierte oder infizierte Menschen, die dem Character dienen.
  • Alien Artifact (•••+, special)
Prerequisites: none
Effect: UFO*s, Dimensionstore, Strahlenwaffen, Gray-Tech, Dinge aus den Tiefen des Abyss (Hellraiser-Würfel !!!) oder lebendiges Bio-Equipment (gute alte Bohrkäfrschleuder... ;-)).
  • Animal Amalgam (• to •••)
  • Clone Amalgam (• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Gray Amalgam
Effect: Character verfügt über (Rating) Anzahl künstlich gezüchteter humanoider Klonkörper mit identischen Werten. Menschliche Klone können leicht Amalgamiert werden (kein contested roll), leider haben sie aber noch immer kleine Fehler (mild Derangement) und sind aufgrund ihres Schnellwachstums nur von kurzer Lebensdauer.
  • Cybernetic Amalgam (••• or ••••)
Effect: Artificial representation of the character; either as fully digital AI (•••), or in some form of cybernetic body (••••)
  • Cybernetic Retainer (••• or ••••)
Effect: Artificial Spirit Retainer; either a fully digital AI (•••), or some kind of robot with an independent cybernetic body (••••)
  • Mutation (• to •••••)
Prerequisites: Xenoid Amalgam
Effect: Veränderungen am Wirtskörper. (dargestellt durch Ridden-Aspects)
  • UFO (•• to •••••+, special)
Prerequisites: none
Effect: Der Character hat eine mobile Basis auf der Erde, von der aus er seine Ankunft vorbereiten, oder zu der er zurückkehren kann, um einige Zeit in seiner natürlchen Form zu verbringen, Körper und andere Ausrüstung lagern, reparieren oder herstellen kann und vieles mehr. Manche Aliens teilen sich ein UFO um ihre Resouren gemeinsam effektiver nutzen zu können. Oft versteckte Landungskapseln, abgestürzte UFO's, oder (als Radioantennenturm ;-)) getarnte Raumschiffe, aber auch ganze Koloniestützpunkte oder Hives. (standard Stronghold-Faktoren, immer Portable, ein dot pro zusätzlich eingebautem Alien Artefakt [Hyperantrieb, Bordgeschützen, Stasiskapseln, etc])
  • Verge (* to •••••)
Prerequisites: none
Effect: Der Charakter kennt, und kontrolliert evtl, einen regelmäßigen Zugang zum Shadow. Verges sind von Supernaturals aller arten umkämpfte und sehr begehrte Orte. Manche Verges, in der Form von Wurmlöchern oder Abyssal Rifts, führen direkt zu den Herkunftsorten der Aliens. Je höher das Rating, desto häufiger ist er geöffnet. *: einmal im Jahr für wenige Tage, **: einmal alle drei Monate für zwei Tage, ***: einmal pro Monat für einen Tag und eine Nacht, ****: einmal pro Woche für eine Nacht oder einen tag, *****: jeden Tag zu einer bestimmten Stunde

Alien Technologies


  • Accelerator Device (••• to •••••)
Dur: *, Siz: 2, SL: *
Numina: Accelerate, Spirit Prowess, Regeneration
  • Beam Weapon (••• to ••••• •)
Dur: *, Siz: 1, SL: *
Numina: Blast, Freeze, Magnetic Disruption, Force Barrier

Typische Außerirdische Waffen, wie Laserpistolen, Phaser, Gauss-Gewehre oder andere Strahlenwaffen.

  • Dimensional Engine (••• to ••••• •)
Dur: *, Siz: 4, SL: *
Numina: Abduct, Gauntlet Breach, Gauntlet Control, Thief

Gerät, daß Gauntlet-durchquerungen möglich macht. Standard-Antrieb eines UFO's

  • Dimensional Gate (••• to ••••• ••)
Dur: *, Siz: 6, SL: *
Numina: Abduct, Gauntlet Control, Reaching, Thief, Threshold

Statt UFO's gibt es auch sationäre Tore zwischen den Welten. Muss auf einem entsprechenden Locus oder in einer Verge errichtet werden, um zu funktionieren.

  • Essence Capacitator (••• to ••••• •••)
Dur: *, Siz: 1-5, SL: *
Numina: none

Gerät zum speichern von Essenz. Jeder zusätzliche Dot gibt 5 punkte Essenz, die das Gerät speichern kann und erhöht die Size des Gerätes um eins. Oft integriert in UFO's, aber es gibt auch kleine, tragbare Versionen (Sizte 1-3), die bis zu 15 punkte Essenz halten können.

  • Hibernation Chamber (••• to ••••)
Dur: *, Siz: 5, SL: *
Numina: Hibernate, Regeneration

In einer Kälteschlafkammer werden menschliche (Klon-)Körper aufbewahrt. Bei Hyperraumflügen oder langen aufenthalten im Hyperraum würden menschliche Körper Schaden nehmen, daher müssen Außerirdische darauf achten, daß ihre Beute oder künstliche Körper zum unerkannten Aufenthalt auf der Erde sicher aufbewahrt sind. Wird meist in UFO's oder andere Basen integriert aufgrund der nicht unerheblichen Grösse derartiger Maschinen.

  • Hyperspace Beacon (•••)
Dur: *, Siz: 3, SL: *
Numina: Reaching

Ein Gerät, daß es Außerirdischen ermöglicht bestimmte Numina durch eine Dimensionale Barriere wie den Gürtel hindurch zu wirken. Wird auch benötigt um Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen Hyperraum-Realms (z.B. vom Mars-Hyperraum zum Erd-Hyperraum) zu betreiben.

  • Implant (••• to ••••• •)
Dur: *, Siz: 0, SL: *
Numina: Chorus, Spirit Prowess, Psychic Torment, Telepathy

Implantierte nanotechnologische Geräte. Vom Grey-Standard Implantat, daß zum taggen Entführter benutzt wird, bis hin zu speziellen, körperverbessernden Technologien.

  • Imlantation Probe (••• to ••••• •)
Dur: *, Siz: 1, SL: *
Numina: Living Fetter, Psychic Torment, Spirit Venom, Siphon

Gerät zum chirurgischen einsetzen von Implantaten; sieht in ausgefahrenem Zustand aus, wie ein Eispickel; wird von manchen Huntern als einzige Waffe verwendet.

  • Primium Component (••)
Dur: *, Siz: 0, SL: *
Numina: Platonic Element
Essence to maintain real: none

Other Grey Technology may be built out of Primium Components; 2 components congretate into a Size 1 oject, 5 components into Size 2, 10 components into Size 3, 20 into Size 4, 40 into Size 5, and so on; One Primium Component is equivalent to 1 Essence, Corpus, or Willpower in a Versatility Engine.

  • Telepathic Device (••• to ••••• ••••)
Dur: *, Siz: 2, SL: *
Numina: Halucinations, Posession, Psychic Torment, Telepathy, Revelation, Animal Control, Compulsion
  • Unitool (••• to ••••• •••)
Dur: *, Siz: 1, SL: *
Numina: Fetter, Left-Handed Spanner, Mechanical Posession, Fortify Material, Magnetic Disruption, Thief
  • Versatility Engine (••• to •••••)
Dur: *, Siz: 4, SL: *
Numina: Versatile Energies, Platonic Element, Mana Coversion
  • Visor (••• to •••••)
Dur: *, Siz: 1, SL: *
Numina: Pathfinder, Spiritual Vision, Sense Prey


  • Symbiotic Armor
  • Organic Weapon
  • Black Oil
  • Clone Algam
  • Mutagen ()

Refined, extracted genetic material of humans, animals or Corpus of other Alien lifeforms. One batch of Mutagen equals 1 L Health Level or 1 Corpus dot of damage.

  • Mutation

Aspects; generated trough mutating alien procedures; a single mutation requires a sample of the desired quality and (Mutation Rating) batches of Mutagen.


  • Abyssal Kubus (•) (Satelite UFO)

Dur: *, Siz: 2, SL: , Acc: *, Safe Spe: - (- mph), Max Spe: - (- mph), Handling: -, Crew: 1*, Cover: none, Craft/Enchantment Pen: -2

Component Technologies: (0) Drop-Pod (deploys into Torture Suite 1),
  • Brood Spore-Pod (••) (Pod UFO)

Dur: *, Siz: 7, SL: , Acc: *, Safe Spe: - (- mph), Max Spe: - (- mph), Handling: , Crew: 1, Cover: full, Craft/Enchantment Pen: -2

Component Technologies: (1) Drop-Pod (deploys into Workshop 1), Cocoon (Hibernate)
  • Grey Saucer (•••) (Tiny UFO)

Dur: *, Siz: 12, SL: , Acc: 60, Safe Spe: 587 (400 mph), Max Spe: 1195 (815 mph), Handling: +4, Crew: 1+2, Cover: full, Craft/Enchantment Pen: -3

Component Technologies: (1) Atmospheric Drive (Gauntlet Breach), Computer Network 1
  • Xenoid Triangle (••••) (Small UfO)

Dur: *, Siz: 20, SL: , Acc: 50, Safe Spe: 1027 (700 mph), Max Spe: 2200 (1500 mph), Handling: +2, Crew: 1+4, Cover: full, Craft/Enchantment Pen: -4

Component Technologies: (2) Atmospheric Drive (Gauntlet Breach), Sensors (Seek), Tractor Beam (Telekinesis)
  • Ancient Starbird (•••••) (Small UFO)

Dur: *, Siz: 25, SL: , Acc: 40, Safe Spe: 1195 (815 mph), Max Spe: 2735 (1700 mph), Handling: +1, Crew: 1+6, Cover: full, Craft/Enchantment Pen: -5

Component Technologies: (3) Atmospheric Drive, Hyperdrive (Gauntlet Breach), Beam Weapons (Blast), Sensors (Seek)
  • Abyssal Shadowship (••••• •) (Medium UFO)

Dur: *, Siz: 30, SL: , Acc: 30, Safe Spe: - (- mph), Max Spe: - (- mph), Handling: 0, Crew: 2+8, Cover: full, Craft/Enchantment Pen: -6

Component Technologies: (3) Atmospheric Drive, Hyperdrive (Gauntlet Breach), Anomaly Generator (Create Anomaly), Beam Weapons (Blast)
  • Ancient Phoenix (••••• ••) (Medium UFO)

Dur: *, Siz: 40, SL: , Acc: 30, Safe Spe: - (- mph), Max Spe: ( mph), Handling: 0, Crew: 2+20, Cover: full, Craft/Enchantment Pen: -7

Component Technologies: (4) Hyperdrive (Gauntlet Breach), Astral Drive (Astral Sojourn), Sensors (Seek), Versatility Engine (Versatile Energies), Ancient Knowledge Database (Savant)
  • Xenoid Warship (••••• •••) (Large UFO)

Dur: *, Siz: 60, SL: , Acc: 20, Safe Spe: ( mph), Max Spe: ( mph), Handling: -2, Crew: 3+50, Cover: full, Craft/Enchantment Pen: -9

Component Technologies: (4) Hyperdrive (Gauntlet Breach), Beam Weapons (Blast), Shield Generators (Force Barrier), Tractor Beam (Telekinesis), Transporter Beam (Materialize)
  • Brood Hiveship (••••• ••••) (Huge UFO)

Dur: *, Siz: 100, SL: , Acc: 10, Safe Spe: ( mph), Max Spe: ( mph), Handling: -4, Crew: 5+100, Cover: full, Craft/Enchantment Pen: -13

Component Technologies: (4) Hyperdrive (Gauntlet Breach), Archive [Genetic Samples], Biological Weapons (Blast), Sentient Ship (Spiritual Minion), Cocoons (Hibernate)
  • Grey Mothership (••••• •••••) (Gigantic UFO)

Dur: *, Siz: 150, SL: , Acc: 10, Safe Spe: ( mph), Max Spe: ( mph), Handling: -6, Crew: 10+500, Cover: full, Craft/Enchantment Pen: -18

Component Technologies: (5) Hyperdrive (Gauntlet Breach), Beam Weapons (Blast), Central-Control-AI (Spiritual Minion), Transporter Beam (Materialize), Workshop [Cloning, Hypertech]


  • Alien Abduction

Why do Aliens come to Earth ? What do they want in our material world ? The answer is rather complex and depends on both the aliens species and its affiliation with one of the Convents as well as multitude of other factors. For some Aliens the material Realm of earth represents an irresistable curiosity, a trait they share with most intrasolar- and earthbound spirits. It contains a myriad of phenomena to be studied, used or abused, among which human beings are ceartainly the most interesting to all of the five alien species. The Abyssals revel in their hatred for all material beings, yet they need human guises to interact in the material realm to orchestrate its downfall and human souls to feed on. They also enjoy the sensations of torturing or corrupting humans for whatever twisted reason they may have. The Ancients belive that some of their kind evolved from humanoid creatures into energetic-spiritual beings eons ago and therefore take interest in humanity. They initiated the formation of the Coservationist Council to give humanity a chance to evole and eventually ascend, but also to study, measure and test their evolutionar potential for their own means. Earth represents a very rich source of genetic material for the Brood alltogether. They also need material hosts to procreate. Humans have proven an ideal host body and are therefore highly regarded and requested by Hives of all kinds. Some Grey, not unlike the Ancients, belive that humanity is some kind of atavistic version of their own species, or that they share some kind of common ancestor. Since the Grey only reproduce trough Cloning their genetic code has degenerated. They try to infuse their species with live trough the use of human genetic material. Grey Scientist experiment with humans for quite some time now and have accumulated vast genetic databases from which they are able to clone human bodies that become Amalgamated, or sometimes reinserted into human society without a directly controlling alien conciousness to perform preprogramed tasks. The Agenda towards Earth and humanity for the Xenoids is almost as diverse as their many Subspecies. Some study humans out of scientific curiosity, others hunt and abduct humans for profit, sport or for their own special means, still others buy or even collect humans as potential Amalgams, slaves, or just as prestigios display subjects for their menageries. From the perspective of the Abducted this is most often a horrible experience regardless of which species of Alien is actually responsible. The Subject is suddenly kidnaped from his ordinary life by a spaceship, a strange light wich could have been a teleporter- or tractor-beam, or directly by a strange alien creature. Then he gets probed, tested, tortured, or worse even eaten by the alien. Those that survive this disturbing experience and are returned are most often entirely changed people. Some react frightened and never tell of their abduction, from fear of being ridiculed or appearing insane, but retain a form of deep seated paranoia. Others tell of their experience, some even organize in groups of like-minded individuals. Some start to behave irrationaly after their abduction, sometimes to the point that they cannot be recognized even by their closest family or friends.

Lost Time The reports of abductees agree on little facts but one common phenomenon is the loss of time. As the human body is brought into Hyperspace, where time has not the same meaning as in the material realm, it does not age normaly and is often under some form of alien mind-control or unconcious. Chronometers dont function properly either and stop while in Hyperspace.

  • The Mystery of Origin

All five Alien Species agree that clues that reveal some of the secrets of their own existence may be hidden on earth. (see primitive Alien Organisms) Each species even has some heretics among them that brought up ridiculous theories, that the individual species may have originated from the primitive material realm of earth.

Some Ancients theoretisize that they once also where corporeal entities that ascended into a state of pure energy. When the Ancients heard the Mages stories of Atlantis, a few of them thought it possible they could have been those Atlanteans that ascended before or during the great cataclysm of the Incident, whis in itsself shares a lot of ele,ents with the story of the first great human civilizations downfall.

Some Grey scientists can imagine that earth may be their lost home planet the Grey left millions of human years ago to travel the vast reaches of Hyperspace

The Brood and Xenoid may also have originated on earth during the pre-human aeras as concurring products of evolution.

Some earth occultists theroetisize about the seemingly non-existent spirits of the planets beyond saturn, the ongoings in the asteroid belt and the similarities between Helions and the few encountered Ancients.

Alien Relics Alien Relics that point towards the mysteries of Origin have been found in the arctic circle, in the middle of deserts or jungles, or hidden deep underwater in unknown reaches. Some Alien Relics may even be encountered in secret bases hidden insde the asteroid belt or on the outer planets, which are mysteriously devoid of indigenous spiritual life.

  • Alien Invasion

Homeworld Defense; Motherships

  • Secret Wars

Alien vs. Alien, Alien vs. Spirt, Alien vs. Human (Stargate, X-Files). Most often a variant of Alien Invasion, but with a much more covered approach

Sample Characters



  • Grey Traveler
Pow: 3     Fin: 6    Res: 3
Rank: 2
Influences: Travel 4
Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power, Abduct (UFO), Fetter (Unitool), Living Fetter (Implantation Probe), Pathfinder (Visor), Spiritual Vision (Visor), Thief (Unitool)
Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technological item.
Ini Mod:     9    Size:     3    Speed: 12 (F3)
Unarmed:     9 B     
Probe:     10 L    
Defense:    6        Armor: -/-
Corpus (6): 
Willpower (6):
Essence (15): 
  • Grey Technician
Pow: 3     Fin: 6    Res: 3
Rank: 2
Influences: Travel 2, Technology 2
Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power, Fetter (Unitool), Fortify Material (Unitool), Left-Handed Spanner (Unitool), Magnetic Disruption (Unitool), Mechanical Posession (Unitool), Platonic Element (Versatility Engine)
Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technological item.
Ini Mod:     9    Size:     3    Speed: 12 (F3)
Unarmed:     9 B     
Unitool:     8 L
Defense:    6        Armor: -/-
Corpus (6): 
Willpower (6):
Essence (15): 
  • Grey Telepath
Pow: 4     Fin: 5    Res: 3
Rank: 2
Influences: Travel 2, Arcanum [Mind] 2
Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power, Animal Control (Telepahic Device), Chorus (Implant), Compulsion (Telepahic Device), Hallucinations (Telepahic Device), Posession (Telepathic Device), Telepathy (Implant)
Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technological item.
Ini Mod:     9    Size:     3    Speed: 12 (F3)
Unarmed:     9 B     
Probe:     10 L    
Defense:    6        Armor: -/-
Corpus (6): 
Willpower (6):
Essence (15): 
  • Grey Scientist
Pow: 4     Fin: 6    Res: 2
Rank: 2
Influences: Travel 2, Dimensional Science 2
Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power, Gauntlet Breach (Dimensional Engine), Gauntlet Control (Dimensional Engine), Platonic Element (Versatility Engine), Reaching (Dimensional Engine), Spiritual Vision (Dimensional Engine), Versatile Energies (Versatility Engine)
Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technological item.
Ini Mod: 10        Size:     3    Speed: 13 (F3)
Combat 1:          
Combat 2:         
Defense:    6        Armor: -/-
Corpus (5): 
Willpower (8):
Essence (15): 
  • Grey Bounty Hunter
Pow: 3     Fin: 5    Res: 4
Rank: 2
Influences: Travel 2, Hunt 2
Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power x2, Abduct (UFO), Accelerate (Acceleration Device), Sense Prey (Visor), Spirit Prowess (Acceleration Device), Blast (Beam Weapon), Freeze (Beam Weapon)
Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technolofical item; Grey Bounty Hunters adhere to the 'Codex', a special code of Honor never to end a Hunt until the Contract is solved.
Ini Mod:     8    Size:     3    Speed: 11 (F3)
Unarmed:     8 B     
Beam W.:     10 L
Defense:    5        Armor: 4
Corpus (7): 
Willpower (8):
Essence (15): 
  • Grey Renegade
Pow: 3     Fin: 5    Res: 4
Rank: 2
Influences: Travel 3, Deception 1
Numina: Impossible Technologies, Ban of Power, Abduct (UFO), Blast (Beam Weapon), Siphon (Implantation Probe), Spirit Venom (Implantation Probe), Spirit Prowess (Implant), Thief (UFO)
Ban: Grey must leave evidence of visit in Material Realm; Grey cannot use other Numina without an appropriate technological item.
Ini Mod:     8    Size:     3    Speed: 11 (F3)
Unarmed:     9 B     
Probe:     10 L    
Defense:    5        Armor: 4
Corpus (7): 
Willpower (8):
Essence (15):


  • Monitor 310 (Ancient Progressionist Conservationist)

AI Amalgam

  • Dodge Ram (Grey Predator Hunter)

Clone Amalgam

  • Uatu the Watcher (Trinid Psionic Recreationist)


  • (Brood Mutant Colonist)

Infected Amalgam

  • (Abyssal Qlipoth Invader)

Revenant Amalgam

Other Alien Lifeforms

  • Silicon-Based Mycelium

The myclium is an eon-old, semi-sentint biological weapon sometimes found in glassy-looking remains in primordial, extreme temperature zones (Volcanoes, Glaciers). The first one who analyzes the alien relic is infected by enclosed microscopic spores of the mycelium. The mycelium grows wihin the lungs of the infected host body, where it leaves dusty remains of its metabolization of gases and portions of the hosts tissue and erupts after a period of X days to spred new spores. right before that it tries to ensures that its host is near other organisms to infect.

Pow:      Fin:         Res:
Ini Mod:         Size:         Speed: 
Combat 1:          
Combat 2:         
Defense:            Armor:    
Corpus (): 
Willpower ():
Essence (): 
  • Helion Searing (Intrasolar Planetary Spirit)
  • Ynix of Mars (Intrasolar Planetary Spirit)

Human Antagonists

  • Mortal Alien Hunter (Redneck)
  • Lunar Alien Hunter (Werewolf)