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Revision as of 23:07, 18 August 2014 by (talk) (Charakterbogen)
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Race: Human
Allignment :CG
Class: Rouge (Scout/Swashbukler)

Lv: 7
HP: 63 (7d8+21)

Str:23 (23)
Dex:16 (16)
Con:16 (14)
Int: 8 (8)
Wis: 8 (8)
Cha: 8 (8)

Skills (Mod):

[21 unspent]
Acrobatics         :11=c 3(Dex)+ 4 Ranks +1 Daring
Appraise           :  =c-1(Int)+ 4 Ranks 
Bluff              :  =c  (Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Climb              :13=c 6(Str)+ 4 Ranks
Craft ()           :  =c  (Int)+  Ranks
Diplomancy         :  =c  (Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Disable Device     :10=c 3(Dex)+ 4 Ranks
Disguise           :  =c  (Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Escape artist      :10=c 3(Dex)+ 4 Ranks
Handle Animal      :  =   (Cha)+ 0 Ranks  
Heal               :  =   (Wis)+ 0 Ranks
Intimidate         :  =c  (Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Knowlege()         :  =   (Int)+ 0 Ranks
Perception         : 6=c-1(Wis)+ 4 Ranks
Perform            :  =   (Cha)+ 0 Ranks
Profession         :  =   (Wis)+ 0 Ranks
Ride               :  =   (Dex)+ 0 Ranks
Sense Motive       :  = -1(Wis)+ 0 Ranks 
Spellcraft         :  =   (Int)+ 0 Ranks 
Sleight of Hand    :10=c 3(Dex)+ 4 Ranks
Stealth            : 9=c 3(Dex)+ 4 Ranks 
Survival           :  = -1(Wis)+ 0 Ranks 
Swim               :  =   (Str)+ 0 Ranks
Use Magic Device   :  =   (Cha)+ 0 Ranks


Lvl1: Dodge
Human :Mobility
Lvl 3: Power Attack
Weapon Training : Weapon focus Greatsword
Lvl 6: Spring Attack
Combat Trick 1:Furious Focus
lvl 7: Combat expertise

To-get list
lvl8 vital stike lvl9 improved nat weapon lvl 11 lunge lvl 13 whirlwind lvl 14 second chance lvl 16 imp vital lvl 18 lvl 20 lvl 22 graeter vital


Sneak Attack 4d6 
Martial Training
Scouts Charge
Rouge Tricks:
Weapon Training
Combat Trick
Bleeding Attack

saves : total = class + Ability + misc
Fort Save : 4 = 2  +2
Ref Save  : 8 = 5  +3   
Will Save : 1 = 2  -1
Initiative:  3       
Speed:  30ft.        

Armor Class: 19 = 10  +3Dex +5Armor +1 dodge
      Touch: 14 = 10  +3Dex +1dodge
Flat-footed: 15 = 10  +5Armor

BAB: +5 
Meele-AB:  +11 = +5 +6      
Ranged-AB:  = 

Mwk Greatesword +13 (2d6+9+6Power Attack/19-20x2) (3d6 sneak)

Armor: Studded Leather Armor +2 
Armor Bonus:   +5
Max Dex Bonus:  3
Check penalty:  -2
Spell Failure:  0%

Wolf form
Special Attacks
 breath weapon (every 1d4 rounds, 15-ft. cone, 6d6 cold damage, Reflex half DC 17)

Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Stealth (+8 in snow), +2 Survival
Immune cold
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire

Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite +11 (1d8+9 plus 1d6 cold and trip)
Melee bite +11 (1d8+9 +6+1d6 cold and trip (power attack)) 
Armor Class: 24 = 10  +3Dex +3Armor +1dodge +7Natural
      Touch: 14 = 10  +3Dex +1dodge
Flat-footed: 20 = 10  +3Armor +7 Natural